The Omen Archive

Data prior to Campaign 3 Episode 82 provided by the team at CritRoleStats. Please see Fresh Cut Grass - Dropbox for their information specific to FCG or Bells Hells Campaign Stats — CritRoleStats for their version of all other data contained on this page.

FCG, class Cleric level 13, with 18 AC, 113 HP, 12 strength, 10 dexterity, 18 constitution, 8 intelligence, 18 wisdom, and 14 charisma. A robot-like figure made of golden metal. Their face consists of two large, blue, flat glass circles for eyes and a hinged jaw that stretches across the head. Their hair is made of blue sheethed wires bound in four rows with excess sprouted off the back of the head. His neck is a thin silver-colored rod meeting a torso with a blue gem seated near the top at the front. They are wearing blue coat with flared collars, revealing the gem in the upper chest and golden shoulder blades with four curved lines etched into them.
Art by Hannah Friederichs

Across 91 episodes, FCG gave 1,452 points of confirmed healing. Their final episode, C3E091 True Heroism, was also their top healing episode with 286 HP. The runner-up was C3E080 A Test of Trust, with 123 points of healing. They healed an average of 16.87 points per episode, or 32.24 points when discounting episodes where he didn’t perform any healing.

Additionally, FCG used Transfer Suffering to mitigate 243 points of damage across the campaign. Of all the Hells, he took the highest number of points for Fearne (54), and most frequently took damage for Imogen (seven times). He took damage five times for Ashton, Fearne, and Laudna, four times for Chetney, three times for Orym, once for Bertrand, and once for FRIDA (who they kissed five times).

Appropriately, their favorite spell was Guidance, which they cast 140 times. Their other top ten spells/abilities included Cure Wounds (38 times), Transfer Suffering (35 times), Enhance Ability (32 times), Channel Divinity/Sympathetic Binding (31 times), Sending (29 times), Detect Thoughts (27 times), Identify (27 times), Healing Word (21 times), Spiritual Weapon (20 times), and Light (20 times).

At the time of their death, FCG had dealt 967 points of damage, with their biggest damage episode being C3E057 The Sorrow of Molaesmyr (150 points). Notably, they also had taken more damage than any other PC: a whopping 2,126 points of damage over the course of the campaign.

He got three HDYWTDTs, had five berserk rages, wished people a smiley day 51 times, and made (or inspired) 66 unfortunate references to having a flesh tongue.

He was made of metal and wires, but he was alive, and because of him, his friends are too.

A golden coin with an image of FCG saluting on one side and a smiling mouth with protruding tongue and the text “SMILEY DAY” on the other side. When clicked, it flips in the air and lands on a random face.

Lore drops and significant moments

Episode Timestamp Description
C3E001 The Draw of Destiny00:49:15Introduction
C3E001 The Draw of Destiny02:51:21“She named all of her creations after her favorite smells.”
C3E001 The Draw of Destiny02:54:08First description of previous party’s death
C3E006 Growing Bonds and Teasing Threads00:45:33What The Fuck Is Up With That? (FCG can’t access their entire memory)
C3E012 Make It Fashion02:48:23The One-Eyed Monster
C3E022 Promise and Potential01:34:38How old is FCG?
C3E022 Promise and Potential01:38:16“My group, The Division, was hired by the Rayia family […] in Evishi […] to clear out the mine.”
C3E024 The Hellcatch Valley02:02:32Shithead the Bird lore drop
C3E026 Hidden Truths01:48:12Dancer is alive
C3E031 Breaking Point02:23:15FCG Sends to Dancer
C3E031 Breaking Point02:56:03FCG goes berserk after Sending to Dancer a second time
C3E032 A Stage Set00:46:07Dancer acquired and restored FCG
C3E032 A Stage Set01:22:56“They just went by the name D.”
C3E032 A Stage Set02:09:54Imahara Joe gives FCG the Changebringer coin
C3E033 Blood and Dust01:01:50First coin flip
C3E036 A Desperate Call00:39:06FCG asks Keyleth about the Changebringer
C3E038 A Dark Balance03:20:42FCG goes to the Horizon Temple in Whitestone
C3E042 The City of Flowing Light03:50:35Shithead shows up
C3E043 Axiom Shaken00:12:59Shithead shows up, part 2
C3E045 Ominous Lectures00:59:08FCG talks to Professor Vitro Isham
C3E045 Ominous Lectures01:01:50FCG is a Harmonious Aeormaton and was part of the Care and Culling
C3E045 Ominous Lectures01:06:05FCG has an arcane core that could detonate if overcharged / “Oh, I’m a bomb.”
C3E045 Ominous Lectures01:15:18FCG has their power core turned into an Easy Bake Oven
C3E049 The Aurora Grows00:29:54FCG suggests using himself as a bomb at the solstice
C3E049 The Aurora Grows02:34:44FCG Sends to D
C3E054 Treacherous Toys00:40:54FCG goes into FRIDA’s dream, helps them access memories of a child
C3E055 Hope Within History01:39:17FCG and FRIDA go on a date to Jaquoby’s
C3E055 Hope Within History01:46:41FRIDA kisses FCG
C3E055 Hope Within History01:55:41Jaquoby opens up FCG’s faceplate, finds the label “Faithful Care-Giver”
C3E055 Hope Within History02:42:01FCG’s Level 9 makeover
C3E056 By Goat or By Boat01:02:11FCG casts Commune for the first time, asks the Changebringer if she’s been watching him and if she needs help
C3E058 Escape From The Past03:36:51FCG casts Commune, thanks the Changebringer for sending them FRIDA, asks whether they can find their friends in Jrusar, and has a frightening vision of her warning them about the Red End
C3E064 Reunited03:55:01Prism gives FCG cigarettes
C3E064 Reunited04:06:24FCG and FRIDA say goodbye
C3E065 A Path of Vengeance00:55:18FCG and Ashton visit the Krook House and talk about living with purpose
C3E066 Aid of the Tempest02:23:55The Changebringer helps FCG find flowers (Divination)
C3E068 For The Tempest00:48:55FCG casts Commune to ask the Changebringer whether the gods can help his friends, whether the gods are worth saving, and if the gods are scared
C3E069 Nice02:59:02FCG takes the Staff of Dark Odyssey
C3E069 Nice03:36:18Shithead (Gargo) shows up again and killed by Destroy Undead
C3E068 For The Tempest03:16:41FCG Scries on D
C3E069 Nice03:15:55The party finds Dancer in Yios
C3E069 Nice03:20:53FCG asks Dancer for forgiveness
C3E076 A Gathering of Heroes03:34:46FCG returns to the Horizon Temple in Whitestone and asks her to protect his friends
C3E079 To Hurt Is to Heal00:27:12FCG works with Morri to plan team building exercises
C3E085 Intense Interrogations02:27:15FCG saves Fearne and himself from Otohan by casting Banishment
C3E088 Seeking Sedition01:49:36FCG has a glass “mood ring” coin installed in their chest by Zhesh
C3E091 True Heroism02:25:54FCG Revivifies Chetney during battle against Otohan
C3E091 True Heroism04:26:18FCG uses Guiding Bolt to explode his core, sacrificing himself to save his friends and killing Otohan

FCG’s worldview

Fearne: You don’t have a soul?

FCG: I would assume not […] I was built out of parts.

C3E001 The Draw of Destiny (02:57:18)

Dorian: When you’re in sleep mode, do you dream?

FCG: Dreaming is, I’ve heard y’all soul-touched folks talk about it…

C3E006 Growing Bonds and Teasing Threads (00:48:22)

FCG: As we go to bed, right before I shut down, I’m just going to think: Dream! Dream!

C3E006 Growing Bonds and Teasing Threads (01:10:10)

FCG: I briefly spent time as a turtle and it was interesting, because I was breathing, which was new […] Could you make wooden feet for me?

C3E012 Make It Fashion (00:40:30)

Fearne: What’s the designation bit?

FCG: Oh, well, that’s just my purpose […] Just to help you living folk, make sure that you’re okay.

C3E012 Make It Fashion (01:24:27)

Jiana Hexum: Your craftsmanship, a bit rough at first, immediate glance, but— (She cups the side of your head on each side and pulls you forward […] She went from connecting with you as another person and is now inspecting a device.)

FCG: The way you’re sort of pawing me, it’s not quite the way that I care to be touched […] the more and more folks like me I encounter in our travels, I don’t think—I don’t think they’re treated very well.

C3E022 Promise and Potential (01:05:57)

FCG: The way you all treat me is wonderful.

Imogen: We’ve tried talking to other automatons. They’re not like you, FCG.

FCG: Maybe we’re not trying hard enough.

C3E022 Promise and Potential (01:31:38)

Dusk: What do you want to be?

FCG: I would really like to know what I am and where I came from […] I’d like to be like you all. I’d like to be able to smell and taste and dream. And fart.

C3E025 A Taste of Tal'Dorei (02:42:38)

Imahara Joe: In times where I felt a little lost, I had something that helped me […] This is the token of the Changebringer […] If you ever feel lost, maybe she’ll help you, too.

FCG: Thank you, Joe. I… I won’t eat this one.

C3E032 A Stage Set (02:10:12)

Guide Osli Kamyda: All things made and crafted are but tools, but it’s whoever uses them that gives them purpose. A sword can kill and murder. It can also defend. What will you be?

FCG: I guess I’ll figure it out as I go. But I’ll keep rolling forward all the same.

C3E038 A Dark Balance (03:29:08)

FCG: It would be way easier if you were just to tell me that I was made to kill, and that’s my purpose, or made to heal and that’s my purpose. But if I got to find my own purpose, that’s… that’s harder.

Professor Vitro Isham: You’re more beautiful than a simple binary answer.

C3E045 Ominous Lectures (01:11:04)

Orym: Are you okay?

FCG: I mean, I have a new clarity […] I know that I’m not going to learn anything more about myself from the past, and so I just got to make a new future for myself, and the only thing that I got to go on is, I got this coin and I got possibilities and that’s it […] I think the Changebringer’s trying to tell me to just keep looking ahead, looking forward, and don’t worry about getting bogged down with whatever I was then. Sort of reinvent what I can be now.

C3E048 An Exit Most Fraught (01:50:08)

FRIDA: Why do you believe a god gives you purpose?

FCG: Well, because I can’t come up with one on my own […] Now, the Changebringer helps me make decisions.

C3E052 Far From The Others (01:47:32)

FCG: I feel like I’ve been so focused on figuring out who I am for the past several months that I haven’t really been open to […] letting someone else in, I suppose, and seems like you [FRIDA] knew me right from the moment we started talking.

C3E055 Hope Within History (01:42:43)

FCG, to the Changebringer: Even if I never know about my past, even if I never find out who made me or why I’m here, will I know FRIDA for a long time?

C3E058 Escape From The Past (03:40:43)

Ashton: I’m so fucking proud of you, and I hope you don’t take this the wrong way, but I’m so proud that you finally got the thing that I have been trying to fucking give you since the day we met […] A reason to fucking live. So please keep that because I am so tired of saving you from yourself […] We’re all so happy when you take care of yourself and it makes it easier. You won’t have to work so hard taking care of us.

FCG: I’ll do my best […] and I’ll let you know if I ever start to freak out.

C3E065 A Path of Vengeance (00:58:58)

FCG, to Dancer: Now I’m faithful. I’ve got a god who I talk to all the time. I’ve really turned my life around and I’ve got a whole new group of friends and they trust me.

C3E069 Nice (03:17:48)

FCG: I’ll sit and pray and try to open my heart and mind to the Changebringer […] I feel like me and my friends are on a mission that is important, and […] I feel like something bad’s going to happen […] There’s doom on the horizon. But I still think it’s right that we’re going, and I wanted to ask you, not for guidance or answers or anything, but […] when things go bad, if you could make it happen to me and not them, I would really appreciate that.

Changebringer: Dark days are ahead for all. But those who walk the path of bravery can save that what they care most about.

FCG: Am I walking the path of bravery?

