The Omen Archive

previous episode C3E118 The Hallowed Cage
next episode C3E120 The Red End

Thumbnail for episode 119. Sam, Matt, and Marisha stand side-by-side in a line. Sam crosses his fingers in front of his chest, Matt looks serious holding his hand out palm-up in front of him, and Marisha looks politely surprised, one hand on her chest and one on her hip. They are all dressed in black, with Sam wearing a white button-up under a black jacket, and Marisha wearing a red belt and scissors on a red string around her waist. They stand against a colorful backdrop with splashes of blues over white.


4h 4m 2s

Gameplay Start 00:10:20

Break Start 02:53:44

Break End 03:08:54

Hit Points Gained from Level Up



















Battlemap Highlight

A giant miniature of Predathos with Imogen’s face in the center of a battlemap of a red stone chamber filled with glowing blue crystals. Predathos has red skin covered in blue crystals, four clawed arms, and swirling purple hair. Ashton in titan form, Fearne, Laudna, Orym, Braius, and Chetney in wolf form stand before Predathos.

Total Combat Time

3h 35m 59s

Top Damage Dealer

Ashton, 171

Ashton from the shoulders up. An earth-genasi with green, crystal-like skin and purple crystaline hair. Embedded in his left temple is a glowing piece of glass with yellow lines streaking out from it across their face. They are wearing a black high-collared vest with a blue interior and long spikes on the shoulders. Underneath is a black shirt with large tears across it. Their arms are bare, the left shoulder covered in golden radiating lines.

Predathos’s Known Abilities

  • Oppressive Awareness
  • Skein of the Golden Order
  • Reaving Claw
  • Exploit Fate
  • Cerebral Shock Blight
  • Telekinetic Vacuum
  • Telekinetic Evisceration
  • Chasm of Eager Darkness
  • Touch of Piercing Winter
  • Miracle Devour

HEY, there might be some SPOILERS under the thing:

Created by Flando Maltrizian, Master of Time(stamps)
Timestamp Description
00:01:30 The new rogue’s gallery
00:07:20 Laura’s merch corner
00:08:35 Intro cinematic
00:13:25 Predathogen is out
00:14:30 Imogen alone
00:22:00 Laudna’s memory montage
00:27:45 Battle begins
00:30:05 Please please help me
00:32:00 Orym believes in Imogen
00:35:40 Break up
00:38:10 Laudna’s form of dread
00:40:50 Stopping a freight train
00:46:15 The Skein of the Golden Order
00:53:30 Vordo the Golden Weaver
01:06:05 TGI Fridays
01:07:15 Riding Daddy’s foot
01:09:25 The Elephant’s Foot
01:16:55 Mega-dandruff
01:18:40 Truthbearer, Fabled Plate of Uther Vendrock
01:28:00 The void puppet
01:37:50 Telekinetic evisceration
01:41:20 Loot the god
01:43:55 How do you want to pluck this
01:50:40 Scorching Marisha Rays
01:57:20 Mister finally lands a poop
02:05:50 Chasm of Eager Darkness
02:11:40 First try for the mask
02:13:40 Just business
02:24:00 Touch of Piercing Winter
02:27:15 Ethedok the Endless Shadow
02:33:10 Heal steal
02:35:30 Only known him for 4 days
02:36:30 Ashley absolutely has to get rid of this dice
02:38:25 Imogen is out
02:41:30 You can’t freeze out Dorian
02:48:00 If we’re all here, who’s driving Predathos?
02:48:45 Fighting over the Mask
03:06:55 Art Montage
03:08:55 BREAK ENDS
03:17:35 Mortality or flight
03:25:25 Boons
03:35:30 Just level up real quick
03:41:05 Back to the fight
03:51:15 Small cap
03:54:00 There’s a whole thing with new rules
03:56:10 The rules issue has been resolved (also Sam’s shirt)
03:59:35 HDYWTDT
04:02:35 Phase two
04:05:00 Episode Ends
Full time Gameplay time Game 1st half Game 2nd half Mid break 1st start 1st end 2nd start 2nd end
4h 4m 2s 3h 38m 32s 2h 43m 24s 55m 8s 15m 10s 00:10:20 02:53:44 03:08:54 04:04:02
Encounter Total length Start time End time Rounds In game time Notes
Predathogen, first form 3h 35m 59s 00:25:45 04:01:44 4 24s Ends at "The form of Predathos is destroyed."

Guests were Robbie Daymond.

Map number Map

Total: 2

Name First mention First appearance Race (if given) Description (if given)
Ethedok, The Endless Shadow (Confirmed by Matt) C3E043 Axiom Shaken at 03:01:44 C3E119 Predathos Awakened at 00:54:30 Deity
Vordo, The Fateshaper (Confirmed by Matt) C3E043 Axiom Shaken at 03:02:01 C3E119 Predathos Awakened at 02:27:09 Deity

Total: 1

Timestamp Whisper
00:43:45 Matt to Taliesin about whether Imogen can hear the Hells from inside Predathos

Total: 1

Timestamp Description
00:01:33 Mattman

NOTE: Numbers represent damage as dealt, taking into account resistances and other effects, and may differ from the damage as rolled.

