The Omen Archive

NOTE: The below data excludes Downfall.

Total: 186

Episode Timestamp Description Mention type Notes
C3E012 Make It Fashion 02:33:16 Ela Lumas says the Duskmaven works in mysterious ways In world
C3E012 Make It Fashion 02:33:29 Matt tells the party that "Duskmaven" is the Marquesian name for the Matron of Ravens Above table
C3E012 Make It Fashion 02:41:01 Imogen reassures Ela Lumas that the Matron brought them together for a reason In world
C3E013 A Dance of Deception 03:07:38 On a successful religion check from Laudna, Matt tells the party that Ratanish is wearing a symbol of the Duskmaven Above table
C3E019 Omens Above 00:33:46 On a successful history check from Orym, Matt tells the party that the Matron of Ravens was rumored to be Ruidusborn Above table
C3E021 Fight at the Museum… 03:41:16 The cast debates whether or not horses have souls and suggest visiting a temple of the Raven Queen to find out Above table
C3E027 A Race for the Prize 02:28:04 Matt mentions that all of the Paragon's Call members are wearing Duskmaven pendants Above table
C3E028 The Deathwish Run 00:33:49 Matt mentions that the Paragon's Call members competing in the Deathwish Run are wearing Duskmaven pendants Above table
C3E032 A Stage Set 03:04:18 The party goes inside the Paragon's Call fortress and sees prominent Duskmaven decor (specifically a golden buzzard skull, a Marquesian cultural representation) in their main conference room Above table
C3E043 Axiom Shaken 03:06:25 Ebenold Kai tells Bell's Hells that Otohan Thull was once a pious follower of the Matron of Ravens but lost their faith sometime after the Apex War In world
C3E043 Axiom Shaken 03:28:29 Matt tells the party that the domains of Ethedok and Vordo, the eaten gods, were partially taken up by other gods; for instance, the Matron now covers winter and fate Above table
C3E043 Axiom Shaken 03:29:09 Liam confirms that Predathos was imprisoned long before the Matron ascended Above table
C3E044 Bawdy Basement Belligerence 03:18:02 Imogen asks the captured Ruby Vanguard mage what will happen to people after they die if Ludinus gets his way and the gods are gone In world
C3E045 Ominous Lectures 02:16:11 Ludinus tells Imogen and Fearne that the gods erected the Divine Gate not to protect humanity but to protect themselves, citing the Age of Arcanum broadly and the Matron specifically In world
C3E046 Night at the Ligament Manor 00:28:12 Nana Morri tells the party that she isn't a master of fates; that's the Matron. She can just sometimes tangle the skein. In world
C3E046 Night at the Ligament Manor 01:54:12 The party debates whether Ludinus or indeed anyone has a right to kill the gods, and Fearne clarifies that the Matron did it, so it seems like anyone can In world
C3E051 The Apogee Solstice 02:26:04 The party learns from a captured enemy guard at the solstice that the Call made everyone wear Duskmaven symbols as part of their attire In world
C3E051 The Apogee Solstice 04:35:52 After Matt calls the end of the episode, the cast clarifies what just happened, i.e. that the Champion of the Matron of Ravens got orbed Above table
C3E052 Far From The Others 02:51:06 Imogen asks Deanna what would happen after you die if there's no Matron, and Deanna tells her that the gods and the afterlife don't have much to do with each other. The Matron guides people to a place that existed before her and will exist after her. In world
C3E055 Hope Within History 00:59:57 Chetney asks if there is a temple to the Matron in Uthodurn In world
C3E055 Hope Within History 01:16:21 Chetney notes that the Vanguard was very focused on the Matron and wonders if the outcome for the Matron would be different than for the other gods/whether her temple is now cracked or broken In world
C3E055 Hope Within History 01:29:44 The Duskmaven is casually mentioned as related to there being hungry souls trapped in and wandering the Savalirwood In world