Changebringer: You are, and you’re not the only one […] The road before you is fraught with peril and loss. But that is what it is to be a hero, to be a paragon, to be a child of change […] We [the gods] are all in danger.

FCG: Yeah, I got that. Well, we’re coming. We might see you tomorrow. Seems like it’s going to be a pretty bad day. Or maybe it’ll be a great day. Maybe it’ll be really smiley. Anyway, thank you for this coin, for all the guidance you’ve given me in the past. I feel like—I feel like I’ve realized that you’re not given a purpose and you don’t choose a purpose. You just sort of make one as you go. And I think—I think I’m ready to make one.

C3E076 A Gathering of Heroes (03:35:56)

FCG: I feel like we’re all a little bit ticking time bombs […] One thing we don’t need to do is go setting ourselves off […] [The Changebringer] cares about me and I care about you, and other people do too. And I just wish you would care back.

Ashton: I care about all of you so much […] I just don’t think I care about me at all. And that might be a problem. And honestly, that’s what I’ve been trying to tell you all this time is I was worried that you didn’t care about you. And maybe […] I thought it was something we had in common.

FCG: There’s a lot about us that’s alike. Let’s just focus on those things and try to help each other. You helped me before. I’ll help you this time and we’ll find a way through this, all right?

Ashton: How dare you fucking get better first! It’s really fucked up.

C3E078 Fractures (01:07:29)

FCG: The rage, the stress being so high, the fuel pumping through my core, it’s reached a level it’s never reached before. It’s so intense that for the first time, I realize that I am made of metal and wires, but I am alive. I am alive for the first time. And I’m alive not because I was made by D or Dancer or even the Changebringer. I’m alive because they made me alive, and it’s the connections that I made with all of them, and it’s a feeling of joy. I’m happy to do this, cause they saved my life, and I’ll save theirs.

C3E091 True Heroism (04:28:21)

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Level 13

This data for FCG is also available in Google Sheets.

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Episode Leveled
Proficiency Bonus
Channel Divinity
Cantrips Known
Spell Slots
New Proficiencies
Other New Cleric Features and Traits
Aeormaton (Warforged) Features and Traits

STR 12 (+1)

DEX 10 (+0)

CON 17 (+3)

INT 7 (-2)

WIS 16 (+3)

CHA 14 (+2)


1/short or long rest

Sympathetic Binding (Ardent Armor, Bonded Blessing)

Turn Undead



+ Calm Emotions 1x/day (due to Harmonious Aeormaton)

SUBCLASS SPELLS: Speak with Animals, Detect Thoughts

LANGUAGES: Common, Marquesian

SKILLS: Deception, Insight, Medicine, Persuasion, Perception

Transfer Suffering (from Empathy Domain subclass)

Ritual Casting

Contructed Resilience

Sentry's Rest

Integrated Protection

Special Design


STR 12 (+1)

DEX 10 (+0)

CON 18 (+4)

INT 8 (-1)

WIS 16 (+3)

CHA 14 (+2)

+1 to CON

+1 to INT

36 (+10)


and Calm Emotions 1x/day


STR 12 (+1)

DEX 10 (+0)

CON 18 (+4)

INT 8 (-1)

WIS 16 (+3)

CHA 14 (+2)

47 (+11)


Destroy Undead (CR 1/2)



and Calm Emotions 1x/day



STR 12 (+1)

DEX 10 (+0)

CON 18 (+4)

INT 8 (-1)

WIS 16 (+3)

CHA 14 (+2)

56 (+9)

2/short or long rest

Sympathetic Binding: add Scatter Vigor



and Calm Emotions 1x/day

Shared Exuberance (from subclass)

STR 12 (+1)

DEX 10 (+0)

CON 18 (+4)

INT 8 (-1)

WIS 16 (+3)

CHA 14 (+2)

66 (+10)


and Calm Emotions 1x/day



STR 12 (+1)

DEX 10 (+0)

CON 18 (+4)

INT 8 (-1)

WIS 17 (+3)

CHA 14 (+2)

FEAT: Chef (WIS +1)
76 (+10)


Destroy Undead (CR 1)



and Calm Emotions 1x/day

Divine Strike (1d8)

STR 12 (+1)

DEX 10 (+0)

CON 18 (+4)

INT 8 (-1)

WIS 17 (+3)

CHA 14 (+2)

85 (+9)


and Calm Emotions 1x/day



STR 12 (+1)

DEX 10 (+0)

CON 18 (+4)

INT 8 (-1)

WIS 17 (+3)

CHA 14 (+2)

18 (+1 from Mithral Armor, see note)
94 (+9)


and Calm Emotions 1x/day

Divine Intervention
We're unsure where the extra +1 to FCG's AC comes from. Please email us if you've got any insight!

STR 12 (+1)

DEX 10 (+0)

CON 18 (+4)

INT 8 (-1)

WIS 17 (+3)

CHA 14 (+2)

100 (+6)


Destroy Undead (CR 2)



and Calm Emotions 1x/day


STR 12 (+1)

DEX 10 (+0)

CON 18 (+4)

INT 8 (-1)

WIS 18 (+4)

CHA 14 (+2)

FEAT: Fey Touched (Misty Step, Identify, +1 to WIS)
106 (+6)


and Calm Emotions 1x/day

+ Misty Step and Identify 1x/long rest each


STR 12 (+1)

DEX 10 (+0)

CON 18 (+4)

INT 8 (-1)

WIS 18 (+4)

CHA 14 (+2)

113 (+7)


and Calm Emotions 1x/day, Misty Step and Identify 1x/long rest each


Total: 85

Episode Timestamp Speaker Said to Notes
C3E001 The Draw of Destiny 00:50:27 FCG Ashton
C3E001 The Draw of Destiny 01:05:37 FCG Ishir
C3E001 The Draw of Destiny 01:41:16 Liam The cast Out of character as a joke
C3E003 The Trail and the Toll 02:06:03 FCG The party
C3E004 On the Trail of a Killer 01:03:24 FCG Anni
C3E004 On the Trail of a Killer 01:03:27 Ashton Anni
C3E005 The Threat Between the Walls 03:42:58 FCG The party Pretending to not remember them
C3E007 Behind the Curtain 02:39:16 FCG Dorian
C3E007 Behind the Curtain 02:39:17 Dorian FCG
C3E008 A Woodworker’s Quandary 00:27:48 FCG Chetney
C3E008 A Woodworker’s Quandary 01:12:57 FCG Cyrus
C3E008 A Woodworker’s Quandary 03:12:23 Orym FCG
C3E009 Thicker Grows the Meal and Plot 01:20:26 FCG Preio Madali
C3E010 Ghosts, Dates, and Darker Fates 01:21:51 FCG Pretty
C3E010 Ghosts, Dates, and Darker Fates 01:21:52 Pretty FCG
C3E012 Make It Fashion 00:43:19 Liam The cast Part of a “Jrusar Chainsaw Massacre” joke
C3E012 Make It Fashion 02:06:39 FCG Marwa Endalia
C3E013 A Dance of Deception 01:21:20 FCG Gryz Alakritos
C3E014 In Too Deep 01:47:16 FCG Dorian
C3E014 In Too Deep 02:04:11 FCG Emoth Kade
C3E014 In Too Deep 02:04:18 Travis The cast Laughing at FCG’s greeting of Emoth Kade
C3E014 In Too Deep 02:19:03 FCG Emoth Kade
C3E015 The Tunnels Below 00:54:04 FCG Olly Describing the day, not a greeting
C3E016 The Shade Mother 00:40:54 FCG The Shade Mother
C3E017 Heart-to-Heartmoor 02:41:06 Orym Ashton After tucking flowers into FCG’s seams while they sleep
C3E021 Fight at the Museum… 02:36:37 FCG Evon Hytroga “Smiley night to ya”
C3E021 Fight at the Museum… 02:57:12 Imogen FCG
C3E022 Promise and Potential 01:12:03 FCG Jiana Hexum
C3E025 A Taste of Tal'Dorei 00:19:46 FCG Tripod automaton in Bassuras
C3E025 A Taste of Tal'Dorei 00:21:59 Imogen Tripod automaton in Bassuras Telepathically
C3E025 A Taste of Tal'Dorei 02:40:03 Dusk Beetle-like automaton in Bassuras
C3E025 A Taste of Tal'Dorei 02:40:09 Person at the back of a cart in Bassuras Dusk
C3E026 Hidden Truths 01:46:32 FCG Esmer Balenta
C3E026 Hidden Truths 03:50:29 FCG Imahara Joe
C3E027 A Race for the Prize 02:09:28 FCG Esmer Balenta
C3E028 The Deathwish Run 04:20:44 FCG Birdie
C3E031 Breaking Point 03:21:26 Fearne FCG “No smiley happy days, that’s for sure”, not a greeting
C3E031 Breaking Point 03:49:45 Laudna Imogen Quoting FCG
C3E031 Breaking Point 03:49:47 Imogen Lauda
C3E032 A Stage Set 01:00:05 FCG Dancer
C3E036 A Desperate Call 01:02:45 FCG Vex’ahlia de Rolo
C3E038 A Dark Balance 01:26:18 FCG Pâté
C3E038 A Dark Balance 02:56:11 Matt The cast Jokingly said as FCG with a stinkeye facial expression
C3E038 A Dark Balance 03:23:00 FCG Osli Kamyda
C3E038 A Dark Balance 03:23:02 Osli Kamyda FCG
C3E038 A Dark Balance 03:32:52 Osli Kamyda FCG
C3E040 Compulsions 00:31:49 FCG The party
C3E042 The City of Flowing Light 01:41:28 FCG Lyrios
C3E042 The City of Flowing Light 02:33:11 FCG Freya “Smiley evening to you”
C3E044 Bawdy Basement Belligerence 00:05:35 Laura The audience Describing FCG shirt
C3E045 Ominous Lectures 00:52:32 FCG Vitro Isham
C3E045 Ominous Lectures 00:52:34 Vitro Isham FCG
C3E046 Night at the Ligament Manor 00:15:34 FCG Morrigan
C3E048 An Exit Most Fraught 01:54:47 Orym FCG “Smiley night”
C3E049 The Aurora Grows 01:05:03 FCG Milo Via Sending
C3E049 The Aurora Grows 02:34:43 FCG D Via Sending
C3E052 Far From The Others 00:11:51 FCG Orym Via Sending
C3E052 Far From The Others 01:14:22 FCG FRIDA
C3E052 Far From The Others 01:14:25 FRIDA FCG Charmed by FCG’s greeting
C3E053 Ripples 00:54:08 FCG People in the Volition Disc
C3E055 Hope Within History 01:48:36 FCG Jaquoby Macyl
C3E065 A Path of Vengeance 00:46:42 FCG Milo
C3E066 Aid of the Tempest 01:28:07 FCG Alma
C3E068 For The Tempest 00:16:42 FCG The Luminary Blade
C3E071 Mist and Whimsy 01:24:59 FCG Me “Smiley night to ya”
C3E074 Roots Between Worlds 00:06:46 Sam The audience Showing FCG plush
C3E076 A Gathering of Heroes 03:34:51 FCG Osli Kamyda
C3E076 A Gathering of Heroes 03:40:48 FCG Changebringer Describing the day, not a greeting
C3E077 The Promise and the Price 00:06:47 Laura The audience Describing FCG cardigan
C3E078 Fractures 03:54:02 FCG Ollie
C3E079 To Hurt Is to Heal 01:13:59 FCG The party
C3E080 A Test of Trust 01:02:14 FCG Kenny the Fey Squirrel
C3E080 A Test of Trust 01:02:16 Kenny the Fey Squirrel FCG
C3E081 The Eve of the Red Moon 02:35:42 FCG Tofor Brotoras
C3E081 The Eve of the Red Moon 02:35:57 Ashton Tofor Brotoras
C3E084 Red Rural Revelations 00:12:18 FCG Dono
C3E085 Intense Interrogations 00:15:38 Travis The cast Making a joke about a Fresh Cut Grass Alexa pack
C3E087 Arrival at Kreviris 02:12:05 FCG Asha and Kelito “Smiley moon to ya”
C3E089 Divisive Portents 00:20:48 FCG Gaz Tomo
C3E091 True Heroism 01:27:48 FCG Evoroa
C3E091 True Heroism 04:31:51 FCG The cast Sign off speech, not a greeting
C3E095 Gathering of Needs 02:42:03 Imogen Essek Thelyss Referencing FCG’s phrase, not a greeting
C3E098 The Nox Engine 01:08:56 Dominox as FCG Ashton Saying it’s not a smiley day, not a greeting
C3E110 In the Shadow of War 00:47:52 Fearne Xandis
C3E110 In the Shadow of War 00:47:54 Xandis Fearne

