The Omen Archive

Data prior to Campaign 3 Episode 82 provided by the team at CritRoleStats. Please see MQ Kills — CritRoleStats for their version of this data.

Total: 240

Episode Timestamp Character Description
C3E001 The Draw of Destiny 02:01:01 Ashton Animated Broom, Hammer with Chaos Burst
C3E001 The Draw of Destiny 02:06:26 Orym Animated Sword, Shortsword Feinting Attack
C3E001 The Draw of Destiny 02:12:44 Imogen Animated Knife, Witch Bolt
C3E001 The Draw of Destiny 02:15:30 Laudna Animated Rug, Eldritch Blast
C3E001 The Draw of Destiny 02:20:55 Ashton Animated Table, Hammer with Chaos Burst
C3E003 The Trail and the Toll 02:08:28 Dorian Shade Creeper, Scimitar
C3E003 The Trail and the Toll 02:15:18 Bertrand Shade Creeper, Gambler’s Blade Rapier
C3E003 The Trail and the Toll 02:28:23 FCG Shade Creeper, Grappling Hook
C3E003 The Trail and the Toll 02:31:19 Laudna Shade Creeper, Eldritch Blast
C3E003 The Trail and the Toll 02:37:46 Orym Shade Creeper, Shortsword Feinting Attack
C3E003 The Trail and the Toll 02:39:23 Ashton Shade Creeper, Hammer Reckless
C3E003 The Trail and the Toll 02:50:21 Fearne Shade Creeper, Snake Bite
C3E005 The Threat Between the Walls 02:43:55 Fearne Shade Creeper, Scorching Ray
C3E005 The Threat Between the Walls 03:06:20 Fresh Cut Grass Shade Creeper, Sacred Flame
C3E005 The Threat Between the Walls 03:08:15 Dorian Shade Creeper, Moon-Touched Scimitar
C3E005 The Threat Between the Walls 03:22:47 Fresh Cut Grass Shade Creeper, Grappling Cannon
C3E005 The Threat Between the Walls 03:25:32 Dorian Shade Creeper, Thunderwave
C3E005 The Threat Between the Walls 03:26:07 Dorian Dugger, Thunderwave
C3E005 The Threat Between the Walls 03:29:47 Ashton Shade Creeper, Hammer
C3E005 The Threat Between the Walls 03:36:53 Laudna Shade Creeper, Eldritch Blast
C3E005 The Threat Between the Walls 03:41:04 Fresh Cut Grass Shade Creeper, Grappling Cannon
C3E007 Behind the Curtain 03:18:56 Dorian Spitting Mimic, Chromatic Orb
C3E011 Chasing Nightmares 00:58:29 FCG Chair 2, Unarmed Strike
C3E011 Chasing Nightmares 01:01:33 Mister Table 1, Flame Seed
C3E011 Chasing Nightmares 01:15:09 Ashton Chair 1, Hammer Reckless
C3E011 Chasing Nightmares 01:20:24 Orym Table 2, Shortsword
C3E014 In Too Deep 02:54:04 Dorian Shade Creeper, Gambler’s Blade Slashing Flourish
C3E014 In Too Deep 03:00:55 Chetney Shade Creeper, Chisel AoO
C3E014 In Too Deep 03:10:06 Mister Shade Creeper, Flame Seed
C3E014 In Too Deep 03:35:51 Ashton Shade Creeper, Bookcase Slam
C3E015 The Tunnels Below 03:04:10 Orym Shade Creeper, Shortsword Feinting Attack
C3E015 The Tunnels Below 03:07:10 Ashton Shade Creeper, Hammer
C3E015 The Tunnels Below 03:22:01 Imogen Mutated Shade Creeper, Dissonant Whispers
C3E015 The Tunnels Below 03:33:29 Orym Shade Creeper, Shortsword
C3E015 The Tunnels Below 03:35:00 Ashton Shade Creeper, Hammer Reckless
C3E015 The Tunnels Below 03:39:50 Laudna Shade Creeper, Eldritch Blast
C3E015 The Tunnels Below 03:40:51 Laudna Shade Creeper, Eldritch Blast