C3E055 Hope Within History 03:01:28 Chetney mentions visiting the Matron's temple again to see if it's damaged, and the party again wonders what happens after you die with no god of death In world
C3E055 Hope Within History 03:23:34 The party drops by the Matron's temple in Uthodurn and asks if the priests can still feel her; they are told that she is distant but still there In world
C3E057 The Sorrow of Molaesmyr 03:21:19 The party finds Ludinus's notes, which include a section about the Matron obsessively wondering what her name was because "there is power in names" In world
C3E059 Somewhere Out There 03:23:21 Prism tells the party that she named her raven Mother after the Matron of Ravens, who is a big thing in the Shadow Realm In world
C3E059 Somewhere Out There 03:41:32 Prism mentions again that the Matron is the main deity of the Shadow Realm and she ascended to godhood on her own, which affects Prism's feelings about the gods dying In world
C3E060 Faith or Famine 00:40:48 Prism creates a minor illusion of the Matron of Ravens to test whether illusion magic is being amplified In world
C3E060 Faith or Famine 00:44:04 Orym mentions the Matron of Ravens referring to Prism's illusion In world
C3E060 Faith or Famine 01:32:30 Prism thanks the Matron that the town has alcohol In world
C3E060 Faith or Famine 02:28:57 Elder Joan Abaddina describes Ludinus as the first mortal since the Matron to fill the gods with fear In world
C3E061 Crisis of Faith 01:07:15 Prism calls out the Matron's name in combat In world
C3E061 Crisis of Faith 01:45:04 Matt mentions that blood is a powerful tool in the worship of the Matron Above table
C3E061 Crisis of Faith 01:48:10 Prism mentions the Matron while casting blood magic In world
C3E061 Crisis of Faith 03:59:00 Elder Abaddina says the eidolons do not seem to fear Predathos, and remarks that it's odd that the Matron, as the goddess of fate, has not given more of a warning In world
C3E064 Reunited 02:32:16 Prism says the Night of Ascension is a Shadow Realm holiday celebrating the Matron's ascension In world
C3E064 Reunited 02:55:42 The party discusses godhood and Prism says the Matron went from being a mortal to being a god In world
C3E065 A Path of Vengeance 01:50:09 Fearne asks Ajit Dayal if there is a Duskmaven temple in Jrusar In world
C3E065 A Path of Vengeance 02:41:11 Chetney, Fearne, and Orym arrive at the Duskmaven temple in Jrusar In world
C3E065 A Path of Vengeance 02:48:06 Fearne asks the person in the Duskmaven temple if she can still communicate with the Matron In world
C3E065 A Path of Vengeance 03:01:30 Chetney, Fearne, and Orym have a vision of the Matron after drinking from waterfall in her temple. They see the Malleus Key and the black orb caught in its beam, from which they hear screaming. They also see a massive white mask. Appearance
C3E065 A Path of Vengeance 03:11:37 The party discusses the vision and the screaming orb, and Matt mentions the Champion of the Matron as a historical figure Above table
C3E065 A Path of Vengeance 03:13:45 The party discusses the way that Ludinus is always ahead of them, and remember that the priestess at the Matron's temple said you need faith to turn the tide In world
C3E065 A Path of Vengeance 03:16:26 FCG talks about the Changebringer, saying that she can affect the world and she needs them, just like the Matron and the Dawnfather do In world
C3E065 A Path of Vengeance 03:19:21 Imogen asks if the group that had a vision from the Matron is going to worship the Duskmaven now In world
C3E065 A Path of Vengeance 03:26:31 Chetney jokingly prays to the Duskmaven In world
C3E065 A Path of Vengeance 03:30:04 Chetney again jokingly tries out Duskmaven worship In world
C3E067 Bloody Flowers 04:27:36 Fearne mentions to Teven Klask that she's met the Matron. (Teven does not like the Matron.) In world
C3E068 For The Tempest 01:06:05 Chetney asks Graz'tchar about the Matron. Graz'tchar has heard of the Matron but doesn't know much. In world