Total: 735

Character Damage dealt
Ashton 171
Fearne 28
Imogen 22
Laudna 0
Orym 134
Dorian 159
Chetney 145
Braius 76

NOTE: Numbers represent damage as taken, taking into account resistances and other effects, and may differ from the damage as rolled.

Total: 557

Character Damage taken
Ashton 128
Fearne 57
Imogen 0
Laudna 85
Orym 25
Dorian 100
Chetney 78
Braius 84

Total: 35

Character Healing performed
Ashton 0
Fearne 0
Imogen 0
Laudna 0
Orym 0
Dorian 0
Chetney 0
Braius 35

Total: 28

Character Spell Base level Cast at Notes
Laudna Phantasmal Force 2 2
Dorian Shatter 2 3
Orym Misty Step 2 - via Fey Touched
Laudna Bane 1 1
Chetney Shatter 2 - via Turmoil
Chetney Misty Step 2 - via Fey Touched
Braius Ensnaring Strike 1 1
Dorian Booming Blade Cantrip Cantrip
Dorian Booming Blade Cantrip Cantrip
Laudna Disintegrate 6 6
Laudna Silvery Barbs 1 1
Imogen Shocking Grasp Cantrip Cantrip
Braius Misty Step 2 2
Braius Thunderwave 1 4
Fearne Scorching Ray 2 2
Dorian Shatter 2 4
Orym Hex 1 - via Fey Touched
Laudna Feather Fall 1 1
Laudna Mirror Image 2 2
Braius Misty Step 2 2
Fearne Mage Hand Cantrip Cantrip
Dorian Cone of Cold 5 6
Laudna Silvery Barbs 1 1
Laudna Mage Hand Cantrip Cantrip
Imogen Lightning Bolt 3 5
Braius Misty Step 2 2
Fearne Contagion 5 5
Dorian Chromatic Orb 1 1

PC natural 20s

Total: 6

Timestamp Character Description
01:12:04 Ashton Wisdom Save against Predathos’s Cerebral Shock Blight
01:34:24 Ashton Hammer attack with advantage on Predathos
02:00:57 Orym Seedling attack with advantage on Predathos
02:18:46 Ashton Hammer attack on Predathos
02:27:03 Imogen Charisma Check to approach Ethedok
02:52:03 Laudna Acrobatics Check with advantage to get her face in the Matron mask

PC natural 1s

Total: 4

Timestamp Character Description
00:26:48 Braius Rollies to decide Initiative tie
00:26:58 Fearne Initiative
02:28:15 Imogen Charisma Check to create a mental tether with Ethedok
03:53:08 Braius Poison Pen attack on Predathos

Total: 1

Timestamp Character Description
03:59:37 Dorian Predathos, Chromatic Orb

Total: 2

Timestamp Payer Where obtained Recipient How obtained Gained item(s)/money Paid item(s)/money Notes
01:15:21 Orym Consumed Potion of Invulnerability
02:52:40 Braius Used/opened/expended Matron of Ravens' Mask Used by Laudna though in Braius' possession; Mask crumples in C3E120 at 4:12:13

Total: 1

Timestamp Administered by Administered to Potion Effect
01:15:21 Orym Orym Invulnerability Orym gets 1 minute of resistance to all damage
Timestamp Occasion Occasion (actual version)
00:23:09 Laudna calls Imogen capable Laudna tells Imogen to fight back against Predathos
Timestamp Description Mention type Notes
02:52:21 Matt describes Laudna's Form of Dread as "Delilah-fueled" Mention
Timestamp Description Mention type Notes
00:38:14 Laudna's Form of Dread is based slightly on the Matron, with an illusion of a mask and a long black robe that almost seems to have feathers In world
01:27:28 Laudna runs her fingers over the Matron of Ravens mask during combat In world
01:32:47 Marisha says that using the Matron's mask is starting to seem real attractive Above table
01:42:42 Imogen thinks about the golden threads of fate she saw in the presence of the Matron and tries to use the threads connecting her to her friends to pull herself back to them In world
02:10:16 Marisha asks if it takes an action to put on the Matron's mask, and wonders whether it's the right time Above table
02:12:24 Laudna puts on the Matron mask and it doesn't do anything; she slowly realizes Braius replaced it with a forgery In world
02:16:13 The real mask is on Braius's belt In world (not by name)
02:48:37 Laudna tries to take the mask back using Mage Hand, and when that fails she lunges towards it and puts her face in it while it's still on his belt In world
02:53:33 The Hells find themselves temporarily in the Matron's domain with the opportunity to talk to her Appearance
03:10:40 The Hells tell the Matron that they've learned Predathos has no interest in humanity, and she tells them that the gods are sending armies to the moon to seal them in alongside Predathos Appearance
03:17:47 The Matron asks if Imogen is suggesting the gods step down from their pedestals Appearance
03:18:53 The Matron says the rites that she created could be reversed, but it would require the other gods' consent Appearance
03:25:09 The Matron leaves to go assemble the rite and offers the Hells two boons for their fight to bring Predathos low enough to control Appearance