C3E015 The Tunnels Below 03:42:34 FCG Shade Creeper, Saw Blade
C3E015 The Tunnels Below 03:43:35 FCG Shade Creeper, Spiritual Weapon
C3E015 The Tunnels Below 03:54:23 Imogen Shade Creeper, Seething Storm
C3E015 The Tunnels Below 03:55:59 Fearne Shade Creeper, Scorching Ray
C3E015 The Tunnels Below 04:00:39 Ashton Mutated Shade Creeper, Hammer
C3E015 The Tunnels Below 04:04:54 Chetney Mutated Shade Creeper, Chisel
C3E015 The Tunnels Below 04:08:41 FCG Shade Creeper, Spiritual Weapon
C3E015 The Tunnels Below 04:10:46 Imogen Shade Creeper, Seething Storm
C3E016 The Shade Mother 01:26:27 Ashton Shade Creeper, Hammer
C3E016 The Shade Mother 01:28:07 Imogen Shade Creeper, Shock Flare
C3E016 The Shade Mother 01:40:10 Orym Husk, Shortsword
C3E016 The Shade Mother 01:51:55 FCG Shade Creeper, Rock Collapse
C3E016 The Shade Mother 01:55:21 Ashton Shade Creeper, Hammer
C3E016 The Shade Mother 02:43:22 Chetney Shade Creeper, Chisel
C3E016 The Shade Mother 02:45:57 Ashton Shade Creeper, Hammer
C3E016 The Shade Mother 02:50:10 Orym Shade Creeper, Dagger (thrown)
C3E016 The Shade Mother 02:51:23 Laudna Shade Creeper, Eldritch Blast
C3E016 The Shade Mother 02:54:29 Ashton Shade Creeper, Hammer
C3E016 The Shade Mother 02:59:27 Imogen Shade Creeper, Witch Bolt
C3E016 The Shade Mother 02:59:40 Imogen Shade Creeper, Witch Bolt
C3E018 A Hungry Jungle 01:23:55 FCG Plant, Buzz Saw
C3E020 Breaking and Entering... 02:34:38 Orym Marionette 1, Shortsword
C3E020 Breaking and Entering... 02:42:37 Laudna Marionette 3, Eldritch Blast
C3E020 Breaking and Entering... 02:44:21 Fearne Marionette 2, Scorching Ray
C3E020 Breaking and Entering... 02:44:23 Fearne Marionette 4, Scorching Ray
C3E020 Breaking and Entering... 02:44:27 Fearne Marionette 5, Scorching Ray
C3E021 Fight at the Museum… 01:06:41 Fearne Clay Warden 1, Scorching Ray
C3E021 Fight at the Museum… 01:23:31 Orym Clay Warden 2, Shortsword Goading Attack
C3E023 To The Skies 03:09:35 Orym Skirath Hunter 1, Shortsword Goading Attack
C3E023 To The Skies 03:19:12 Ashton Skirath Hunger 2, Hammer Reckless Attack
C3E024 The Hellcatch Valley 03:24:48 Imogen Ruffian 3, Lightning Bolt
C3E024 The Hellcatch Valley 03:24:48 Imogen Rufian 1, Lightning Bolt
C3E024 The Hellcatch Valley 03:28:50 Laudna Ruffian 5, Shocking Grasp
C3E028 The Deathwish Run 01:39:07 Imogen Crawler D Passenger, Lightning Bolt
C3E028 The Deathwish Run 01:39:07 Imogen Crawler D Driver, Lightning Bolt
C3E028 The Deathwish Run 02:37:43 Orym Crawler A Driver, Chromatic Rose
C3E028 The Deathwish Run 03:24:53 Ashton Kagaronk, Hammer Reckless
C3E030 Reunion & Revelation 00:57:37 Imogen Fists of the Ruiner Member, Lightning Bolt
C3E030 Reunion & Revelation 01:45:44 Fearne Fists of the Ruiner Gunner, Scorching Ray
C3E036 A Desperate Call 03:21:28 Ashton Lingering Horror 1, Hammer
C3E036 A Desperate Call 03:47:22 Fearne Lingering Horror 3, Ice Knife
C3E036 A Desperate Call 03:55:32 Ashton Lingering Horror 2, Hammer
C3E037 From the Boughs 01:50:49 Ashton Tendril 2, Hammer with Chaos Burst
C3E037 From the Boughs 01:54:58 Chetney Tendril 1, Chisel with Rite of Flame