C3E068 For The Tempest 02:00:43 Orym tells Keyleth about their visit to a temple of the Matron In world
C3E068 For The Tempest 02:03:01 Fearne notes to Keyleth that she (Keyleth) seemed upset when the Matron was mentioned In world
C3E068 For The Tempest 02:04:10 Laudna asks what would happen to Vax if the Matron were gone and Keyleth says she doesn't know In world
C3E068 For The Tempest 02:40:59 Chetney mentions that the Great Tree of Atrophy, with its links to life, death, and renewal, feels very Matron-y In world
C3E068 For The Tempest 03:02:43 Fearne says that she's confused because she thought Ludinus was obsessed with the Matron because he also wants to ascend, and Chetney says he thinks Ludinus just wants to level the playing field In world
C3E068 For The Tempest 03:05:18 Keyleth says she thinks the Matron has ensured the Rite of Ascension cannot be used again In world
C3E069 Nice 01:48:49 The party discusses the gods and Orym, Fearne, and Chetney mention their collective vision at the Matron temple In world
C3E069 Nice 01:59:04 Laudna says she has a feeling that the Matron doesn't look kindly on someone like her In world
C3E069 Nice 02:00:19 Travis says he thinks the cleric who was there after Eshteross died (Weva Vudol) was of the Duskmaven Above table
C3E070 Embattled in Bassuras 00:54:04 Matt describes Duskmaven pendants (golden bird skulls) worn by assailants at Imahara Joe's Above table
C3E070 Embattled in Bassuras 03:12:49 Matt describes a Duskmaven brand on one of the assailants at Imahara Joe's (and the party collects seven Duskmaven necklaces from defeated assailants) Above table
C3E076 A Gathering of Heroes 02:38:02 Laudna says there's a Matron temple in Whitestone, or at least there used to be In world
C3E076 A Gathering of Heroes 03:01:15 Chetney asks if there's a Matron temple in Whitestone In world
C3E076 A Gathering of Heroes 03:02:22 FCG mentions that some of the party has had a run-in with the Matron once before In world
C3E076 A Gathering of Heroes 03:02:46 FCG asks Ashton if they want to come to the Changebringer's temple with thim, but Ashton is curious about "Raven Queen shit" In world
C3E076 A Gathering of Heroes 03:06:14 Matt describes the Altar of the Raven, a fairly modest place of worship with a massive sculpture of the Matron of Ravens and a smaller sculpture of Vax Above table
C3E076 A Gathering of Heroes 03:22:16 In the temple, from inside a sarcophagus, Orym mentally tells the Matron that he's sorry for her friend. He hopes she's holding up and that they can help. In world
C3E076 A Gathering of Heroes 03:26:01 The Matron appears in a vision to Orym, Ashton, and Chetney while they are inside sarcophaguses at her temple. They see the Matron looking down at them from the bottom of a hole. She has chains on her wrists that dangle into the hole, and as the party climbs/pulls the chains, they break. The matron turns into hundreds of free-feeling ravens that fly away. Appearance
C3E077 The Promise and the Price 02:39:48 Imogen heads to Whitestone's Dawnfather temple, and Taliesin asks if the Matron temple is nearby Above table
C3E077 The Promise and the Price 02:50:25 Imogen sees the statue of the Matron and hears a raven's call as she exits the Dawnfather temple after asking for help with Laudna's Delilah situation Above table
C3E078 Fractures 01:15:57 After throwing rocks at the windows of Whitestone Castle with Chetney, Fearne walks to the Temple of the Matron Above table
C3E078 Fractures 01:17:57 Fearne arrives at the Temple of the Matron In world
C3E078 Fractures 01:20:18 Fearne talks to the Matron and says she made a bad decision and is scared, and she's looking for guidance. She likes that the Matron was normal and then wasn't anymore. In world
C3E078 Fractures 01:22:06 Fearne leaves her postcards with the Matron In world
C3E078 Fractures 01:23:38 Fearne encounters a group of ravens: an adolescent with one leg and two adult ones that bring it food In world Implied the ravens were sent by the Matron