Overall Ashton Bertrand Chetney FRIDA Fearne Imogen Laudna Orym ToT King Drassig Villager Yu
Total instances 34 5 1 4 1 5 7 5 3 1 1 1
Total suffering transferred 243 27 9 29 9 54 45 33 23 0 5 9
Episode Timestamp Suffering transferred From Notes
C3E001 The Draw of Destiny 02:19:21 9 Bertrand
C3E002 Trial by Firelight 03:07:01 7 Orym
C3E003 The Trail and the Toll 02:25:40 8 Imogen
C3E007 Behind the Curtain 02:41:38 7 Ashton
C3E007 Behind the Curtain 03:00:53 11 Laudna
C3E011 Chasing Nightmares 00:36:19 11 Laudna
C3E011 Chasing Nightmares 01:17:31 5 Imogen
C3E014 In Too Deep 00:35:54 3 Ashton
C3E014 In Too Deep 00:42:02 2 Ashton
C3E014 In Too Deep 00:44:41 4 Ashton
C3E015 The Tunnels Below 03:25:25 6 Orym
C3E016 The Shade Mother 02:25:56 6 Chetney
C3E016 The Shade Mother 02:46:35 6 Laudna
C3E018 A Hungry Jungle 01:21:10 10 Orym
C3E021 Fight at the Museum… 01:17:39 10 Imogen
C3E025 A Taste of Tal'Dorei 00:54:07 0 ToT King Drassig Trying to take "King Drassig's" fake damage during a performance
C3E027 A Race for the Prize 01:00:59 0 Laudna Trying to take away Laudna's fake stress
C3E029 Dark Portents 00:25:52 9 Yu
C3E030 Reunion & Revelation 01:13:59 5 Imogen
C3E033 Blood and Dust 03:49:24 5 Laudna
C3E036 A Desperate Call 03:39:40 10 Chetney
C3E040 Compulsions 01:20:09 4 Imogen
C3E040 Compulsions 01:59:23 4 Chetney
C3E041 Call of the Wild 02:58:54 11 Ashton
C3E047 The Fey Key 03:45:33 6 Imogen
C3E047 The Fey Key 04:11:18 14 Fearne
C3E054 Treacherous Toys 03:28:55 10 Fearne
C3E056 By Goat or By Boat 02:43:15 9 FRIDA
C3E057 The Sorrow of Molaesmyr 01:36:30 8 Fearne
C3E058 Escape From The Past 00:29:15 12 Fearne
C3E066 Aid of the Tempest 04:08:55 10 Fearne
C3E070 Embattled in Bassuras 01:20:51 9 Chetney
C3E084 Red Rural Revelations 03:05:19 5 Villager
C3E091 True Heroism 03:24:09 7 Imogen

Total: 5

Episode Timestamp Description
C3E001 The Draw of Destiny 02:54:08 Precampaign, death of Division of Public Benefit
C3E031 Breaking Point 02:57:30 Calloway Layaway
C3E064 Reunited 00:25:37 During teleport from Uthodurn
C3E080 A Test of Trust 03:17:09 During Fearne’s absorption of the Shard of Rau’shan
C3E091 True Heroism 04:01:35 Right before self-destructing and killing Otohan

Total: 32

Episode Timestamp Description
C3E015 The Tunnels Below 00:42:21 Manmade spire change
C3E018 A Hungry Jungle 01:45:34 “You can’t tip the earth, it’s flat”
C3E019 Omens Above 02:50:29 Ruidus is facing us
C3E029 Dark Portents 01:29:29 FCG has gotten to Chetney
C3E035 Pyrrhic Return 00:56:20 Speech about Laudna
C3E038 A Dark Balance 02:04:45 On the wrong side of the flat earth
C3E038 A Dark Balance 02:58:00 Imogen trying to prove a round Exandria in her dream
C3E043 Axiom Shaken 03:20:13 Exandria is like a pie
C3E045 Ominous Lectures 02:44:33 Orym gets it
C3E047 The Fey Key 00:36:16 “It’s not how this flat world works”
C3E048 An Exit Most Fraught 01:34:47 “the rotation of Exandria as a sphere”
C3E048 An Exit Most Fraught 02:31:24 “It’s a big flat world”
C3E049 The Aurora Grows 00:46:42 “the flat disk of Exandria”
C3E054 Treacherous Toys 00:38:37 FRIDA’s sketches
C3E056 By Goat or By Boat 00:16:21 Can’t see Ruidus in the sky
C3E056 By Goat or By Boat 01:10:57 FCG could see the Changebringer far away because there was no curvature
C3E057 The Sorrow of Molaesmyr 02:26:25 “Exandria’s flat, so we should be able to see everything, right?”
C3E065 A Path of Vengeance 03:41:12 Saw Exandria in the sky in a dream
C3E065 A Path of Vengeance 03:42:58 Asking the Changebringer
C3E066 Aid of the Tempest 02:23:08 Looking for flat surfaces
C3E072 Phantasmal Parley 01:21:19 Turn Undead/Destroy Undead
C3E074 Roots Between Worlds 02:31:24 Describing the Shadow Realm
C3E083 Ruidus 00:41:32 Checking if Exandria has rotated
C3E083 Ruidus 00:42:21 Can’t see beyond the horizon
C3E084 Red Rural Revelations 01:18:17 Chu agrees with FCG
C3E086 Doorways to Darker Depths 00:55:41 Sam thinks Lake Umamu is in the same hemisphere as Marquet
C3E095 Gathering of Needs 02:05:22 “They died a flat Exandrian”
C3E103 Cages 01:41:09 “Here's to FCG
C3E103 Cages 01:45:33 “Back to flat earth, please”
C3E104 The Cradle's Convocation 00:29:19 Ruidians call Exandria the flat earth
C3E104 The Cradle's Convocation 01:13:04 “Those are the heaviest hitters on this flat earth”
C3E109 A Test of Fate 01:25:42 What’s even on the other side of the planet?

Total: 67

Episode Timestamp Description
C3E024 The Hellcatch Valley 00:45:58 FCG rolls his tongue to speak to a dusttra
C3E024 The Hellcatch Valley 00:59:46 Laura asks if FCG has a tongue
C3E024 The Hellcatch Valley 01:52:16 FCG in sleep mode
C3E025 A Taste of Tal'Dorei 01:10:10 Laura says FCG doesn’t have a flesh tongue and Imogen doesn’t cross her eyes while speaking telepathically
C3E025 A Taste of Tal'Dorei 01:59:01 Move the tongue out of the way to put the music box in FCG
C3E026 Hidden Truths 03:17:45 “licking something with my flesh tongue”
C3E026 Hidden Truths 03:23:12 FCG moving their flesh tongue while being considered as collatoral
C3E027 A Race for the Prize 01:07:34 FCG looks pale
C3E027 A Race for the Prize 01:40:25 Flesh eyelids
C3E027 A Race for the Prize 01:49:30 FCG has hair
C3E028 The Deathwish Run 04:10:06 No lips, just a tongue
C3E030 Reunion & Revelation 01:25:49 Licking off acid with his tongue
C3E031 Breaking Point 00:36:20 “Show me that big tongue”
C3E031 Breaking Point 01:17:51 Imogen is holding FCG’s tongue
C3E031 Breaking Point 02:22:35 FCG pulls out the meat tongue in an alone place
C3E031 Breaking Point 03:04:11 FCG is angry and the meat tongue is out
C3E031 Breaking Point 03:27:59 Does FCG have a flesh brain?
C3E032 A Stage Set 00:34:03 FCG has earlobes
C3E032 A Stage Set 01:11:20 Forgot to ask Dancer if she installed FCG’s tongue
C3E032 A Stage Set 01:18:07 The flesh tongue is not canon, but the one-eyed monster is
C3E032 A Stage Set 02:04:00 A taste of tongue sandwich
C3E035 Pyrrhic Return 01:11:15 A piece of metal meat
C3E035 Pyrrhic Return 03:09:18 FCG’s tongue doesn’t go back down
C3E036 A Desperate Call 02:10:34 The meat tongue is a component to tell if FCG has a soul
C3E036 A Desperate Call 02:29:43 Feet or tongue in FCG’s dream form?
C3E036 A Desperate Call 04:11:43 “Tongues out, guns out”
C3E038 A Dark Balance 03:29:57 FCG can leave their tongue as an offering to the Changebringer
C3E040 Compulsions 03:51:05 FCG making animal noises with his tongue
C3E041 Call of the Wild 00:48:42 FCG puts a mushroom on their tongue
C3E042 The City of Flowing Light 00:23:18 FCG is stroking the meat tongue
C3E042 The City of Flowing Light 02:45:09 “That meat tongue turned into a silver tongue”
C3E043 Axiom Shaken 01:55:37 FCG can’t taste or smell despite the tongue
C3E044 Bawdy Basement Belligerence 00:15:12 FCG could use his tongue as part of the orgy
C3E045 Ominous Lectures 02:59:08 FCG’s tongue gets longer when they lie
C3E046 Night at the Ligament Manor 01:06:36 The party can donate FCG’s tongue to Morrigan
C3E046 Night at the Ligament Manor 01:25:17 Sam appreciates the tongue of the sun bear
C3E046 Night at the Ligament Manor 01:30:19 Sun bear tongues are almost as long as FCG’s
C3E046 Night at the Ligament Manor 03:29:36 “I have Tongues”
C3E046 Night at the Ligament Manor 03:30:14 “I’ll Tongue myself”
C3E049 The Aurora Grows 02:36:24 Is FCG’s tongue rigid?
C3E051 The Apogee Solstice 00:22:16 FCG always feels like he put his tongue on a battery
C3E052 Far From The Others 01:19:25 Does FRIDA have a tongue?
C3E052 Far From The Others 02:28:17 On the tip your tongue
C3E053 Ripples 00:26:43 FRIDA is metallic components attached with a tongue
C3E053 Ripples 03:07:48 FCG casts Fleshy Tongues on themself
C3E054 Treacherous Toys 02:45:33 Chetney’s transformation is worse than the tongue
C3E055 Hope Within History 01:47:05 Laura mimes a tongue when FRIDA and FCG kiss
C3E055 Hope Within History 01:55:37 Aabria does’t buy FCG is horrified by FRIDA’s face coming off
C3E055 Hope Within History 03:16:24 “Don’t forget to attach your meat tongue!”
C3E055 Hope Within History 03:19:15 The meat tongue produces moisture
C3E056 By Goat or By Boat 00:12:05 Recap of FCG and FRIDA’s activities
C3E056 By Goat or By Boat 02:21:33 “Nobody tongues FRIDA except for me!”
C3E057 The Sorrow of Molaesmyr 01:17:15 “Meat tongue”
C3E057 The Sorrow of Molaesmyr 01:19:07 The meat tongue secretes
C3E064 Reunited 00:39:47 FCG gives FRIDA tongue
C3E064 Reunited 03:58:13 cigarettes aren’t good for FCG
C3E080 A Test of Trust 01:16:30 Laura references FCG’s tongue as Sam licks a candy
C3E082 Rush for the Bloody Bridge 01:58:44 FCG takes temperatures with his tongue
C3E085 Intense Interrogations 02:11:53 The dice tower tongue does not look like a tongue
C3E085 Intense Interrogations 02:12:53 “Do you want to roll on the tongue?”
C3E085 Intense Interrogations 02:21:23 Sam needs to remove the tongue from the dice tower to roll
C3E085 Intense Interrogations 02:28:15 The dice tower and the fleshy tongue are distasteful to Otohan
C3E087 Arrival at Kreviris 03:10:16 It looks like Sam’s tongue is going through the dice tower
C3E091 True Heroism 00:41:12 FCG rolls up their tongue to fit in a tight space
C3E091 True Heroism 01:20:36 FCG licks stuff as a slither
C3E091 True Heroism 04:35:53 Just the tongue is left
C3E106 Unseelie Interrupted 01:29:53 “It’s the campaign of tongue questions”

NOTE: Numbers represent damage as taken, taking into account resistances and other effects, and may differ from the damage as rolled.