C3E037 From the Boughs 03:09:46 FCG Skeleton 5, Turn Undead
C3E037 From the Boughs 03:09:46 FCG Skeleton 2, Turn Undead
C3E037 From the Boughs 03:09:46 FCG Skeleton 4, Turn Undead
C3E037 From the Boughs 03:09:46 FCG Skeleton 3, Turn Undead
C3E037 From the Boughs 03:48:28 Orym Tree Bough, Shortsword
C3E037 From the Boughs 04:00:46 Fearne Tree Roots, Scorching Ray
C3E037 From the Boughs 04:07:14 Imogen Tree Trunk, Lightning Bolt
C3E040 Compulsions 01:05:48 Orym Cockatrice 1, Shortsword
C3E040 Compulsions 01:12:18 Ashton Cockatrice 6, Hammer
C3E040 Compulsions 01:13:06 Ashton Cockatrice 7, Hammer
C3E040 Compulsions 01:56:56 Fearne Chimera, Ballista
C3E044 Bawdy Basement Belligerence 02:11:28 Chetney Tuldus, Turmoil
C3E046 Night at the Ligament Manor 04:04:23 Ashton Tree, Hammer Reckless
C3E046 Night at the Ligament Manor 04:10:47 Laudna/Fearne/Imogen Centaur; Eldritch Blast/Scorching Ray/Witch Bolt
C3E047 The Fey Key 02:23:49 Bells Hells Unseelie Guard 1, Portable Hole Suffocation
C3E047 The Fey Key 02:23:49 Bells Hells Unseelie Guard 2, Portable Hole Suffocation
C3E047 The Fey Key 03:53:47 Ashton Eremad 2, Hammer Reckless
C3E050 Red Moon Rising 02:30:27 Imogen Vanguard 1, Shock Flare
C3E050 Red Moon Rising 02:30:47 Imogen Vanguard 3, Shock Flare
C3E050 Red Moon Rising 02:40:49 Ashton Vanguard 2, Hammer
C3E050 Red Moon Rising 02:55:37 Laudna Warder, Shocking Grasp
C3E051 The Apogee Solstice 02:21:06 Orym Ruby Vanguard member, Seedling
C3E051 The Apogee Solstice 02:24:12 Ashton Paragon’s Call Half-Giant, Hammer
C3E051 The Apogee Solstice 03:08:12 Ashton Paragon’s Call Halfling, Neck snap
C3E052 Far From The Others 01:09:52 Fearne Creature, Scorching Ray
C3E054 Treacherous Toys 02:41:49 FRIDA Pymon Firebug Swarm 2, Guiding Bolt
C3E054 Treacherous Toys 03:11:20 Imogen Pymon Firebug Swarm 4, Telekinetic bench slam
C3E054 Treacherous Toys 03:12:58 FRIDA Pymon Firebug Swarm 5, Blunderbuss
C3E056 By Goat or By Boat 01:25:50 Deanna Jerry, Unknown
C3E056 By Goat or By Boat 03:01:04 Chetney Bog Wretch, Shatter/Fallen Tree
C3E057 The Sorrow of Molaesmyr 01:27:31 FCG Ghost 2, Spirit Guardians
C3E057 The Sorrow of Molaesmyr 01:28:32 FCG Ghost 1, Spirit Guardians
C3E057 The Sorrow of Molaesmyr 01:33:32 FCG Ghost 3, Saw Blade
C3E057 The Sorrow of Molaesmyr 01:37:21 Fearne Ghost 5, Ice Knife
C3E057 The Sorrow of Molaesmyr 01:38:40 Chetney Ghost 4, Turmoil
C3E058 Escape From The Past 01:15:08 Fearne Hatemonger, Burning Hands
C3E059 Somewhere Out There 02:44:28 Prism Shambling Mound 1, Steel Wind Strike
C3E059 Somewhere Out There 03:12:38 Orym Shambling Mound 2, Seedling
C3E059 Somewhere Out There 03:18:45 Deni$e Corpse Flower, Great Sickle
C3E061 Crisis of Faith 00:52:54 Ashton Guard, Hammer
C3E061 Crisis of Faith 01:16:51 Bor’Dor Kiro, Dagger
C3E061 Crisis of Faith 01:29:20 Deni$e Guard, Whip
C3E061 Crisis of Faith 02:27:25 Barlgura/Hound of Ill Omen Judicator, Slam Attacks
C3E061 Crisis of Faith 03:06:22 Bor’Dor Dawnborn Angel, Inflict Wounds
