The Omen Archive

previous episode C3E090 Mission Improbable
next episode C3E092 Broken Roads

Thumbnail for episode 91. Taliesin, Sam, and Ashley pose side-by-side. Taliesin wears a black jacket over a read shirt and looks frightened, his hand over his lower face. Sam wears a bright yellow puffy jacket and looks angelic, both his hands on his torso as he looks upwards. Ashley wears a muted green dress and looks down sadly. They stand against a colorful backdrop with shapes of yellow and green over white.

Otohan, a woman with stark white hair flowing in the breeze and a stern expression with pursed lips. She wears tight-fitting armor made of many pieces of laced black leather and a red cape with gold trim. In her right hand is a thin blade, held out down and to her side.
Art by Hannah Friederichs
Total Damage Taken
Total Damage done
66, using a custom version of the Supreme Healing Potion, which was 20d4+20 rather than the RAW 10d4+20 version

Some interesting points of info:

  • Otohan had taken 299 damage when they exalted, after which they became “resistant to damage” (Matt’s phrasing; likely all damage types)
  • Otohan had taken 399 damage when they consumed the health potion
  • Otohan had taken 63 damage between taking the health potion and getting caught in the blast from FCG, meaning that the Hells were 3 points away from negating its effects at the time FCG made their sacrifice
  • Presuming that Otohan was not resistant to the damage from FCG’s explosion (79), which seems likely given the particular arcane nature of FCG’s core, that puts her total HP somewhere between 400 and 475 points
  • Edited: Matt later added in a tweet that Otohan had under 40hp left at the time of FCG’s sacrifice (and that the blast had no DEX save). This puts Otohan’s total HP somewhere between 400 and 435 hit points. *
  • As Otohan had 4 attacks per turn, she was likely a level 20 Psi Warrior Fighter
  • Otohan seems to have had 2 Legendary Resistances; she used one against Laudna’s blight (C3E091 02:39:13), and Matt later said she had one remaining (C3E091 03:13:46). She had not used that resistance at the time of her death.
  • For comparison, these stats put her in the same HP range as a Forge Guardian, the demon prince of undeath Orcus, or an Ancient Dragon Turtle, with more multi attacks and resistances than any of them. Terrifying!

Full time Gameplay time Game 1st half Game 2nd half Mid break 1st start 1st end 2nd start 2nd end
4h 40m 6s 4h 17m 24s 1h 28m 31s 2h 48m 53s 14m 43s 00:07:59 01:36:30 01:51:13 04:40:06

Encounter Total length Start time End time Rounds In game time Notes
Otohan in the Kreviris tunnels 2h 40m 58s 01:51:11 04:32:09 5 30s *calculated from start of second half

Map number Map

Name First mention First appearance Race (if given) Description (if given)
The Weave Mind C3E084 Red Rural Revelations at 00:34:00 C3E091 True Heroism at 01:04:05 Reilora Masters of the Imperium. A council of five extremely old and powerful Reiloran mystics that act as a conduit to the mind of Predathos. They control the city, usher the flares, and police the population for compliance. Adorned in extremely intricate armor, jewelry, and chains—gems, golds, and platinums. Their head crests are wide and adorned with intricately carved bones and runes across them. When appearing illusorily, their legsg hang limply below them. They wear masks.
Well-dressed teenage Reilorans (x2) C3E091 True Heroism at 00:30:56 C3E091 True Heroism at 00:30:56 Reilora

Timestamp Occasion Type
02:14:22 Otohan fight Gravity
03:27:34 Otohan fight Space

NOTE: Numbers represent damage as dealt, taking into account resistances and other effects, and may differ from the damage as rolled.

Character Damage dealt
Ashton 381
Fearne 61
FCG 118
Imogen 21
Laudna 137
Orym 177
Chetney 9

NOTE: Numbers represent damage as taken, taking into account resistances and other effects, and may differ from the damage as rolled.

Character Damage taken
Ashton 125
Fearne 55
FCG 190
Imogen 170
Laudna 108
Orym 161
Chetney 141

Character Healing performed
Ashton 14
Fearne 0
FCG 286
Imogen 21
Laudna 16
Orym 0
Chetney 12