C3E078 Fractures 03:28:05 Fearne tells the party that she left her postcards with the Matron In world
C3E078 Fractures 03:45:38 Nana Morri talks about fate and how she rarely knows exactly what will happen if she tugs on a thread. She says there are some threads that only the Matron can view, cut, and weave In world
C3E078 Fractures 03:50:04 Fearne asks Nana Morri what she thinks of the Matron and is told that it's complicated, but they have an understanding In world
C3E086 Doorways to Darker Depths 00:54:41 Liam asks if he knows whether Lake Umamu was the one the temple to the Matron was sunk under Above table
C3E092 Broken Roads 00:58:38 Matt describes various temple-affiliated sets of armor, including Duskmaven medallions, hanging from iron spikes at the Tishtan excavation site Above table
C3E092 Broken Roads 01:50:26 Aabria references the fact that those with connections to the gods, including the Matron, have felt something off about those connections since the solstice Above table
C3E092 Broken Roads 01:53:56 Erica describes Morrighan as a champion of the Matron Above table
C3E092 Broken Roads 02:05:23 Aabria asks Erica what it felt like to Morrighan when she made her deal with the Matron Above table
C3E092 Broken Roads 03:22:16 In combat with Opal, Morrighan isn't immediately sure what to do next because she's waiting for the Matron to say something to her In world
C3E092 Broken Roads 03:26:04 Aabria says that the raven connected to the Matron has flown away from Morrighan In world
C3E093 Bittersweet Reunions 00:29:31 Aabria makes a joke about paladins of the Matron of Ravens with Haste Above table
C3E093 Bittersweet Reunions 00:37:40 Morrighan asks the Matron what she should do In world
C3E093 Bittersweet Reunions 00:39:59 Erica mentions that the Matron is into blood magic Above table
C3E093 Bittersweet Reunions 00:40:29 The Matron appears to Morrighan in a pool of blood and asks what she's fighting for Appearance
C3E093 Bittersweet Reunions 01:57:18 As Morrighan leaves to escort the spirit of Cyrus, Aabria says Morrighan's time with the Matron is just beginning Above table
C3E093 Bittersweet Reunions 03:43:27 Dorian says his best friends became champions of the Matron and the Spider Queen In world
C3E093 Bittersweet Reunions 03:54:44 Laudna asks about Dorian's friends who went off with the Matron and Spider Queen In world
C3E098 The Nox Engine 00:39:03 Teven mentions the Matron's threads of fate in describing Fearne's pact with the Lord of the Hells—her thread now runs dark with his influence In world
C3E098 The Nox Engine 01:03:44 After being asked what gods the Hells follow, Chetney tells Braius that they have interfaced with the Matron In world
C3E103 Cages 01:32:56 Chetney mentions the group's prior vision of the Matron In world
C3E103 Cages 03:15:20 Orym (via Matt) shares the story of Vecna's ascension using the Matron's stolen rites (and of how Vecna was sealed away) In world
C3E103 Cages 03:18:01 Matt compares the architecture of the Duskmeadow to the temple where the previous vision of the Matron occurred Above table
C3E103 Cages 03:20:30 Imogen says the Matron must have been pissed off by the dead awakening in the Vasselheim catacombs In world
C3E103 Cages 03:43:51 Matt introduces the three representatives of the Matron at the Exandrian Accord In world
C3E104 The Cradle's Convocation 00:31:43 Laudna shows the Bright Queen an image of Emhira In world
C3E104 The Cradle's Convocation 01:30:54 Keyleth says someone dear to her had a strong connection to the Matron In world
C3E104 The Cradle's Convocation 01:40:20 Keyleth describes the Matron as "a challenged but necessary, lonely figure" In world
C3E104 The Cradle's Convocation 03:16:18 The party discusses what happens after you die if you don't follow a god, and Ashton says the Matron would know In world
C3E105 Collecting Legends 01:25:13 Laudna invokes the Matron in trying to persuade the Exandrian Accord of her own worthiness In world