C3E063 A Haunted Past 01:43:01 Laudna Evithorir, Eldritch Blast
C3E063 A Haunted Past 02:54:28 Laudna Bor’Dor, Hunger of the Shadow
C3E066 Aid of the Tempest 04:25:08 Laudna Wraith 2, Shocking Grasp
C3E066 Aid of the Tempest 04:26:07 Laudna Zombie 1, Shocking Grasp
C3E066 Aid of the Tempest 04:34:52 Imogen Demon, Witch Bolt
C3E067 Bloody Flowers 01:09:16 Laudna Vrock 1, Eldritch Blast
C3E067 Bloody Flowers 01:14:03 Imogen Vrock 2, Shocking Grasp
C3E067 Bloody Flowers 01:53:24 Imogen Quasit 1, Synaptic Static
C3E067 Bloody Flowers 01:53:24 Imogen Quasit 2, Synaptic Static
C3E067 Bloody Flowers 02:36:31 Chetney Demon 2, Turmoil
C3E067 Bloody Flowers 03:08:28 Ashton Demon 1, Hammer
C3E067 Bloody Flowers 03:13:37 Chetney Demon 3, Blood Curse of Bloated Agony
C3E067 Bloody Flowers 04:16:43 Fearne Extovass the Gluttonous, Blight
C3E069 Nice 03:48:25 FCG Gargo/S***head, Destroy Undead
C3E070 Embattled in Bassuras 01:42:12 Chetney Person 1, Graz’tchar
C3E070 Embattled in Bassuras 02:02:19 Orym Dragonborn, Secondary Crawler Explosion
C3E070 Embattled in Bassuras 02:14:36 Mister Rogue, Flame Seed
C3E070 Embattled in Bassuras 02:16:39 Chetney Person 2, Graz’tchar
C3E070 Embattled in Bassuras 03:03:27 Ashton Ratanish, Hammer
C3E072 Phantasmal Parley 01:01:12 Ashton Crew 2, Hammer
C3E072 Phantasmal Parley 01:45:22 Imogen Crew ?, Shock Flare
C3E072 Phantasmal Parley 01:46:15 Imogen Crew ?, Minute Meteors
C3E072 Phantasmal Parley 01:58:44 Ashton Crew ?, Hammer Reckless
C3E072 Phantasmal Parley 02:16:50 Imogen Cyrillia, Raulothim’s Psychic Lance
C3E072 Phantasmal Parley 02:16:50 Imogen Woedders, Raulothim’s Psychic Lance
C3E072 Phantasmal Parley 02:25:36 Orym Cyrillia, Seedling Pushing
C3E072 Phantasmal Parley 02:26:12 Ashton Crew ?, Hammer Reckless
C3E072 Phantasmal Parley 02:26:38 Ashton Crew ?, Hammer
C3E073 Kindling the Spirits 04:03:38 Ashton Basalt Caecilian, Hammer Wormhole
C3E074 Roots Between Worlds 01:17:42 Laudna Shadow Being, Chill Touch
C3E074 Roots Between Worlds 01:18:14 FCG Shadow Being, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead
C3E074 Roots Between Worlds 01:18:14 FCG Shadow Being, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead
C3E074 Roots Between Worlds 01:18:14 FCG Shadow Being, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead
C3E074 Roots Between Worlds 01:18:14 FCG Shadow Being, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead
C3E074 Roots Between Worlds 01:18:14 FCG Shadow Being, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead
C3E074 Roots Between Worlds 01:18:14 FCG Shadow Being, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead
C3E074 Roots Between Worlds 01:18:14 FCG Shadow Being, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead
C3E074 Roots Between Worlds 01:18:14 FCG Shadow Being, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead
C3E074 Roots Between Worlds 01:18:14 FCG Shadow Being, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead
C3E074 Roots Between Worlds 01:18:14 FCG Shadow Being, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead
