At a Glance
4h 47m 36s
Total Combat Time
3h 55m 29s
Total Thunder Damage to Predathos
HP Over the Episode
Note that these numbers are best-effort based on incomplete data. For more details of our HP tracking this episode, including the raw numbers, see C3E120: Hit points over time.
A Titty Tradition
- Tricking the peacekeepers (C3E003 03:06:28)
- Intimidating Ira (C3E011 00:21:21)
- Streaking through the forest (C3E041 04:02:15)
- Filming a porn in the basement (C3E044 00:32:33)
- Imogen has lightning titties (C3E052 02:44:24)
- Deni$e has her cleavage out pt. 1 (C3E062 01:43:10)
- Deni$e has her cleavage out pt. 2 (C3E063 00:48:51)
- Orym uses Druidcraft on his sheath (C3E088 01:47:46)
- Dorian searching for the Tempest (C3E093 02:49:07)
- Dorian’s new fit (C3E096 01:14:54)
- Binding Delilah (C3E103 00:36:49)
- Showing Delilah to Vox Machina (C3E104 01:06:31)
- Brand of Castigation on Fearne (C3E107 00:19:17)
- Preparing to get into the blood pool(C3E109 01:24:49)
- Fjord didn’t used to dress like this (C3E111 02:26:54)
- Chetney’s Demonshell Armor (C3E112 00:17:04)
- Zeroing in on Fjord’s outfit (C3E115 00:13:06)
- Braius inspires Fearne (C3E118 02:29:13)
- Convincing Braius (C3E120 01:41:30)
- Braius inspires Laudna (C3E120 01:46:03)
4h 4m 2s
Hit Points Gained from Level Up
Total Combat Time
3h 35m 59s
Predathos’s Known Abilities
- Oppressive Awareness
- Skein of the Golden Order
- Reaving Claw
- Exploit Fate
- Cerebral Shock Blight
- Telekinetic Vacuum
- Telekinetic Evisceration
- Chasm of Eager Darkness
- Touch of Piercing Winter
- Miracle Devour
4h 56m 58s
Total Combat Time
2h 19m 56s
Outstanding Outerwear
Known Spell Slot Levels Lost to the Neck Hole
At least 32*
~36% of a level 20 Wizard’s total of 89
*Ira’s d6 roll is unknown, but likely at least a 2 as Matt marked off a 2nd-level spell plus at least one additional
Percent Chance of Escaping the Void (DC 22)
Character | Str. Save Base Mod. | Straight | Adv. | Disadv. |
Laudna | -3 | 5.00% | 9.75% | 0.25% |
Fearne | -2 | 5.00% | 9.75% | 0.25% |
Imogen | -1 | 5.00% | 9.75% | 0.25% |
Dorian | +3 | 10.00% | 19.00% | 1.00% |
Chetney | +4 | 15.00% | 27.75% | 2.25% |
Orym | +5 | 20.00% | 36.00% | 4.00% |
Braius | +9 | 40.00% | 64.00% | 16.00% |
Ashton | +9 | 40.00% | 64.00% | 16.00% |
Nat 20s are considered a success for this saving throw.
Braius has an additional +4 to his base of +5 from Aura of Protection. Chetney and Ashton have advantage on Strength Saves while in hybrid form or raging.
4h 35m 21s
Total Combat Time
1h 59m 1s
PC Nat 20s
- Orym (00:22:55): Perception Check with advantage to anticipate problems and avoid soldiers
- Imogen (00:39:16): Deception Check with advantage to convince a Thought Eater that Fearne is her prisoner
- Ashton (00:54:08): Hammer attack with advantage on Avadon
- Braius (01:01:05): Athletics Check to shove Avadon
- Dorian (01:15:36): Perception Check to search for mycelium in the walls
- Ashton (01:28:42): Athletics Check to navigate down the slide
- Imogen (01:36:19): Perception Check to search for an exit to the cavern
- Fearne (01:48:13): Persuasion Check to convince the myceit hive mind to accept the Brood Pit
- Laudna (01:55:38): Acrobatics or Athletics Check to navigate down the slide
- Braius (02:47:51): Poison Pen attack on Exaltant
- Chetney (04:03:06): Strength Save with advantage against Imogen’s Whirlwind
- Braius (04:13:42): Dexterity Save against Imogen’s Whirlwind
Highest Damage Attack
Braius, 109
Just Some Myceit Noises
4h 45m 30s
Total KOs this Campaign
55 (check out our new KO/death data!)