Total: 2126

Average per episode present: 24.72

Episode Damage taken
C3E001 The Draw of Destiny 9
C3E002 Trial by Firelight 7
C3E003 The Trail and the Toll 3
C3E005 The Threat Between the Walls 26
C3E007 Behind the Curtain 7
C3E009 Thicker Grows the Meal and Plot 4
C3E011 Chasing Nightmares 23
C3E012 Make It Fashion 2
C3E014 In Too Deep 27
C3E015 The Tunnels Below 3
C3E016 The Shade Mother 30
C3E018 A Hungry Jungle 29
C3E020 Breaking and Entering... 14
C3E021 Fight at the Museum… 10
C3E023 To The Skies 36
C3E024 The Hellcatch Valley 16
C3E028 The Deathwish Run 26
C3E029 Dark Portents 9
C3E030 Reunion & Revelation 78
C3E031 Breaking Point 72
C3E033 Blood and Dust 11
C3E036 A Desperate Call 40
C3E037 From the Boughs 45
C3E040 Compulsions 7
C3E041 Call of the Wild 11
C3E043 Axiom Shaken 1
C3E044 Bawdy Basement Belligerence 53
C3E046 Night at the Ligament Manor 5
C3E047 The Fey Key 20
C3E048 An Exit Most Fraught 67
C3E049 The Aurora Grows 23
C3E052 Far From The Others 80
C3E054 Treacherous Toys 19
C3E056 By Goat or By Boat 18
C3E057 The Sorrow of Molaesmyr 25
C3E058 Escape From The Past 120
C3E064 Reunited 33
C3E066 Aid of the Tempest 59
C3E067 Bloody Flowers 37
C3E069 Nice 36
C3E070 Embattled in Bassuras 24
C3E071 Mist and Whimsy 1
C3E072 Phantasmal Parley 118
C3E073 Kindling the Spirits 71
C3E075 An Ancient Flame 26
C3E076 A Gathering of Heroes 24
C3E077 The Promise and the Price 32
C3E078 Fractures 8
C3E079 To Hurt Is to Heal 61
C3E080 A Test of Trust 124
C3E084 Red Rural Revelations 5
C3E085 Intense Interrogations 96
C3E086 Doorways to Darker Depths 33
C3E087 Arrival at Kreviris 68
C3E090 Mission Improbable 104
C3E091 True Heroism 190