C3E074 Roots Between Worlds 01:18:14 FCG Shadow Being, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead
C3E075 An Ancient Flame 02:42:51 Orym Reiloran, Seedling Air Strike
C3E075 An Ancient Flame 02:44:07 Orym Defender 1, Grasping Vine into magma
C3E075 An Ancient Flame 03:11:43 Orym Reiloran Juggernaut, Seedling Pushing
C3E075 An Ancient Flame 03:38:33 Imogen Defender 2, Lightning Bolt
C3E077 The Promise and the Price 01:21:28 Imogen Ghost 1, Lightning
C3E077 The Promise and the Price 01:24:30 Laudna Ghost 3, Eldritch Blast
C3E077 The Promise and the Price 01:24:41 Laudna Ghost 2, Eldritch Blast
C3E080 A Test of Trust 01:22:09 Imogen Creature, Shocking Grasp
C3E080 A Test of Trust 01:27:48 Chetney Creature, Claws
C3E082 Rush for the Bloody Bridge 00:57:08 Imogen Reiloran, pushed Arcane Device onto it
C3E082 Rush for the Bloody Bridge 01:48:51 Ashton Reiloran Shrike 1, Hammer strike
C3E082 Rush for the Bloody Bridge 01:53:41 Laudna Reiloran Shrike 2, Eldritch Blast (HDYWTDT)
C3E082 Rush for the Bloody Bridge 04:00:26 Ishto Ruby Vanguard member, Divine Smite with glaive
C3E083 Ruidus 03:25:48 Fresh Cut Grass/Fearne Reiloran Juggernaut, suffocated in Bag of Holding
C3E084 Red Rural Revelations 03:17:29 Fearne Scorching Ray on Razora Ruby Vanguard 2
C3E084 Red Rural Revelations 03:36:11 Chetney Claw against Razora Reiloran Shrike 2
C3E084 Red Rural Revelations 03:41:31 Fearne Scorching Ray on Razora Village Ruby Vanguard 4
C3E085 Intense Interrogations 02:31:27 Laudna Willmaster Edmuda, essence absorbed via Hunger of the Shadow Shard
C3E087 Arrival at Kreviris 03:03:37 Fearne Natural 20 scorching ray on Avadon
C3E087 Arrival at Kreviris 03:16:27 Ashton Hammer attack on Reilora
C3E087 Arrival at Kreviris 03:19:52 Laudna Blight on Reilora
C3E087 Arrival at Kreviris 03:26:03 Orym Ripost on Reiloran Juggernaut
C3E087 Arrival at Kreviris 03:27:43 FCG Scramble the dead on Avadon
C3E088 Seeking Sedition 01:08:03 Orym eviscerates basement Slither
C3E090 Mission Improbable 03:26:07 Orym Reiloran Mystic in Arx Creonium lab, post-Action Surge nat 20 attack, slashes its leg, neck, gut, and then slams it onto the table
C3E090 Mission Improbable 03:42:55 Orym Blade Barren, Lands on his chest with a stab, slashes his neck then stabs him through the eye
C3E090 Mission Improbable 03:56:29 Chetney Adolescent Vidulch, one swipe up the sternum and then reaches in and grabs the rib cage and rips it open like a zipper
C3E091 True Heroism 04:30:59 Fresh Cut Grass Otohan Thull, self-detonated using a Guiding Bolt to their arcane core
C3E093 Bittersweet Reunions 01:50:45 Morrighan Spider
C3E094 Where The Red Fearne Glows 01:25:32 Fearne Two shadows of Dark Mirror Fearne, destroyed in blast from deactivating the Spark of Rau’shan
C3E094 Where The Red Fearne Glows 01:33:34 Fearne Dark Mirror Fearne, HDYWTDT, hit her with 3rd level Scorching Ray from on the ground
C3E097 Ancient Sins 00:15:51 Ashton Hammer attack on Scorpion
C3E097 Ancient Sins 00:29:09 Essek Gravity Fissure on Scorpion