Total Combat Time
3h 7m 42s
Betting Breakdown
Bet | Beau | Veth |
Whether Caleb would catch Yasha (in episode 115, he does) | +50gp | -50gp |
Who would roll a better investigation check (Veth with a 25) | -100gp | +100gp |
Whether Caleb would pass his investigation or survival check (failed with a nat 1) | +100gp | -100gp |
Whether Fjord would pass his perception or investigation check (passed with a 34) | +500gp | -500gp |
Whether Fjord would pass his perception check (passed with a 19) | +450gp | -450gp |
Whether anyone would go down (Caduceus does, counted despite Death Ward) | -1000gp | +1000gp |
Whether Veth could hit a target while blind (she does with Shocking Grasp and Blindsense) | -300gp | +300gp |
Whether Yasha would kill a member of the Weave Mind that round (she did) | +100gp | -100gp |
Who would kill more of the Weave Mind (neither of them killed any) | 0gp | 0gp |
Total | -200gp | 200gp |
4h 22m 30s
Total Combat Time
1h 15m 57s
“Gotta play to win”

4h 46m 44s
Total Combat Time
3h 54m 21s
Campaign 1 Superlatives (Courtesy of CritRoleStats and the Critical Role Wiki!)
Episodes with Most Combat Time (updated)
- 3h 54m 21s (C3E114 Fight for the Bloody Bridge)
- 3h 26m (C3E101 Downfall: Part Three)
- 2h 55m 44s (C3E061 Crisis of Faith)
- 2h 49m 27s (C3E028 The Deathwish Run)
- 2h 40m 58s (C3E091 True Heroism)
- 2h 25m 38s (C3E107 Under the Arch Heart's Eye)
- 2h 20m 39s (C3E070 Embattled in Bassuras)
- 2h 20m 10s (C3E067 Bloody Flowers)
- 2h 17m 10s (C3E093 Bittersweet Reunions)
- 2h 9m 57s (C3E092 Broken Roads)
4h 24m 50s
National Treasures

Vox Machina First Appearances in C3
- Keyleth: C3E035 04:28:53
- Percival de Rolo: C3E036 00:43:05
- Vex’ahlia: C3E036 01:01:53
- Pike Trickfoot: C3E036 01:09:42
- Vax’ildan: C3E051 04:03:35
- Grog Strongjaw: C3E103 03:38:42
- Cerkonos: C3E105 00:52:03
- Scanlan Shorthalt: C3E112 04:12:59
3h 32m 6s
Some Nein/Hells Highlights
- Chetney helps Caduceus cook
- Fjord and Caleb examine Ashton’s head
- Jester and Braius bond over art
- Veth and Braius dance
- Caleb gives Orym advice
- Laudna is rebuffed by Beau
- Jester feeds Dorian cake while he plays
- Ashton asks Yasha and Jester for help
- Fearne and Jester cause mischief
- Caleb meets his hero
- Fearne attempts to relieve Caleb of his egg
- Caduceus talks about faith with Braius
- Beau and Yasha try to pick up Imogen and Laudna
- Yasha does not forfeit to Braius
- Caleb talks to Imogen and Laudna about the possibilities ahead
4h 4m 17s
All Taverns Located in Titans’ Butts
- Shanks’ Cantina
Wanna Caleb Up or Beau Down on Mighty Nein Stats?
Sam’s Litter

4h 16m 45s
Just Some Gloamglut Noises
Total Modify Memory Attempts
8 (2 successful)
Shortest combats
- 1m 56s: C3E108 [Knocking Emissary Cashadoor back out]
- 8m 2s: C3E100 [Trapping the Celestial]
- 10m 26s: C3E053 [Umudara the Sentinel Beast]
- 12m 10s: C3E037 [Ghostly Tendrils]
- 13m 21s: C3E027 [Orym and Dusk spar]
- 14m 9s: C3E031 [Fresh Cut Grass (Hellcatch Valley Lab)]
- 14m 19s: C3E039 [Chetney Under Ruidus (Silver Sun)]
- 14m 32s: C3E085 [Mindcontrolled PVP (Ruidus)]
- 14m 36s: C3E056 [Flotket Alps Frost Giants]
- 14m 44s: C3E095 [Laudna and Ishta]
All Animal Handling Checks in Campaign 3
- Chetney, horses at the Rapid Path Stables, 16 [C3E017]
- Fearne, rabbit call, 11 [C3E017]
- Orym, rabbit call, 5 [C3E017]
- Ashton, Trinket and cubs, 14 [C3E036]
- Ashton, Eremad, 12 (or Insight) [C3E047]
- Fearne, 14, Umudara [C3E053]
- FRIDA 22, Deanna 23, FCG 34, Fearne 27, Umudara (or Persuasion) [C3E053]
- Deanna, pymon firebugs, 24 (initially Persuasion) [C3E054]
- Chetney, 8, Musky the goat [C3E055]