Episode Character Spell Base level Cast at Notes
C3E001 The Draw of Destiny Fresh Cut Grass Channel Divinity: Sympathetic Binding - -
C3E001 The Draw of Destiny Fresh Cut Grass Shield of Faith 1 1
C3E001 The Draw of Destiny Fresh Cut Grass Spiritual Weapon 2 2 Tomato
C3E001 The Draw of Destiny Fresh Cut Grass Transfer Suffering - -
C3E001 The Draw of Destiny Fresh Cut Grass Detect Thoughts 2 2
C3E002 Trial by Firelight Fresh Cut Grass Bless 1 1 Ashton, Laudna, Fearne
C3E002 Trial by Firelight Fresh Cut Grass Transfer Suffering - -
C3E002 Trial by Firelight Fresh Cut Grass Healing Word 1 1 Dorian heals 7 points, is conscious
C3E002 Trial by Firelight Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E002 Trial by Firelight Fresh Cut Grass Detect Thoughts 2 2
C3E002 Trial by Firelight Fresh Cut Grass Identify 1 - Via Goggles of Object Reading
C3E002 Trial by Firelight Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E002 Trial by Firelight Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E002 Trial by Firelight Fresh Cut Grass Message Cantrip Cantrip
C3E003 The Trail and the Toll Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E003 The Trail and the Toll Fresh Cut Grass Detect Thoughts 2 2
C3E003 The Trail and the Toll Fresh Cut Grass Bless 1 1 Ashton, Orym, Imogen
C3E003 The Trail and the Toll Fresh Cut Grass Healing Word 1 1 Orym heals 5 points, is conscious
C3E003 The Trail and the Toll Fresh Cut Grass Transfer Suffering - -
C3E003 The Trail and the Toll Fresh Cut Grass Spare the Dying Cantrip Cantrip
C3E004 On the Trail of a Killer Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E004 On the Trail of a Killer Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E005 The Threat Between the Walls Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E005 The Threat Between the Walls Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E005 The Threat Between the Walls Fresh Cut Grass Speak with Animals 1 1
C3E005 The Threat Between the Walls Fresh Cut Grass Channel Divinity: Sympathetic Binding - - Orym, Imogen
C3E005 The Threat Between the Walls Fresh Cut Grass Command 1 1 Alphabatize
C3E005 The Threat Between the Walls Fresh Cut Grass Healing Word 1 2 Imogen heals 9 points
C3E005 The Threat Between the Walls Fresh Cut Grass Sacred Flame Cantrip Cantrip
C3E005 The Threat Between the Walls Fresh Cut Grass Healing Word 1 2 Fearne heals 8 points, is conscious
C3E005 The Threat Between the Walls Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E006 Growing Bonds and Teasing Threads Fresh Cut Grass Enhance Ability 2 2 Eagle's Splendor, Dorian
C3E007 Behind the Curtain Fresh Cut Grass Cure Wounds 1 1 Performer heals 5 points
C3E007 Behind the Curtain Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E007 Behind the Curtain Fresh Cut Grass Enhance Ability 2 2 Ashton, Intelligence
C3E007 Behind the Curtain Fresh Cut Grass Detect Thoughts 2 2
C3E007 Behind the Curtain Fresh Cut Grass Transfer Suffering - -
C3E007 Behind the Curtain Fresh Cut Grass Shield of Help 1 1 Ashton
C3E007 Behind the Curtain Fresh Cut Grass Transfer Suffering - -
C3E007 Behind the Curtain Fresh Cut Grass Healing Word 1 1 Ashton heals 6 points
C3E008 A Woodworker’s Quandary Fresh Cut Grass Calm Emotions 2 2
C3E008 A Woodworker’s Quandary Fresh Cut Grass Light Cantrip Cantrip
C3E008 A Woodworker’s Quandary Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E008 A Woodworker’s Quandary Fresh Cut Grass Detect Thoughts 2 2
C3E009 Thicker Grows the Meal and Plot Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E010 Ghosts, Dates, and Darker Fates Fresh Cut Grass Guidance 1 1
C3E010 Ghosts, Dates, and Darker Fates Fresh Cut Grass Enhance Ability 2 2 Orym, Cat's Grace
C3E010 Ghosts, Dates, and Darker Fates Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E010 Ghosts, Dates, and Darker Fates Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E010 Ghosts, Dates, and Darker Fates Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E010 Ghosts, Dates, and Darker Fates Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E010 Ghosts, Dates, and Darker Fates Fresh Cut Grass Channel Divinity: Sympathetic Binding - - Imogen, Dorian
C3E011 Chasing Nightmares Fresh Cut Grass Transfer Suffering - -
C3E011 Chasing Nightmares Fresh Cut Grass Spiritual Weapon 2 2
C3E011 Chasing Nightmares Fresh Cut Grass Transfer Suffering - -
C3E011 Chasing Nightmares Fresh Cut Grass Cure Wounds 1 1 Imogen heals 10 points
C3E011 Chasing Nightmares Fresh Cut Grass Cure Wounds 1 1 Dorian heals 5 points
C3E012 Make It Fashion Fresh Cut Grass Identify 1 - Via Lens
C3E012 Make It Fashion Fresh Cut Grass Enhance Ability 2 2 Imogen, Fox's Cunning
C3E012 Make It Fashion Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E012 Make It Fashion Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E013 A Dance of Deception Fresh Cut Grass Detect Magic 1 1
C3E013 A Dance of Deception Fresh Cut Grass Detect Evil and Good 1 1
C3E013 A Dance of Deception Fresh Cut Grass Enhance Ability 2 3 Fearne, Dorian, Charisma
C3E013 A Dance of Deception Fresh Cut Grass Enhance Ability 2 2 Dorian, Dexterity
C3E013 A Dance of Deception Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E013 A Dance of Deception Fresh Cut Grass Channel Divinity: Sympathetic Binding - -
C3E014 In Too Deep Fresh Cut Grass Transfer Suffering - -
C3E014 In Too Deep Fresh Cut Grass Transfer Suffering - -
C3E014 In Too Deep Fresh Cut Grass Transfer Suffering - -
C3E014 In Too Deep Fresh Cut Grass Cure Wounds 1 1 Ashton heals 9 points, is conscious
C3E014 In Too Deep Fresh Cut Grass Calm Emotions 2 2
C3E014 In Too Deep Fresh Cut Grass Spiritual Weapon 2 2
C3E014 In Too Deep Fresh Cut Grass Sacred Flame Cantrip Cantrip
C3E014 In Too Deep Fresh Cut Grass Fast Friends 3 3
C3E014 In Too Deep Fresh Cut Grass Calm Emotions 2 2
C3E015 The Tunnels Below Fresh Cut Grass Detect Thoughts 2 2
C3E015 The Tunnels Below Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E015 The Tunnels Below Fresh Cut Grass Cure Wounds 1 1
C3E015 The Tunnels Below Fresh Cut Grass Detect Thoughts 1 1
C3E015 The Tunnels Below Fresh Cut Grass Sacred Flame Cantrip Cantrip
C3E015 The Tunnels Below Fresh Cut Grass Spiritual Weapon 2 2
C3E015 The Tunnels Below Fresh Cut Grass Transfer Suffering - -
C3E015 The Tunnels Below Fresh Cut Grass Sacred Flame Cantrip Cantrip
C3E015 The Tunnels Below Fresh Cut Grass Aura of Vitality 3 3
C3E016 The Shade Mother Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E016 The Shade Mother Fresh Cut Grass Cure Wounds 1 1 Orym heals 4 points
C3E016 The Shade Mother Fresh Cut Grass Healing Word 1 1 Orym heals 4 points
C3E016 The Shade Mother Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E016 The Shade Mother Fresh Cut Grass Transfer Suffering - -
C3E016 The Shade Mother Fresh Cut Grass Transfer Suffering - -
C3E016 The Shade Mother Fresh Cut Grass Sacred Flame Cantrip Cantrip
C3E017 Heart-to-Heartmoor Fresh Cut Grass Identify 1 - Via Lens
C3E017 Heart-to-Heartmoor Fresh Cut Grass Light Cantrip Cantrip
C3E017 Heart-to-Heartmoor Fresh Cut Grass Identify 1 - Via Lens
C3E017 Heart-to-Heartmoor Fresh Cut Grass Identify 1 - Via Lens
C3E017 Heart-to-Heartmoor Fresh Cut Grass Detect Thoughts 2 2
C3E018 A Hungry Jungle Fresh Cut Grass Channel Divinity: Sympathetic Binding - - Imogen, Fearne
C3E018 A Hungry Jungle Fresh Cut Grass Healing Word 1 2 Ashton heals 6 points
C3E018 A Hungry Jungle Fresh Cut Grass Transfer Suffering - -
C3E018 A Hungry Jungle Fresh Cut Grass Identify 1 - Via Lens
C3E018 A Hungry Jungle Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E018 A Hungry Jungle Fresh Cut Grass Detect Thoughts 2 2
C3E018 A Hungry Jungle Fresh Cut Grass Enhance Ability 2 2 Imogen, Eagle's Splendor
C3E019 Omens Above Fresh Cut Grass Enhance Ability 2 2 Fearne, Owl's Wisdom
C3E019 Omens Above Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E019 Omens Above Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E019 Omens Above Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E019 Omens Above Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E020 Breaking and Entering... Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E020 Breaking and Entering... Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E020 Breaking and Entering... Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E020 Breaking and Entering... Fresh Cut Grass Locate Object 2 2
C3E020 Breaking and Entering... Fresh Cut Grass Find Traps 2 2
C3E020 Breaking and Entering... Fresh Cut Grass Dispel Magic 3 3
C3E020 Breaking and Entering... Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E020 Breaking and Entering... Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E020 Breaking and Entering... Fresh Cut Grass Detect Magic 1 1
C3E020 Breaking and Entering... Fresh Cut Grass Cure Wounds 1 1 Imogen heals 4 points
C3E020 Breaking and Entering... Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E020 Breaking and Entering... Fresh Cut Grass Locate Object 2 2
C3E020 Breaking and Entering... Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E020 Breaking and Entering... Fresh Cut Grass Cure Wounds 1 1 Chetney heals 4 points
C3E020 Breaking and Entering... Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E020 Breaking and Entering... Fresh Cut Grass Sacred Flame Cantrip Cantrip
C3E021 Fight at the Museum… Fresh Cut Grass Channel Divinity: Sympathetic Binding - - Laudna, Imogen
C3E021 Fight at the Museum… Fresh Cut Grass Transfer Suffering - -
C3E021 Fight at the Museum… Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E021 Fight at the Museum… Fresh Cut Grass Aura of Vitality 3 3
C3E021 Fight at the Museum… Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E021 Fight at the Museum… Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E021 Fight at the Museum… Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E021 Fight at the Museum… Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E021 Fight at the Museum… Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E021 Fight at the Museum… Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E021 Fight at the Museum… Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E021 Fight at the Museum… Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E021 Fight at the Museum… Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E021 Fight at the Museum… Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E021 Fight at the Museum… Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E021 Fight at the Museum… Fresh Cut Grass Spare the Dying Cantrip Cantrip
C3E021 Fight at the Museum… Fresh Cut Grass Spare the Dying Cantrip Cantrip
C3E021 Fight at the Museum… Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E021 Fight at the Museum… Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E021 Fight at the Museum… Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E021 Fight at the Museum… Fresh Cut Grass Remove Curse 3 3
C3E021 Fight at the Museum… Fresh Cut Grass Detect Thoughts 2 2
C3E021 Fight at the Museum… Fresh Cut Grass Identify 1 - Via Glass
C3E021 Fight at the Museum… Fresh Cut Grass Identify 1 - Via Glass
C3E022 Promise and Potential Fresh Cut Grass Detect Magic 1 1
C3E022 Promise and Potential Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E022 Promise and Potential Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E022 Promise and Potential Fresh Cut Grass Identify 1 - Via glass
C3E022 Promise and Potential Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E022 Promise and Potential Fresh Cut Grass Channel Divinity: Sympathetic Binding - -
C3E022 Promise and Potential Fresh Cut Grass Detect Thoughts 2 2
C3E022 Promise and Potential Fresh Cut Grass Calm Emotions 2 2
C3E022 Promise and Potential Fresh Cut Grass Calm Emotions 2 - Racial Ability
C3E023 To The Skies Fresh Cut Grass Blindness/Deafness 2 3
C3E023 To The Skies Fresh Cut Grass Healing Word 1 2 Laudna heals 7 points
C3E023 To The Skies Fresh Cut Grass Cure Wounds 1 Unknown Terana heals 11 points
C3E023 To The Skies Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E024 The Hellcatch Valley Fresh Cut Grass Enhance Ability 2 2 Ashton, Dexterity
C3E024 The Hellcatch Valley Fresh Cut Grass Speak with Animals 1 1
C3E024 The Hellcatch Valley Fresh Cut Grass Cure Wounds 1 1 Ashton heals 10 points
C3E024 The Hellcatch Valley Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E024 The Hellcatch Valley Fresh Cut Grass Shield of Help 1 1
C3E024 The Hellcatch Valley Fresh Cut Grass Command 1 1 Monologue
C3E024 The Hellcatch Valley Fresh Cut Grass Cure Wounds 1 Unknown Dusk heals 11 points
C3E025 A Taste of Tal'Dorei Fresh Cut Grass Transfer Suffering - -
C3E025 A Taste of Tal'Dorei Fresh Cut Grass Locate Object 2 2
C3E025 A Taste of Tal'Dorei Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E025 A Taste of Tal'Dorei Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E026 Hidden Truths Fresh Cut Grass Calm Emotions 2 2 Imogen
C3E026 Hidden Truths Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E026 Hidden Truths Fresh Cut Grass Sending 3 3
C3E026 Hidden Truths Fresh Cut Grass Identify 1 - Via lens
C3E027 A Race for the Prize Fresh Cut Grass Enhance Ability 2 2 Fox's Cunning, Chetney
C3E027 A Race for the Prize Fresh Cut Grass Transfer Suffering - -
C3E027 A Race for the Prize Fresh Cut Grass Calm Emotions 2 2
C3E027 A Race for the Prize Fresh Cut Grass Enhance Ability 2 2 Eagle's Splendor, Ashton
C3E028 The Deathwish Run Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E028 The Deathwish Run Fresh Cut Grass Spirit Guardians 3 3
C3E028 The Deathwish Run Fresh Cut Grass Healing Word 1 2 Imogen heals 11 points
C3E028 The Deathwish Run Fresh Cut Grass Sympathetic Binding - -
C3E028 The Deathwish Run Fresh Cut Grass Spiritual Weapon 2 2 Banana Peel
C3E028 The Deathwish Run Fresh Cut Grass Sacred Flame Cantrip Cantrip
C3E028 The Deathwish Run Fresh Cut Grass Light Cantrip Cantrip
C3E028 The Deathwish Run Fresh Cut Grass Shield of Help 1 1
C3E028 The Deathwish Run Fresh Cut Grass Cure Wounds 1 2 Laudna heals 8 points
C3E029 Dark Portents Fresh Cut Grass Transfer Suffering - -
C3E029 Dark Portents Fresh Cut Grass Aura of Vitality 3 3
C3E029 Dark Portents Fresh Cut Grass Identify 1 - Via lens
C3E030 Reunion & Revelation Fresh Cut Grass Transfer Suffering - -
C3E030 Reunion & Revelation Fresh Cut Grass Healing Word 1 Unknown Imogen heals 11 points, is conscious
C3E030 Reunion & Revelation Fresh Cut Grass Healing Word 1 1 Hondir heals 5 points, is conscious
C3E030 Reunion & Revelation Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E030 Reunion & Revelation Fresh Cut Grass Channel Divinity: Sympathetic Binding - -
C3E030 Reunion & Revelation Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E031 Breaking Point Fresh Cut Grass Detect Thoughts 2 2
C3E031 Breaking Point Fresh Cut Grass Hold Person 2 2
C3E031 Breaking Point Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E031 Breaking Point Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E031 Breaking Point Fresh Cut Grass Detect Thoughts 2 2
C3E031 Breaking Point Fresh Cut Grass Sending 3 3 Dancer
C3E031 Breaking Point Fresh Cut Grass Sending 3 3 Dancer
C3E031 Breaking Point Fresh Cut Grass Spiritual Weapon 2 2
C3E031 Breaking Point Fresh Cut Grass Healing Word 1 1 Chetney heals 4 points
C3E032 A Stage Set Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E032 A Stage Set Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E032 A Stage Set Fresh Cut Grass Sacred Flame Cantrip Cantrip