C3E097 Ancient Sins 00:29:09 Essek Gravity Fissure on Scorpion
C3E097 Ancient Sins 00:29:09 Essek Gravity Fissure on Scorpion
C3E097 Ancient Sins 00:29:09 Essek Gravity Fissure on Scorpion
C3E097 Ancient Sins 00:49:51 Laudna Fireball on Scorpion
C3E097 Ancient Sins 00:49:51 Laudna Fireball on Scorpion
C3E097 Ancient Sins 00:49:51 Laudna Fireball on Scorpion
C3E097 Ancient Sins 01:04:37 Orym Tomb Tapper, HDYWTDT, final thrust of blade through head after multiple attacks while running up arm Shadow of the Colossus style
C3E098 The Nox Engine 03:31:06 Teven Klask Dominox, drives blade into Dominox’s chest and carves him in half
C3E100 Downfall: Part Two 03:51:25 Asha Ripped out throat of Aeoran Archmage with her teeth, HDYWTDT
C3E101 Downfall: Part Three 04:06:32 S.I.L.A.H.A Adamar Cadrow, Meteor Storm
C3E101 Downfall: Part Three 04:09:48 S.I.L.A.H.A Acastriel, Meteor Storm, HDYWTDT
C3E101 Downfall: Part Three 04:43:53 Ayden Archmage, Sunburst
C3E101 Downfall: Part Three 04:43:53 Ayden Archmage, Sunburst
C3E101 Downfall: Part Three 04:43:53 Ayden Archmage, Sunburst
C3E101 Downfall: Part Three 04:43:53 Ayden Archmage, Sunburst
C3E101 Downfall: Part Three 04:43:53 Ayden Archmage, Sunburst
C3E101 Downfall: Part Three 04:43:53 Ayden Archmage, Sunburst
C3E101 Downfall: Part Three 04:43:53 Ayden Archmage, Sunburst
C3E101 Downfall: Part Three 04:43:53 Ayden Archmage, Sunburst
C3E101 Downfall: Part Three 04:43:53 Ayden Archmage, Sunburst
C3E101 Downfall: Part Three 04:43:53 Ayden Brass Dragon, Sunburst
C3E101 Downfall: Part Three 04:43:53 Ayden Silver Dragon (Bolo), Sunburst
C3E101 Downfall: Part Three 04:43:53 Ayden Ataro, Sunburst
C3E101 Downfall: Part Three 04:43:53 Ayden Nalfeshnee, Sunburst
C3E101 Downfall: Part Three 04:43:53 Ayden Glabrezu, Sunburst
C3E101 Downfall: Part Three 04:43:53 Ayden Demon, Sunburst
C3E101 Downfall: Part Three 05:04:31 Emhira Irrevocable, Eldritch Blast
C3E101 Downfall: Part Three 05:13:30 Trist Fiend, Sending Stone shot from slingshot
C3E102 Reconciliation 02:29:26 Fearne Specter, Flame Strike
C3E102 Reconciliation 03:18:48 Braius Delilah, Poison Pen with Divine Smite, HDYWTDT
C3E106 Unseelie Interrupted 03:18:04 Chetney Unseelie Guard, Claw, Crit, HDYWTDT
C3E106 Unseelie Interrupted 03:28:12 Laudna Unseelie Guard, Chill Touch, Crit, HDYWTDT
C3E106 Unseelie Interrupted 03:34:58 Chetney Unseelie Guard, Claw, Crit, HDYWTDT
C3E106 Unseelie Interrupted 03:42:59 Orym Unseelie Guard, Seedling with Pushing Attack, HDYWTDT
C3E106 Unseelie Interrupted 03:45:07 Ashton Unseelie Guard, Crit, HDYWTDT
C3E107 Under the Arch Heart's Eye 01:13:24 Ashton Ludinus Simulacrum, Hammer, HDYWTDT
C3E108 Looming 00:28:23 Imogen Unseelie Guard, Psychic Lance
C3E108 Looming 01:23:46 Orym Zathuda, Death Save failure
C3E108 Looming 03:22:10 Morrigan Cashadoor, turned into a bush
C3E109 A Test of Fate 03:59:33 Chetney Vespin Chloras Facsimile, Claw, HDYWTDT
C3E109 A Test of Fate 04:03:16 Orym Liliana Facsimile, Seedling with Wind Slash, Goading Attack, HDYWTDT