Character Spell Base level Cast at Notes
Fresh Cut Grass Cure Wounds 1 2
Fearne Charm Monster 4 4
Imogen Invisibility 2 5
Ashton Pass Without Trace 2 2
Fearne Polymorph 4 4 Slither
Fearne Wild Shape - - Slither
Imogen Sending 3 3
Fresh Cut Grass Cure Wounds 1 1
Imogen Mage Armor 1 1
Laudna Mirror Image 2 2
Fresh Cut Grass Channel Divinity: Sympathetic Binding - -
Orym Hex 1 1
Laudna Hound of Ill Omen - -
Laudna Bane 1 1
Laudna Silvery Barbs 1 1
Fresh Cut Grass Revivify 3 3
Fresh Cut Grass Bonded Blessing - -
Imogen Telekinesis 5 5
Imogen Shocking Grasp Cantrip Cantrip
Orym Misty Step 2 2
Laudna Blight 4 5
Laudna Eldritch Blast Cantrip Cantrip
Laudna Silvery Barbs 1 1
Chetney Misty Step 2 2
Fearne Blight 4 6
Fresh Cut Grass Mass Cure Wounds 5 5
Fresh Cut Grass Bonded Blessing - -
Imogen Psychic Lance 4 4
Laudna Hunger of the Shadow Shard - -
Laudna Blight 4 5
Fresh Cut Grass Transfer Suffering - -
Fearne Scorching Ray 2 2
Laudna Wither and Bloom 2 3
Laudna Eldritch Blast Cantrip Cantrip
Fearne Aura of Life 4 4
Fresh Cut Grass Mass Cure Wounds 5 5
Fresh Cut Grass Bonded Blessing - -
Imogen Sending 3 3
Laudna Phantasmal Force 2 2
Laudna Eldritch Blast Cantrip Cantrip
Fearne Shield 1 1
Chetney Shatter 2 2 via Turmoil
Fearne Blight 4 5
Fresh Cut Grass Guiding Bolt 1 4

PC natural 20s

Total: 11

Timestamp Character Description
00:32:17 Ashton Attack roll on building
00:34:25 Fresh Cut Grass Dexterity save
01:57:17 Orym Attack on Otohan Thull’s backpack
02:36:52 Orym Attack on Otohan Thull with Ruidian glass sword + Hex
02:37:14 Orym Attack on Otohan Thull with Ruidian glass sword
02:48:22 Orym Attack on Otohan Thull with Ruidian glass sword
02:47:25 Fearne Attack of opportunity on Otohan Thull with Staff
03:28:41 Ashton Hammer attack on Otohan Thull
03:37:44 Imogen Death save
03:51:31 Ashton Hammer attack on Otohan Thull
04:09:49 Laudna Empowered spell Eldritch Blast on Otohan Thull

PC natural 1s

Total: 2

Timestamp Character Description
00:25:19 Fresh Cut Grass Stealth check
00:35:04 Fearne Dexterity save

DM natural 20s

Total: 5

Timestamp Character Description
02:16:55 Otohan Thull Dex save against crushing damage from rock
02:49:33 Otohan Thull Attack on Laudna with Ishta the Summit Blade + Psionic Strike
03:03:08 Otohan Thull Intelligence save against Imogen’s Psychic Lance
03:47:10 Otohan Thull Attack on Orym with Ishta the Summit Blade + Psionic Strike
04:16:19 Otohan Thull Attack on Ashton using Scream Needle + Psionic Strike for the KO

Total: 1

Timestamp Character Description
04:30:59 Fresh Cut Grass Otohan Thull, self-detonated using a Guiding Bolt to their arcane core

Total: 1

Timestamp Character Description
04:31:01 Fresh Cut Grass Otohan Thull, self-detonated using a Guiding Bolt to their arcane core

Timestamp Payer Where obtained Receipient How obtained Gained item(s)/money Paid item(s)/money Notes
00:15:13 Imogen Used/opened/expended Regular Healing Potion Administered to Evoroa
01:01:45 Imogen Liliana Gifted Locket Imogen says "take it" but the hand acting is not fully clear as to whether Liliana does
02:51:14 Chetney Used/opened/expended Potion of Greater Healing Administered to Imogen
03:50:41 Ashton Used/opened/expended Potion of Greater Healing
04:07:30 Orym Used/opened/expended Potion of Greater Healing
04:35:35 Chetney Used/opened/expended Potion of Greater Healing Administered to Orym
04:35:45 Imogen Used/opened/expended Potion of Greater Healing Administered to Ashton
04:36:06 Fresh Cut Grass Ashton Retrieved Coin of the Changebringer
04:36:31 Fearne Retrieved Remains of FCG's Head
04:37:03 Ashton Retrieved Remains of FCG's Torso
04:37:18 Chetney Looted Otohan Thull's backpack
04:37:28 Party Looted Ishta the Summit blade and Scream Needle
04:37:35 Orym Retrieved Grass-blade-marked portion of FCG's chassis
04:37:47 Party Looted Remains of Otohan Thull

Timestamp Administered by Administered to Potion Effect
00:15:11 Imogen Evoroa Regular Healing Evoroa heals 6 hit points
02:51:14 Chetney Imogen Greater Healing Imogen heals 12 points
03:50:41 Ashton Ashton Greater Healing Ashton heals 14 points
04:07:30 Orym Orym Greater Healing Orym heals an unknown amount
04:35:35 Chetney Orym Greater Healing Orym heals an unknown amount
04:35:45 Imogen Ashton Greater Healing Imogen heals an unknown amount

Timestamp Kiss
04:38:10 Imogen kisses her fingers and touches the ground for FCG

Timestamp Description Mention type Notes
02:42:24 Matt mentions Delilah in narration of Otohan's actions Out of character
03:11:42 Laudna attempts Hunger of the Shadow Shard; "Feed us, darling." Appearance (voice only)