C3E032 A Stage Set Fresh Cut Grass Enhance Ability 2 2 Intelligence, Fearne
C3E032 A Stage Set Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E032 A Stage Set Fresh Cut Grass Detect Thoughts 2 2
C3E032 A Stage Set Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E032 A Stage Set Fresh Cut Grass Locate Creature 4 4
C3E033 Blood and Dust Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E033 Blood and Dust Fresh Cut Grass Light Cantrip Cantrip
C3E033 Blood and Dust Fresh Cut Grass Shield of Help 1 1
C3E033 Blood and Dust Fresh Cut Grass Channel Divinity: Sympathetic Binding - -
C3E033 Blood and Dust Fresh Cut Grass Healing Word 1 1 Fearne heals 6 points, is conscious
C3E033 Blood and Dust Fresh Cut Grass Sacred Flame Cantrip Cantrip
C3E033 Blood and Dust Fresh Cut Grass Transfer Suffering - -
C3E034 What Dreams May Come Fresh Cut Grass Revivify 3 3 Fearne
C3E034 What Dreams May Come Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E034 What Dreams May Come Fresh Cut Grass Identify 1 - Via lens
C3E034 What Dreams May Come Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E034 What Dreams May Come Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E034 What Dreams May Come Fresh Cut Grass Gentle Repose 2 2 Laudna
C3E034 What Dreams May Come Fresh Cut Grass Sending 3 3 Eshteross
C3E035 Pyrrhic Return Fresh Cut Grass Sending 3 3 Jiana Hexum
C3E035 Pyrrhic Return Fresh Cut Grass Sending 3 3 Jiana Hexum
C3E035 Pyrrhic Return Fresh Cut Grass Shared Dream 2 2
C3E035 Pyrrhic Return Fresh Cut Grass Enhance Ability 2 2 Xandis, dexterity
C3E035 Pyrrhic Return Fresh Cut Grass Calm Emotions 2 2
C3E035 Pyrrhic Return Fresh Cut Grass Shared Dream 2 2
C3E035 Pyrrhic Return Fresh Cut Grass Shared Dream 2 2
C3E035 Pyrrhic Return Fresh Cut Grass Shared Dream 2 2
C3E035 Pyrrhic Return Fresh Cut Grass Locate Object 2 2
C3E035 Pyrrhic Return Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E035 Pyrrhic Return Fresh Cut Grass Detect Thoughts 2 2
C3E035 Pyrrhic Return Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E035 Pyrrhic Return Fresh Cut Grass Sending 3 3 Imogen
C3E035 Pyrrhic Return Fresh Cut Grass Command 1 1
C3E035 Pyrrhic Return Fresh Cut Grass Healing Word 1 1 Ashton heals 4 points
C3E036 A Desperate Call Fresh Cut Grass Channel Divinity: Sympathetic Binding - - Imogen, Chetney, Ashton
C3E036 A Desperate Call Fresh Cut Grass Beacon of Hope 3 3
C3E036 A Desperate Call Fresh Cut Grass Spiritual Weapon 2 2 Bottle of Bleach
C3E036 A Desperate Call Fresh Cut Grass Transfer Suffering - -
C3E036 A Desperate Call Fresh Cut Grass Cure Wounds 1 1 Chetney heals 9 points
C3E036 A Desperate Call Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E036 A Desperate Call Fresh Cut Grass Mass Healing Word 3 3 All heal 6 points
C3E036 A Desperate Call Fresh Cut Grass Light Cantrip Cantrip
C3E037 From the Boughs Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E037 From the Boughs Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E037 From the Boughs Fresh Cut Grass Spiritual Weapon 2 2 Handsaw
C3E037 From the Boughs Fresh Cut Grass Identify 1 - Via lens
C3E037 From the Boughs Fresh Cut Grass Sacred Flame Cantrip Cantrip
C3E037 From the Boughs Fresh Cut Grass Channel Divinity: Sympathetic Binding - -
C3E037 From the Boughs Fresh Cut Grass Channel Divinity: Turn Undead - -
C3E037 From the Boughs Fresh Cut Grass Spiritual Weapon 2 2 Pâté
C3E038 A Dark Balance Fresh Cut Grass Compulsion 4 4
C3E038 A Dark Balance Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E038 A Dark Balance Fresh Cut Grass Detect Thoughts 2 2
C3E038 A Dark Balance Fresh Cut Grass Shared Dream 2 2
C3E038 A Dark Balance Fresh Cut Grass Sending 3 3 Manaia Turei
C3E038 A Dark Balance Fresh Cut Grass Sending 3 3 Manaia Turei
C3E038 A Dark Balance Fresh Cut Grass Locate Creature 4 4
C3E039 The Momentum of Murder Fresh Cut Grass Sending 3 3 Evelyn Wress
C3E039 The Momentum of Murder Fresh Cut Grass Light Cantrip Cantrip
C3E039 The Momentum of Murder Fresh Cut Grass Identify 1 - via lens
C3E040 Compulsions Fresh Cut Grass Cure Wounds 1 Unknown Chetney heals 17 points
C3E040 Compulsions Fresh Cut Grass Cure Wounds 1 Unknown Orym heals 9 points
C3E040 Compulsions Fresh Cut Grass Speak with Animals 1 1
C3E040 Compulsions Fresh Cut Grass Transfer Suffering - -
C3E040 Compulsions Fresh Cut Grass Spiritual Weapon 2 2 Butcher knife
C3E040 Compulsions Fresh Cut Grass Sacred Flame Cantrip Cantrip
C3E040 Compulsions Fresh Cut Grass Transfer Suffering - -
C3E040 Compulsions Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E040 Compulsions Fresh Cut Grass Enhance Ability 2 2 Chetney, Eagle's Splendor
C3E040 Compulsions Fresh Cut Grass Enhance Ability 2 2 Chetney, Eagle's Splendor
C3E041 Call of the Wild Fresh Cut Grass Death Ward 4 4
C3E041 Call of the Wild Fresh Cut Grass Enhance Ability 2 2 Chetney, Charisma
C3E041 Call of the Wild Fresh Cut Grass Channel Divinity: Sympathetic Binding - - Fearne, Orym, Chetney
C3E041 Call of the Wild Fresh Cut Grass Spiritual Weapon 2 2 Silver stake
C3E041 Call of the Wild Fresh Cut Grass Transfer Suffering - -
C3E041 Call of the Wild Fresh Cut Grass Healing Word 1 2 Ashton heals 7 points
C3E041 Call of the Wild Fresh Cut Grass Command 1 1 Fetch
C3E041 Call of the Wild Fresh Cut Grass Calm Emotions 2 2
C3E041 Call of the Wild Fresh Cut Grass Cure Wounds 1 1 Chetney heals 6 points
C3E042 The City of Flowing Light Fresh Cut Grass Cure Wounds 1 1
C3E042 The City of Flowing Light Fresh Cut Grass Detect Thoughts 2 2
C3E042 The City of Flowing Light Fresh Cut Grass Divination 4 4
C3E042 The City of Flowing Light Fresh Cut Grass Fast Friends 3 3
C3E042 The City of Flowing Light Fresh Cut Grass Detect Thoughts 2 2
C3E042 The City of Flowing Light Fresh Cut Grass Sending 3 3
C3E043 Axiom Shaken Fresh Cut Grass Speak with Animals 1 1
C3E043 Axiom Shaken Fresh Cut Grass Spare the Dying Cantrip Cantrip
C3E043 Axiom Shaken Fresh Cut Grass Detect Thoughts 2 2
C3E043 Axiom Shaken Fresh Cut Grass Fast Friends 3 3
C3E043 Axiom Shaken Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E043 Axiom Shaken Fresh Cut Grass Light Cantrip Cantrip
C3E044 Bawdy Basement Belligerence Fresh Cut Grass Channel Divinity: Sympathetic Binding - - Imogen, Laudna, Orym
C3E044 Bawdy Basement Belligerence Fresh Cut Grass Light Cantrip Cantrip
C3E044 Bawdy Basement Belligerence Fresh Cut Grass Command 1 3 Command
C3E044 Bawdy Basement Belligerence Fresh Cut Grass Banishment 4 4 Hunter Ranger
C3E044 Bawdy Basement Belligerence Fresh Cut Grass Spare the Dying Cantrip Cantrip Tuldus
C3E044 Bawdy Basement Belligerence Fresh Cut Grass Spare the Dying Cantrip Cantrip Tuldus
C3E044 Bawdy Basement Belligerence Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E044 Bawdy Basement Belligerence Fresh Cut Grass Fast Friends 3 3 Tuldus
C3E044 Bawdy Basement Belligerence Fresh Cut Grass Identify 1 - Via lens
C3E045 Ominous Lectures Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E045 Ominous Lectures Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E045 Ominous Lectures Fresh Cut Grass Enhance Ability 2 2 Imogen, Charisma
C3E046 Night at the Ligament Manor Fresh Cut Grass Detect Thoughts 2 4
C3E046 Night at the Ligament Manor Fresh Cut Grass Shared Dream 2 3
C3E046 Night at the Ligament Manor Fresh Cut Grass Tongues 3 3
C3E046 Night at the Ligament Manor Fresh Cut Grass Spiritual Weapon 2 2
C3E046 Night at the Ligament Manor Fresh Cut Grass Sacred Flame Cantrip Cantrip
C3E047 The Fey Key Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E047 The Fey Key Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E047 The Fey Key Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E047 The Fey Key Fresh Cut Grass Dispel Magic 3 3
C3E047 The Fey Key Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E047 The Fey Key Fresh Cut Grass Banishment 4 4 Unseelie guard
C3E047 The Fey Key Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E047 The Fey Key Fresh Cut Grass Channel Divinity: Sympathetic Binding - - Orym, Laudna, Ashton
C3E047 The Fey Key Fresh Cut Grass Spiritual Weapon 2 2 Spilling cup of coffee
C3E047 The Fey Key Fresh Cut Grass Transfer Suffering - -
C3E047 The Fey Key Fresh Cut Grass Healing Word 1 2 Imogen heals 7 points
C3E047 The Fey Key Fresh Cut Grass Mass Healing Word 3 3 All except Orym heal 5 points
C3E047 The Fey Key Fresh Cut Grass Transfer Suffering - -
C3E047 The Fey Key Fresh Cut Grass Shield of Help 1 1
C3E048 An Exit Most Fraught Fresh Cut Grass Cure Wounds 1 1 Fearne heals 11 points, is conscious
C3E048 An Exit Most Fraught Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E048 An Exit Most Fraught Fresh Cut Grass Cure Wounds 1 1 Laudna heals 6 points, is conscious
C3E048 An Exit Most Fraught Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E048 An Exit Most Fraught Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E048 An Exit Most Fraught Fresh Cut Grass Sending 3 3 Captian Xandis
C3E048 An Exit Most Fraught Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E048 An Exit Most Fraught Fresh Cut Grass Sending 3 3 Planerider Ryn
C3E048 An Exit Most Fraught Fresh Cut Grass Shared Dream 2 4 Imogen, Laudna, Chetney, FCG
C3E048 An Exit Most Fraught Fresh Cut Grass Sending 3 3 Captain Xandis
C3E049 The Aurora Grows Fresh Cut Grass Sending 3 3 Imahara Joe
C3E049 The Aurora Grows Fresh Cut Grass Sending 3 3 Imahara Joe
C3E049 The Aurora Grows Fresh Cut Grass Sending 3 3 Milo Krook
C3E049 The Aurora Grows Fresh Cut Grass Sending 3 4 Milo Krook
C3E049 The Aurora Grows Fresh Cut Grass Enhance Ability 2 2 Imogen, Charisma
C3E049 The Aurora Grows Fresh Cut Grass Shared Dream 2 4 Orym, Fearne, FCG, Imogen
C3E049 The Aurora Grows Fresh Cut Grass Sending 3 3 Pike Trickfoot
C3E049 The Aurora Grows Fresh Cut Grass Sending 3 3 Imahara Joe
C3E049 The Aurora Grows Fresh Cut Grass Sending 3 3 Dancer
C3E049 The Aurora Grows Fresh Cut Grass Sending 3 3 D
C3E049 The Aurora Grows Fresh Cut Grass Enhance Ability 2 2 Ashton, Strength
C3E049 The Aurora Grows Fresh Cut Grass Sending 3 3 Birdie Calloway
C3E049 The Aurora Grows Fresh Cut Grass Protection from Energy 3 3 Xandis, lightning
C3E049 The Aurora Grows Fresh Cut Grass Identify 1 - Via lens
C3E050 Red Moon Rising Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E050 Red Moon Rising Fresh Cut Grass Enhance Ability 2 2 Fearne, Wisdom
C3E051 The Apogee Solstice Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E051 The Apogee Solstice Fresh Cut Grass Sending 3 3 Orym
C3E051 The Apogee Solstice Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E051 The Apogee Solstice Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E051 The Apogee Solstice Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E051 The Apogee Solstice Fresh Cut Grass Message Cantrip Cantrip
C3E051 The Apogee Solstice Fresh Cut Grass Sending 3 3 Ira
C3E051 The Apogee Solstice Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E051 The Apogee Solstice Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E051 The Apogee Solstice Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E051 The Apogee Solstice Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E051 The Apogee Solstice Fresh Cut Grass Enhance Ability 2 2 FCG, Strength
C3E051 The Apogee Solstice Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E051 The Apogee Solstice Fresh Cut Grass Dispel Magic 3 3
C3E051 The Apogee Solstice Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E052 Far From The Others Fresh Cut Grass Calm Emotions 2 2
C3E052 Far From The Others Fresh Cut Grass Calm Emotions 2 2
C3E052 Far From The Others Fresh Cut Grass Sending 3 3 Orym
C3E052 Far From The Others Fresh Cut Grass Sending 3 4 Dorian
C3E052 Far From The Others Fresh Cut Grass Shield of Help 1 1
C3E052 Far From The Others Fresh Cut Grass Spiritual Weapon 2 2 Nick Jonas
C3E052 Far From The Others Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E052 Far From The Others Fresh Cut Grass Shared Dream 2 3 Imogen, Fearne, FCG
C3E052 Far From The Others Fresh Cut Grass Light Cantrip Cantrip
C3E052 Far From The Others Fresh Cut Grass Calm Emotions 2 2
C3E053 Ripples Fresh Cut Grass Detect Thoughts 2 2
C3E053 Ripples Fresh Cut Grass Light Cantrip Cantrip
C3E053 Ripples Fresh Cut Grass Enhance Ability 2 2 Chetney, Dexterity
C3E053 Ripples Fresh Cut Grass Detect Thoughts 2 2
C3E053 Ripples Fresh Cut Grass Fast Friends 3 3
C3E053 Ripples Fresh Cut Grass Spare the Dying Cantrip Cantrip
C3E053 Ripples Fresh Cut Grass Channel Divinity: Sympathetic Binding - - All but Deanna
C3E053 Ripples Fresh Cut Grass Channel Divinity: Sympathetic Binding - - FRIDA, Chetney, Fearne, Deanna
C3E053 Ripples Fresh Cut Grass Tongues 3 3
C3E053 Ripples Fresh Cut Grass Calm Emotions 2 2
C3E053 Ripples Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E054 Treacherous Toys Fresh Cut Grass Shared Dream 2 2
C3E054 Treacherous Toys Fresh Cut Grass Channel Divinity: Sympathetic Binding - -
C3E054 Treacherous Toys Fresh Cut Grass Compulsion 4 4
C3E054 Treacherous Toys Fresh Cut Grass Compulsion 4 4
C3E054 Treacherous Toys Fresh Cut Grass Spiritual Weapon 2 2
C3E054 Treacherous Toys Fresh Cut Grass Transfer Suffering - -
C3E054 Treacherous Toys Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E055 Hope Within History Fresh Cut Grass Identify 1 - Via Lens
C3E056 By Goat or By Boat Fresh Cut Grass Calm Emotions 2 2
C3E056 By Goat or By Boat Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E056 By Goat or By Boat Fresh Cut Grass Commune 5 5
C3E056 By Goat or By Boat Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E056 By Goat or By Boat Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E056 By Goat or By Boat Fresh Cut Grass Shield of Help 1 1 FRIDA
C3E056 By Goat or By Boat Fresh Cut Grass Transfer Suffering - -
C3E056 By Goat or By Boat Fresh Cut Grass Spiritual Weapon 2 4
C3E056 By Goat or By Boat Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E056 By Goat or By Boat Fresh Cut Grass Rary's Telepathic Bond 5 5
C3E057 The Sorrow of Molaesmyr Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E057 The Sorrow of Molaesmyr Fresh Cut Grass Divination 4 4
C3E057 The Sorrow of Molaesmyr Fresh Cut Grass Spirit Guardians 3 3
C3E057 The Sorrow of Molaesmyr Fresh Cut Grass Spiritual Weapon 2 2 FCG
C3E057 The Sorrow of Molaesmyr Fresh Cut Grass Channel Divinity: Sympathetic Binding - - All but Chetney
C3E057 The Sorrow of Molaesmyr Fresh Cut Grass Sacred Flame Cantrip Cantrip
C3E057 The Sorrow of Molaesmyr Fresh Cut Grass Transfer Suffering - -
C3E057 The Sorrow of Molaesmyr Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E057 The Sorrow of Molaesmyr Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E057 The Sorrow of Molaesmyr Fresh Cut Grass Stone Shape 4 4
C3E057 The Sorrow of Molaesmyr Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E057 The Sorrow of Molaesmyr Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E057 The Sorrow of Molaesmyr Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E057 The Sorrow of Molaesmyr Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E058 Escape From The Past Fresh Cut Grass Channel Divinity: Sympathetic Binding - - All but Fearne
C3E058 Escape From The Past Fresh Cut Grass Spiritual Weapon 2 2 Thick terry cloth towel
C3E058 Escape From The Past Fresh Cut Grass Transfer Suffering - -
C3E058 Escape From The Past Fresh Cut Grass Command 1 3 Open
C3E058 Escape From The Past Fresh Cut Grass Aura of Vitality 3 3
C3E058 Escape From The Past Fresh Cut Grass Light Cantrip Cantrip