C3E106 Unseelie Interrupted 01:38:52 Nana Morri explains that the Matron is the one who weaves the threads of fate; she herself just sneaks in and tugs them In world
C3E106 Unseelie Interrupted 01:41:09 Ashton asks if the Matron can come to, or retrieve people's souls from, the Fey Realm, and is told that her sway exists across all realms In world
C3E107 Under the Arch Heart's Eye 03:50:09 The Arch Heart mentions another god that wants to let go In world Later confirmed to be the Matron
C3E107 Under the Arch Heart's Eye 04:24:54 The Matron tells Laudna to come find her Appearance (voice only)
C3E108 Looming 03:39:03 Laudna mentions that the Arch Heart sort of alluded that the Matron was the other god with an opinion similar to his In world
C3E108 Looming 03:49:21 Imogen says that maybe the party needs to speak to the Matron In world
C3E108 Looming 03:50:02 Fearne says Nana Morri could reach out to the Matron In world
C3E108 Looming 03:53:41 Imogen wonders if they're being manipulated to want to speak to the Matron In world
C3E108 Looming 03:54:12 Imogen asks if the Matron can see the future. Laudna guesses that she can see versions. If she can, did she know her champion would get orbed? In world
C3E109 A Test of Fate 00:27:38 Laudna asks Fearne via message if they should ask Nana Morri about the Matron In world
C3E109 A Test of Fate 00:28:31 Laudna asks Nana Morri about her thoughts on checking in with the Matron In world
C3E109 A Test of Fate 00:57:51 The party resolves to go to the Matron's temple In world
C3E109 A Test of Fate 01:03:15 Chetney asks for directions to the Matron's temple In world
C3E107 Under the Arch Heart's Eye 01:07:11 The party arrives at the doors to the Raven's Crest Cathedral See note Not a direct mention, but included for context in a larger Matron scene
C3E109 A Test of Fate 01:10:20 Chetney says to be careful, in case the god the Arch Heart mentioned wasn't the Matron In world
C3E109 A Test of Fate 01:17:25 The party arrives at the top of Raven's Crest See note Not a direct mention, but included for context in a larger Matron scene
C3E109 A Test of Fate 01:19:24 Lieve'tel introduces the Coven of the Veil, the high priestesses of the Matron In world
C3E109 A Test of Fate 01:22:30 Imogen explains that they're at the temple because they had a pull toward the Matron In world
C3E109 A Test of Fate 01:22:51 Lieve'tel explains that communing with the Matron requires a "leap of faith" (blood pool) In world
C3E109 A Test of Fate 01:24:35 The Coven of the Veil explains that the Matron exists in the space between life and death, and so meeting her in her realm requires walking in that space In world
C3E109 A Test of Fate 01:42:27 The party sees the Matron, then speaks to her Appearance
C3E109 A Test of Fate 02:01:44 The show comes back from break and the party continues to speak to the Matron Appearance
C3E109 A Test of Fate 02:27:54 The party rolls for initiative against the Matron's puppets of Liliana, Opal, and Vespin Chloras Appearance
C3E109 A Test of Fate 03:30:15 The Matron is just Lady Gaga Above table
C3E109 A Test of Fate 04:04:27 Combat ends and the Matron appears to the party as a human-sized woman, then speaks with the party Appearance
C3E109 A Test of Fate 04:07:33 The Matron removes her mask, revealing her face Appearance
C3E109 A Test of Fate 04:08:38 The Matron didn't know what would happen to Vax Appearance
C3E109 A Test of Fate 04:11:13 The Matron doesn't wish to die or flee, she wishes to let fate decide the gods' future—to let the peoples of Exandria decide what they want to happen next Appearance
C3E109 A Test of Fate 04:14:21 The Matron explains why—and with whose help—she became the god of death Appearance
C3E109 A Test of Fate 04:24:29 The Matron gives the party her mask so they can call on her aid in the future Appearance
C3E109 A Test of Fate 04:29:25 The Matron misses her mortality, but she knew what she was giving up to do this. She hopes that even if the gods survive, humanity will renegotiate the terms of their relationship. Appearance