- Fearne, 25, goats [C3E056]
- Deni$e, 12, bunny for dinner [C3E062]
- Bor’Dor, 17, eidolon cougar [C3E062]
- Deni$e, hunting, 24 (or survival) [C3E062]
- FCG 12, Fearne 19, wuukors [C3E083]
- Laudna, nat 20, slither [C3E088]
- Whole party, spectral steeds (or Athletics/Acrobatics) [C3E106]
- Imogen, 20, Gloamglut [C3E107]
- Fearne, 18, Gloamglut [C3E107]
- Imogen, 12, Gloamglut [C3E108]
- Imogen, 13, Gloamglut [C3E108]
- Imogen, 25, Gloamglut [C3E108]
4h 27m 28s
Episodes with Most Combat Time
- 3h 26m (C3E101 Downfall: Part Three)
- 2h 55m 44s (C3E061 Crisis of Faith)
- 2h 49m 27s (C3E028 The Deathwish Run)
- 2h 40m 58s (C3E091 True Heroism)
- 2h 25m 38s (C3E107 Under the Arch Heart's Eye)
- 2h 20m 39s (C3E070 Embattled in Bassuras)
- 2h 20m 10s (C3E067 Bloody Flowers)
- 2h 17m 10s (C3E093 Bittersweet Reunions)
- 2h 9m 57s (C3E092 Broken Roads)
- 2h 4m 43s (C3E080 A Test of Trust)
Total Combat Time
2h 53m 30s
First Interactions with Gods
- The Wildmother (C3E041 04:05:37)
- The Changebringer (C3E042 02:17:44)
- The Dawnfather (C3E058 03:43:46)
- The Matron of Ravens (C3E065 03:00:47)
- The Spider Queen (C3E092 02:10:41)
- The Arch Heart (C3E107 03:29:56)
4h 8m 58s
Bell’s Hells Hounds, the Dogs of Campaign 3
- Simurghs (C3E001 01:00:05)
- Chetney (C3E011 01:22:40)
- Eremads (C3E047 01:10:09)
- The Wolf-King (C3E057 02:36:50)
- Laudna’s Hound of Ill Omen (C3E061 01:30:32)
- Avadons (C3E083 01:04:45)
- Slithers (C3E087 00:21:09)
- Aeorian Absorbers (C3E097 01:15:00)
- Galdric (C3E099 01:03:34)
- Asha (C3E099 02:05:35)
- Dog with human face (C3E106 02:44:51)
3h 52m 20s
Minutes it Took Matt to Notice the Dice Towers
Titles Bestowed by Keyleth
- Lady Fearne Calloway, Fey Scion of the Ancient Flame
- Laudna, Veil Mistress of the Shadow Tree
- Ashton the Reforged, Hammer of Paradox
- Chetney Pock O’Pea, High Hunter and Lupine Paragon
- Dorian Storm, Master Muse and Son of the Wind
- Imogen Temult, Exaltant Hope of the Red Storm
- Orym of the Air Ashari, Savior Blade of the Tempest
- Braius Doomseed, Nascent Might of the Platinum’s Call
4h 30m 24s
Kisses this Episode
7 (see our data)
Heaviest Hitters on this Flat Earth
- Grogory Strongjaw
- Pike Trickfoot
- Highbearer Vord
- Earthbreaker Groon
- High Hierophant Ophera
- Lieve’tel Toluse (and two other high wardens of the Duskmeadow)
- J’mon Sa Ord
- Empress Leylas Kryn
- Arcanist Allura Vysoren
- Lady Kima of Vord
- Queen Simone Fruunast and King Imathan Talviel of Uthodurn
- Keyleth
- Holy Curator Curtis Uleas
- Gavis Aranda of the Chandei Quorum
- General Tofor Brotoras
- Mythtaker Qi Mandozi
- Galtheid of the Ember Vigil
- Emissary Lord Zeddan Graf
- Marquis Zhafe Uludan
- Evoroa
- An unnamed representative of the Cerberus Assembly
- At least three dragons (including J’mon and a silver dragon)
- Vex’ahlia
3h 45m 52s
Laudna’s “Capables” to Date
25 (see our new capables page)
Total Mentions of Delilah
131 (see our new Delilah mentions page)
Total Members of Vox Machina Encountered
6 (we’re short one)
4h 16m 35s
3h 39m 57s
Total Combat Time
56m 13s
Spell Combo Highlights
- C3E005 03:02:06
- Laudna assists Fearne’s Thorn Whip while Imogen holds Witch Bolt
- 13 damage
Most recent
- C3E097 00:35:33
- Level 5 Lightnings from Dorian and Imogen
- 82 damage (41 with lightning resistance)
Most overkill
- C3E046 04:07:21
- Fearne’s Scorching Ray, Laudna’s Eldritch Blast, and Imogen’s Witch Bolt
- 66 damage
4h 1m 3s
Highest Checks per Campaign so Far
4h 36m 43s
Total confirmed money spent
24,397 gold, 1 silver
Episodes since last outfit change
Total PC Nat 20s for the Campaign
400 (That’s 202!)