C3E058 Escape From The Past Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E058 Escape From The Past Fresh Cut Grass Command 1 1 Reveal
C3E058 Escape From The Past Fresh Cut Grass Identify 1 - Via Lens
C3E058 Escape From The Past Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E058 Escape From The Past Fresh Cut Grass Enhance Ability 2 2 Deanna, Intelligence
C3E058 Escape From The Past Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E058 Escape From The Past Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E058 Escape From The Past Fresh Cut Grass Detect Thoughts 2 2 FRIDA
C3E058 Escape From The Past Fresh Cut Grass Commune 5 5
C3E058 Escape From The Past Fresh Cut Grass Identify 1 - Via Lens
C3E064 Reunited Fresh Cut Grass Channel Divinity: Sympathetic Binding - -
C3E064 Reunited Fresh Cut Grass Calm Emotions 2 2 FCG
C3E064 Reunited Fresh Cut Grass Calm Emotions 2 2 FCG
C3E064 Reunited Fresh Cut Grass Divine Intervention - - Fails
C3E064 Reunited Fresh Cut Grass Calm Emotions 2 2 Imogen
C3E064 Reunited Fresh Cut Grass Locate Creature 4 4 Orym
C3E064 Reunited Fresh Cut Grass Banishment 4 4 Mother
C3E065 A Path of Vengeance Fresh Cut Grass Identify 1 - Via lens
C3E065 A Path of Vengeance Fresh Cut Grass Scrying 5 5 Liliana Temult
C3E065 A Path of Vengeance Fresh Cut Grass Guided Grace - -
C3E065 A Path of Vengeance Fresh Cut Grass Identify 1 - Via lens
C3E065 A Path of Vengeance Fresh Cut Grass Scrying 5 5 Ira Wendagoth
C3E066 Aid of the Tempest Fresh Cut Grass Divination 4 4
C3E066 Aid of the Tempest Fresh Cut Grass Death Ward 4 4
C3E066 Aid of the Tempest Fresh Cut Grass Enhance Ability 2 2 Fearne, Owl's Wisdom
C3E066 Aid of the Tempest Fresh Cut Grass Detect Thoughts 2 2
C3E066 Aid of the Tempest Fresh Cut Grass Compulsion 4 4
C3E066 Aid of the Tempest Fresh Cut Grass Spiritual Weapon 2 2 Saw
C3E066 Aid of the Tempest Fresh Cut Grass Transfer Suffering - -
C3E067 Bloody Flowers Fresh Cut Grass Spirit Guardians 3 3
C3E067 Bloody Flowers Fresh Cut Grass Speak with Animals 1 1
C3E067 Bloody Flowers Fresh Cut Grass Tongues 3 3
C3E067 Bloody Flowers Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E067 Bloody Flowers Fresh Cut Grass Channel Divinity: Sympathetic Binding - - Chetney, Fearne
C3E067 Bloody Flowers Fresh Cut Grass Command 1 2 Mime
C3E067 Bloody Flowers Fresh Cut Grass Scramble the Dead Cantrip Cantrip
C3E067 Bloody Flowers Fresh Cut Grass Command 1 1 Betray
C3E067 Bloody Flowers Fresh Cut Grass Sacred Flame Cantrip Cantrip
C3E067 Bloody Flowers Fresh Cut Grass Healing Word 1 1 Imogen heals 4 points, is conscious
C3E068 For The Tempest Fresh Cut Grass Identify 1 - Via Lens
C3E068 For The Tempest Fresh Cut Grass Legend Lore 5 5
C3E068 For The Tempest Fresh Cut Grass Commune 5 - Ritual Cast
C3E068 For The Tempest Fresh Cut Grass Scrying 5 5 D
C3E068 For The Tempest Fresh Cut Grass Scrying 5 5 Dancer
C3E068 For The Tempest Fresh Cut Grass Divination 4 - Ritual
C3E068 For The Tempest Fresh Cut Grass Divination 4 - Ritual
C3E068 For The Tempest Fresh Cut Grass Divination 4 - Ritual
C3E069 Nice Fresh Cut Grass Teleport 7 - Via Staff of Dark Odyssey
C3E069 Nice Fresh Cut Grass Mass Healing Word 3 3
C3E069 Nice Fresh Cut Grass Locate Creature 4 4
C3E069 Nice Fresh Cut Grass Lesser Restoration 2 2
C3E069 Nice Fresh Cut Grass Identify 1 - Via Lens
C3E069 Nice Fresh Cut Grass Channel Divinity: Turn Undead - -
C3E070 Embattled in Bassuras Fresh Cut Grass Shield of Help 1 1 Dancer
C3E070 Embattled in Bassuras Fresh Cut Grass Banishment 4 4 Ratanish
C3E070 Embattled in Bassuras Fresh Cut Grass Transfer Suffering - -
C3E070 Embattled in Bassuras Fresh Cut Grass Healing Word 1 3 Chetney heals 13 points
C3E070 Embattled in Bassuras Fresh Cut Grass Mass Healing Word 3 5 All except Orym heal 10 points
C3E070 Embattled in Bassuras Fresh Cut Grass Healing Word 1 1 Imahara Joe heals 6 points
C3E070 Embattled in Bassuras Fresh Cut Grass Scramble the Dead Cantrip Cantrip
C3E070 Embattled in Bassuras Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E071 Mist and Whimsy Fresh Cut Grass Speak with Animals 1 1
C3E071 Mist and Whimsy Fresh Cut Grass Detect Thoughts 2 2
C3E071 Mist and Whimsy Fresh Cut Grass Tongues 3 3
C3E071 Mist and Whimsy Fresh Cut Grass Tongues 3 3
C3E071 Mist and Whimsy Fresh Cut Grass Compulsion 4 4
C3E071 Mist and Whimsy Fresh Cut Grass Healing Word 1 3 Orym heals 12 points
C3E071 Mist and Whimsy Fresh Cut Grass Cure Wounds 1 2 Chetney heals 10 points
C3E072 Phantasmal Parley Fresh Cut Grass Speak with Dead 3 3 Paragon's Call druid
C3E072 Phantasmal Parley Fresh Cut Grass Speak with Dead 3 3 General Ratanish
C3E072 Phantasmal Parley Fresh Cut Grass Enhance Ability 2 2 Chetney, Eagle's Splendor
C3E072 Phantasmal Parley Fresh Cut Grass Channel Divinity: Turn Undead - -
C3E072 Phantasmal Parley Fresh Cut Grass Identify 1 - Via Lens
C3E073 Kindling the Spirits Fresh Cut Grass Scrying 5 5 On Caleb (fails)
C3E073 Kindling the Spirits Fresh Cut Grass Scrying 5 5 On D
C3E073 Kindling the Spirits Fresh Cut Grass Scrying 5 5 On Delilah (fails)
C3E073 Kindling the Spirits Fresh Cut Grass Shared Dream 2 2 On Laudna
C3E073 Kindling the Spirits Fresh Cut Grass Death Ward 4 4 On Ashton
C3E073 Kindling the Spirits Fresh Cut Grass Misty Step 2 - Via Staff of Dark Odyssey
C3E073 Kindling the Spirits Fresh Cut Grass Channel Divinity: Sympathetic Binding - - Chetney, Orym, Ashton
C3E073 Kindling the Spirits Fresh Cut Grass Misty Step 2 -
C3E073 Kindling the Spirits Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E073 Kindling the Spirits Fresh Cut Grass Identify 1 - Via Lens
C3E074 Roots Between Worlds Fresh Cut Grass Light Cantrip Cantrip
C3E074 Roots Between Worlds Fresh Cut Grass Guided Grace - - Via Coin of the Changebringer
C3E074 Roots Between Worlds Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E074 Roots Between Worlds Fresh Cut Grass Speak With Animals 1 1
C3E074 Roots Between Worlds Fresh Cut Grass Channel Divinity: Turn Undead - -
C3E074 Roots Between Worlds Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E074 Roots Between Worlds Fresh Cut Grass Find the Path 6 6
C3E074 Roots Between Worlds Fresh Cut Grass Tongues 3 3
C3E074 Roots Between Worlds Fresh Cut Grass Guided Grace - - Via Coin of the Changebringer
C3E074 Roots Between Worlds Fresh Cut Grass Light Cantrip Cantrip
C3E074 Roots Between Worlds Fresh Cut Grass Detect Thoughts 2 2
C3E074 Roots Between Worlds Fresh Cut Grass Enhance Ability 2 2 Ashton, Eagle's Splendor
C3E075 An Ancient Flame Fresh Cut Grass Light Cantrip Cantrip
C3E075 An Ancient Flame Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E075 An Ancient Flame Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E075 An Ancient Flame Fresh Cut Grass Detect Magic 1 1
C3E075 An Ancient Flame Fresh Cut Grass Message Cantrip Cantrip Laudna
C3E075 An Ancient Flame Fresh Cut Grass Message Cantrip Cantrip Laudna
C3E075 An Ancient Flame Fresh Cut Grass Stone Shape 4 4
C3E075 An Ancient Flame Fresh Cut Grass Message Cantrip Cantrip Laudna
C3E075 An Ancient Flame Fresh Cut Grass Tongues 3 3
C3E075 An Ancient Flame Fresh Cut Grass Channel Divinity: Sympathetic Binding - - Ashton, Imogen, Laudna
C3E075 An Ancient Flame Fresh Cut Grass Enhance Ability 2 2 Ashton, Bear's Endurance
C3E075 An Ancient Flame Fresh Cut Grass Cure Wounds 1 3 Ashton heals 17 points
C3E075 An Ancient Flame Fresh Cut Grass Spiritual Weapon 2 4
C3E075 An Ancient Flame Fresh Cut Grass Sacred Flame Cantrip Cantrip
C3E075 An Ancient Flame Fresh Cut Grass Teleport 7 - Via Staff of Dark Odyssey
C3E076 A Gathering of Heroes Fresh Cut Grass Cure Wounds 1 1 Chetney heals 12 points
C3E076 A Gathering of Heroes Fresh Cut Grass Death Ward 4 4 Allura
C3E077 The Promise and the Price Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E077 The Promise and the Price Fresh Cut Grass Death Ward 4 4 Ashton
C3E077 The Promise and the Price Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E077 The Promise and the Price Fresh Cut Grass Cure Wounds 1 6 Ashton heals 27 points
C3E077 The Promise and the Price Fresh Cut Grass Aura of Vitality 3 3
C3E077 The Promise and the Price Fresh Cut Grass Divine Intervention - - Fails
C3E078 Fractures Fresh Cut Grass Cure Wounds 1 4 Ashton heals 22 points
C3E078 Fractures Fresh Cut Grass Guided Grace - - Via Coin of the Changebringer
C3E078 Fractures Fresh Cut Grass Locate Creature 4 4 Laudna
C3E079 To Hurt Is to Heal Fresh Cut Grass Light Cantrip Cantrip
C3E079 To Hurt Is to Heal Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E079 To Hurt Is to Heal Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E079 To Hurt Is to Heal Fresh Cut Grass Cure Wounds 1 Unknown FCG heals 18 points
C3E080 A Test of Trust Fresh Cut Grass Cure Wounds 1 1 Fearne heals 8 points
C3E080 A Test of Trust Fresh Cut Grass Speak with Animals 1 1
C3E080 A Test of Trust Fresh Cut Grass Enhance Ability 2 2 FCG, Owl's Wisdom
C3E080 A Test of Trust Fresh Cut Grass Misty Step 2 - Via Staff of Dark Odyssey
C3E080 A Test of Trust Fresh Cut Grass Divination 4 4
C3E080 A Test of Trust Fresh Cut Grass Cure Wounds 1 1
C3E080 A Test of Trust Fresh Cut Grass Enhance Ability 2 2 Fearne, Bear's Endurance
C3E080 A Test of Trust Fresh Cut Grass Channel Divinity: Sympathetic Binding - - Fearne, Laudna, Ashton
C3E080 A Test of Trust Fresh Cut Grass Healing Word 1 2 Fearne heals 8 points
C3E080 A Test of Trust Fresh Cut Grass Cure Wounds 1 5 Fearne heals 33 points
C3E081 The Eve of the Red Moon Fresh Cut Grass Heroes' Feast 6 6 All gain 13 HP
C3E081 The Eve of the Red Moon Fresh Cut Grass Shared Dream 2 5
C3E081 The Eve of the Red Moon Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E081 The Eve of the Red Moon Fresh Cut Grass Rary's Telepathic Bond 5 - Ritual
C3E081 The Eve of the Red Moon Fresh Cut Grass Death Ward 4 4 Imogen
C3E082 Rush for the Bloody Bridge Fresh Cut Grass Channel Divinity: Sympathetic Binding - - Fearne, Imogen, Orym, Ashton
C3E082 Rush for the Bloody Bridge Fresh Cut Grass Silence 2 2
C3E082 Rush for the Bloody Bridge Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E082 Rush for the Bloody Bridge Fresh Cut Grass Spare the Dying Cantrip Cantrip Ishto
C3E082 Rush for the Bloody Bridge Fresh Cut Grass Cure Wounds 1 1 Ishto
C3E082 Rush for the Bloody Bridge Fresh Cut Grass Cure Wounds 1 1 Ishto
C3E082 Rush for the Bloody Bridge Fresh Cut Grass Cure Wounds 1 1 Ishto
C3E082 Rush for the Bloody Bridge Fresh Cut Grass Cure Wounds 1 2 Imogen
C3E082 Rush for the Bloody Bridge Fresh Cut Grass Enhance Ability 2 2 Wisdom, Chetney
C3E082 Rush for the Bloody Bridge Fresh Cut Grass Greater Restoration 5 5 Orym
C3E082 Rush for the Bloody Bridge Fresh Cut Grass Misty Step 2 - Via Staff of Dark Odyssey
C3E082 Rush for the Bloody Bridge Fresh Cut Grass Scramble the Dead Cantrip Cantrip
C3E082 Rush for the Bloody Bridge Fresh Cut Grass Guiding Bolt 1 3
C3E083 Ruidus Fresh Cut Grass Passwall 5 - Via Staff of Dark Odyssey
C3E083 Ruidus Fresh Cut Grass Banishment 4 4
C3E083 Ruidus Fresh Cut Grass Command 1 1
C3E083 Ruidus Fresh Cut Grass Rary's Telepathic Bond 5 - Ritual
C3E083 Ruidus Fresh Cut Grass Light Cantrip Cantrip
C3E084 Red Rural Revelations Fresh Cut Grass Tongues 3 3
C3E084 Red Rural Revelations Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E084 Red Rural Revelations Fresh Cut Grass Fast Friends 3 3
C3E084 Red Rural Revelations Fresh Cut Grass Transfer Suffering - -
C3E084 Red Rural Revelations Fresh Cut Grass Calm Emotions 2 2
C3E084 Red Rural Revelations Fresh Cut Grass Transfer Suffering - -
C3E084 Red Rural Revelations Fresh Cut Grass Stone Shape 4 4
C3E085 Intense Interrogations Fresh Cut Grass Channel Divinity: Sympathetic Binding - -
C3E085 Intense Interrogations Fresh Cut Grass Cure Wounds 1 3 Petrov heals 15 points
C3E085 Intense Interrogations Fresh Cut Grass Misty Step 2 - Via Staff of Dark Odyssey
C3E085 Intense Interrogations Fresh Cut Grass Banishment 4 6 Otohan, FCG, Fearne
C3E085 Intense Interrogations Fresh Cut Grass Light Cantrip Cantrip
C3E085 Intense Interrogations Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E086 Doorways to Darker Depths Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E086 Doorways to Darker Depths Fresh Cut Grass Light Cantrip Cantrip
C3E086 Doorways to Darker Depths Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E086 Doorways to Darker Depths Fresh Cut Grass Speak With Animals 1 1
C3E086 Doorways to Darker Depths Fresh Cut Grass Identify 1 1
C3E086 Doorways to Darker Depths Fresh Cut Grass Light Cantrip Cantrip
C3E086 Doorways to Darker Depths Fresh Cut Grass Channel Divinity - - Turn Undead
C3E086 Doorways to Darker Depths Fresh Cut Grass Channel Divinity - - Turn Undead
C3E086 Doorways to Darker Depths Fresh Cut Grass Identify 1 1
C3E086 Doorways to Darker Depths Fresh Cut Grass Scrying 5 5
C3E087 Arrival at Kreviris Fresh Cut Grass Sympathetic Bond - -
C3E087 Arrival at Kreviris Fresh Cut Grass Speak With Animals 1 1
C3E087 Arrival at Kreviris Fresh Cut Grass Bonded Blessing - -
C3E087 Arrival at Kreviris Fresh Cut Grass Sending 3 3
C3E087 Arrival at Kreviris Fresh Cut Grass Sending 3 3
C3E087 Arrival at Kreviris Fresh Cut Grass Enhance Ability 2 2 Charisma
C3E087 Arrival at Kreviris Fresh Cut Grass Telepathic Bond 5 5
C3E087 Arrival at Kreviris Fresh Cut Grass Light Cantrip Cantrip
C3E087 Arrival at Kreviris Fresh Cut Grass Banishment 4 4
C3E087 Arrival at Kreviris Fresh Cut Grass Scramble the Dead Cantrip Cantrip
C3E087 Arrival at Kreviris Fresh Cut Grass Locate Creature 4 4
C3E087 Arrival at Kreviris Fresh Cut Grass Telepathic Bond 5 5
C3E088 Seeking Sedition Fresh Cut Grass Sympathetic Bond - -
C3E088 Seeking Sedition Fresh Cut Grass Bonded Blessing - - to Ashton
C3E088 Seeking Sedition Fresh Cut Grass Guiding Bolt 1 1
C3E088 Seeking Sedition Fresh Cut Grass Bonded Blessing - - to Orym
C3E088 Seeking Sedition Fresh Cut Grass Cure Wounds 1 1
C3E088 Seeking Sedition Fresh Cut Grass Locate Creature 4 4
C3E088 Seeking Sedition Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E088 Seeking Sedition Fresh Cut Grass Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
C3E089 Divisive Portents Fresh Cut Grass Detect Thoughts 2 2
C3E089 Divisive Portents Fresh Cut Grass Shared Dream 2 2
C3E089 Divisive Portents Fresh Cut Grass Telepathic Bond 5 5 Ritual cast
C3E089 Divisive Portents Fresh Cut Grass Greater Restoration 5 5
C3E089 Divisive Portents Fresh Cut Grass Enhance Ability 2 2 Dexterity
C3E090 Mission Improbable Fresh Cut Grass Speak With Animals 1 1
C3E090 Mission Improbable Fresh Cut Grass Command 1 1
C3E090 Mission Improbable Fresh Cut Grass Passwall 5 5 via Staff of Dark Odyssey
C3E090 Mission Improbable Fresh Cut Grass Sympathetic Bond - -
C3E090 Mission Improbable Fresh Cut Grass Silence 2 2
C3E090 Mission Improbable Fresh Cut Grass Divine Intervention - -
C3E090 Mission Improbable Fresh Cut Grass Cure Wounds 1 4
C3E090 Mission Improbable Fresh Cut Grass Cure Wounds 1 4
C3E091 True Heroism Fresh Cut Grass Cure Wounds 1 2
C3E091 True Heroism Fresh Cut Grass Cure Wounds 1 1
C3E091 True Heroism Fresh Cut Grass Channel Divinity: Sympathetic Binding - -
C3E091 True Heroism Fresh Cut Grass Revivify 3 3
C3E091 True Heroism Fresh Cut Grass Bonded Blessing - -
C3E091 True Heroism Fresh Cut Grass Mass Cure Wounds 5 5
C3E091 True Heroism Fresh Cut Grass Bonded Blessing - -
C3E091 True Heroism Fresh Cut Grass Transfer Suffering - -
C3E091 True Heroism Fresh Cut Grass Mass Cure Wounds 5 5
C3E091 True Heroism Fresh Cut Grass Bonded Blessing - -
C3E091 True Heroism Fresh Cut Grass Guiding Bolt 1 4