C3E109 A Test of Fate 04:33:48 The Matron talks about Laudna's fate Appearance
C3E110 In the Shadow of War 00:15:26 Dorian used the benefits from absorbing an item with the Quintessance Array during the conflict in the Matron's realm Above table
C3E110 In the Shadow of War 00:26:09 The Hells haven't talked about their encounter with the Matron yet. Dorian liked her better than he liked the Arch Heart, and the Hells wonder if she could've seen more about their fates. In world
C3E110 In the Shadow of War 00:27:28 Braius wants to keep the Matron's mask for now, to use it to pray. (It's the Hells' communal mask now) In world
C3E110 In the Shadow of War 00:28:18 The Matron is the only god that Ashton ever really respected In world
C3E110 In the Shadow of War 00:49:11 Imogen thinks that the Arch Heart and the Matron are the only two gods who will have an unexpected opinion on what should happen next In world
C3E110 In the Shadow of War 00:50:00 Braius isn't necessarily going to pray to the Matron while holding her mask, maybe to the Platinum Dragon In world
C3E110 In the Shadow of War 00:50:15 Dorian touched a thread in the Matron's realm and had a vision of Opal In world
C3E110 In the Shadow of War 01:07:36 The party got all their hit points and spell slots back after their scrap with the Matron because it was essentially a vision Above table
C3E110 In the Shadow of War 03:15:26 The cast debates casting Identify on the Matron's mask In world
C3E111 The Nein Hells 00:41:04 Caduceus's family has a bit of a tie to the Matron. In world
C3E111 The Nein Hells 00:41:22 The Hells met the Matron of Ravens not too long ago In world
C3E111 The Nein Hells 03:14:25 Imogen tells Caleb that the Matron made them fight a vision of what could be, and worries that it reflected reality. In world
C3E111 The Nein Hells 03:17:30 The party identifies the Mask of the Matron and the cast either won't or literally can't read the item description out loud Above table
C3E112 The Assembling of Legends 00:48:36 The Mask of the Matron is a legendary item Above table
C3E112 The Assembling of Legends 03:02:23 Vax looked the same at the Solstice as he did when Keyleth last saw him, except maybe more Matron-y. Vex calls the Matron a wretched bitch. In world
C3E112 The Assembling of Legends 04:20:05 Vox Machina knows Vax is screaming inside the orb because Bell's Hells talked to the Matron In world
C3E113 Assault on the Malleus Key 00:29:13 Vax is still bound by the Matron In world
C3E113 Assault on the Malleus Key 00:56:17 Raven's Crest means to have a hand in this day of consequence (Lieve'tel is joining Vox Machina) In world (not by name)
C3E113 Assault on the Malleus Key 00:57:56 The Matron will no longer abide Ludinus abusing her champion In world
C3E113 Assault on the Malleus Key 00:59:34 The party discusses Lieve'tel's role in helping release the champion of the Raven Queen; Lieve'tel says the Matron is in her mind, and they will unbreak his bonds and set the Raven free In world
C3E113 Assault on the Malleus Key 01:13:34 Keyleth sees a raven after giving her hype speech before the armies of Exandria In world (not by name) Implied to be sent by the Matron
C3E113 Assault on the Malleus Key 01:46:48 The Matron has given Lieve'tel glimpses of Vax In world
C3E114 Fight for the Bloody Bridge 02:17:40 Lieve'tel speaks to the Matron, using Divine Intervention to ask her to rip the beacon from the tower and deliver it into her hands. (The Matron removes all barriers to taking the beacon, but doesn't relocate it.) In world
C3E114 Fight for the Bloody Bridge 04:16:01 Travis jokes "The Matron giveth, then taketh away" when Vax's mini falls off the board Above table
C3E114 Fight for the Bloody Bridge 04:30:51 Keyleth asks Vax what would happen to him if the Matron were gone, and he replies that he would not have her go (but that doesn't mean he doesn't want to stay) In world
