C3E120: Hit points over time
Hey Critters! There were some big numbers thrown around this episode. The Hells took a total of 1239 damage, with several of them going down, and had had 577 HP restored by healing by the end of the fight. In honor of such a momentous accomplishment and some very close calls, we’re publishing some of our raw data as well as visualizations for the health of the party throughout episode 120.
Note that our starting data is incomplete, and so not all HP listed may be exactly right. However, we are reasonably sure this data is very close to accurate.
Party HP charts
Character HP charts

Raw data
Starting HP assumes that the Sphere of Dunamantic Restoration healed Chetney to full.
Timestamp | Current HP |
00:00:00 | 103 |
00:22:06 | 100 |
01:11:53 | 88 |
02:25:27 | 79 |
02:56:22 | 53 |
02:58:42 | 24 |
03:03:26 | 9 |
03:55:25 | 3 |
04:16:08 | 14 |
04:17:02 | 9 |
04:20:38 | 32 |
04:32:02 | 26 |
Starting HP assumes that the Sphere of Dunamantic Restoration healed Laudna to 7 below full based on HP announced at C3E120 04:20:50.
Timestamp | Current HP |
00:00:00 | 61 |
00:18:39 | 86 |
02:53:24 | 13 |
03:49:41 | 42 |
04:17:02 | 37 |
04:32:02 | 25 |
Starting HP based on Dorian’s HP after level up, announced at C3E119 03:57:24.
Timestamp | Current HP |
00:00:00 | 76 |
00:18:39 | 101 |
02:07:05 | 84 |
02:09:36 | 55 |
02:36:13 | 24 |
02:53:24 | 0 |
03:40:02 | 15 |
04:17:02 | 10 |
04:21:05 | 31 |
04:32:02 | 25 |
Starting HP based on Braius’s HP after level up, announced at C3E119 03:50:49.
Timestamp | Current HP |
00:00:00 | 118 |
00:18:39 | 143 |
00:31:51 | 81 |
01:11:53 | 69 |
02:07:05 | 34 |
02:16:10 | 8 |
02:53:24 | 0 |
03:49:41 | 29 |
04:17:02 | 24 |
04:20:59 | 37 |
04:32:02 | 31 |
Starting HP based on Fearne’s HP after level up, announced at C3E119 03:57:34.
Timestamp | Current HP |
00:00:00 | 55 |
00:18:39 | 80 |
00:36:13 | 54 |
01:11:53 | 30 |
01:34:07 | 0 |
01:44:11 | 1 |
02:04:13 | 45 |
02:07:05 | 10 |
03:45:18 | 0 |
03:49:41 | 29 |
04:20:45 | 45 |
04:32:02 | 33 |
Starting HP assumes Sphere of Dunamantic Restoration healed Imogen to full based on HP announced at C3E120 03:59:25.
Timestamp | Current HP |
00:00:00 | 146 |
00:50:45 | 124 |
01:36:21 | 72 |
01:40:19 | 51 |
01:46:47 | 31 |
03:04:55 | 0 |
03:49:41 | 29 |
03:52:36 | 3 |
04:15:58 | 32 |
04:19:03 | 57 |
04:32:02 | 51 |
Starting HP based on Orym’s HP after level up, announced in C3E119 Cooldown.
Timestamp | Current HP |
00:00:00 | 156 |
00:18:39 | 181 |
00:43:48 | 173 |
00:46:38 | 135 |
01:34:07 | 68 |
02:07:05 | 51 |
02:09:08 | 19 |
02:28:19 | 21 |
03:41:00 | 22 |
03:41:13 | 0 |
03:49:41 | 29 |
04:32:02 | 23 |
Starting HP based on Ashton’s HP after level up, announced at C3E119 03:42:03.
Timestamp | Current HP |
00:00:00 | 83 |
00:18:39 | 108 |
00:31:51 | 46 |
00:36:13 | 33 |
00:48:59 | 21 |
01:11:53 | 9 |
01:50:41 | 38 |
02:07:05 | 21 |
02:20:14 | 1 |
02:22:53 | 21 |
03:43:24 | 1 |
03:49:41 | 30 |
04:32:02 | 27 |