C3E114 Fight for the Bloody Bridge 04:37:35 Without physically appearing, the Matron touches Vax's shoulder and tells him to, in this fleeting moment, choose what's important to him. Vax replies that he will serve her in the mortal world. She clarifies that he only has one night Appearance
C3E115 To the Arx Creonum 00:20:38 Caduceus mentions that his family goes back to followers of the Matron (alongside the Wildmother and Arch Heart) In world
C3E115 To the Arx Creonum 00:22:24 The Hells talked to the Matron of Ravens and the Arch Heart about the Predathos situation In world
C3E115 To the Arx Creonum 00:26:22 Fjord says that talking to the Arch Heart and the Matron is pretty rare and incredible In world
C3E115 To the Arx Creonum 01:15:04 Laudna asks Braius for the Matron's mask back because she had a bit of a connection with the Matron. Braius hasn't prayed with the mask yet, so the two do so together In world
C3E118 The Hallowed Cage 04:02:19 Didn't the Matron and the Arch Heart both ask the Hells to interact with Predathos? In world
C3E118 The Hallowed Cage 04:45:58 Laudna runs her fingers over the Matron of Ravens mask while talking to Predathos In world
C3E118 The Hallowed Cage 04:47:11 The threads connecting everyone to Predathos are similar to the ones in the Matron's domain: the threads of fate In world
C3E118 The Hallowed Cage 04:48:23 Laura recalls that the Matron said that she set the previous god of death free Above table
C3E119 Predathos Awakened 00:38:14 Laudna's Form of Dread is based slightly on the Matron, with an illusion of a mask and a long black robe that almost seems to have feathers In world
C3E119 Predathos Awakened 01:27:28 Laudna runs her fingers over the Matron of Ravens mask during combat In world
C3E119 Predathos Awakened 01:32:47 Marisha says that using the Matron's mask is starting to seem real attractive Above table
C3E119 Predathos Awakened 01:42:42 Imogen thinks about the golden threads of fate she saw in the presence of the Matron and tries to use the threads connecting her to her friends to pull herself back to them In world
C3E119 Predathos Awakened 02:10:16 Marisha asks if it takes an action to put on the Matron's mask, and wonders whether it's the right time Above table
C3E119 Predathos Awakened 02:12:24 Laudna puts on the Matron mask and it doesn't do anything; she slowly realizes Braius replaced it with a forgery In world
C3E119 Predathos Awakened 02:16:13 The real mask is on Braius's belt In world (not by name)
C3E119 Predathos Awakened 02:48:37 Laudna tries to take the mask back using Mage Hand, and when that fails she lunges towards it and puts her face in it while it's still on his belt In world
C3E119 Predathos Awakened 02:53:33 The Hells find themselves temporarily in the Matron's domain with the opportunity to talk to her Appearance
C3E119 Predathos Awakened 03:10:40 The Hells tell the Matron that they've learned Predathos has no interest in humanity, and she tells them that the gods are sending armies to the moon to seal them in alongside Predathos Appearance
C3E119 Predathos Awakened 03:17:47 The Matron asks if Imogen is suggesting the gods step down from their pedestals Appearance
C3E119 Predathos Awakened 03:18:53 The Matron says the rites that she created could be reversed, but it would require the other gods' consent Appearance
C3E119 Predathos Awakened 03:25:09 The Matron leaves to go assemble the rite and offers the Hells two boons for their fight to bring Predathos low enough to control Appearance
C3E120 The Red End 00:13:05 Dorian thinks of the threads of fate from the Matron's realm as he casts Foresight In world
C3E120 The Red End 00:40:48 Laudna thanks the Matron for the double level up after Shadow Walking In world
C3E120 The Red End 04:10:36 Imogen allows the weakened, childlike Predathos to enter her after stating that the Matron told her to contain it In world
C3E120 The Red End 04:12:07 The mask has been used up and won't let them talk to the Matron again In world (not by name)