PC natural 20s

Total: 36

Episode Timestamp Character Description
C3E002 Trial by Firelight 02:43:36 Fresh Cut Grass Investigation Check
C3E009 Thicker Grows the Meal and Plot 01:49:19 Fresh Cut Grass Dexterity Save
C3E015 The Tunnels Below 03:43:32 FCG Spiritual Weapon against Shade Creeper
C3E016 The Shade Mother 01:52:48 FCG Constitution Save
C3E020 Breaking and Entering... 02:38:26 FCG Wisdom Save
C3E022 Promise and Potential 00:13:06 FCG Insight Check
C3E023 To The Skies 03:32:22 FCG Constitution Save
C3E031 Breaking Point 03:03:16 FCG Spiritual Weapon against Chetney with advantage
C3E031 Breaking Point 03:25:38 FCG Persuasion or Deception Check
C3E034 What Dreams May Come 03:36:30 FCG Dexterity Save
C3E039 The Momentum of Murder 01:46:46 FCG Medicine Check with advantage
C3E041 Call of the Wild 02:40:37 FCG Buzzsaw against Chetney
C3E041 Call of the Wild 03:05:53 FCG Bolt Thrower against Chetney
C3E042 The City of Flowing Light 00:54:03 FCG d20
C3E044 Bawdy Basement Belligerence 01:59:29 FCG Dexterity Save
C3E045 Ominous Lectures 00:49:18 FCG Deception Check
C3E046 Night at the Ligament Manor 03:27:54 FCG Constitution Save
C3E051 The Apogee Solstice 00:47:59 FCG Arcana Check with advantage
C3E052 Far From The Others 02:26:20 FCG Wisdom Check
C3E054 Treacherous Toys 02:53:47 FCG Spiritual Weapon against Swarm 3 with advantage
C3E058 Escape From The Past 00:11:46 FCG Initiative
C3E066 Aid of the Tempest 03:59:39 FCG Spiritual Weapon against Zombie 1
C3E066 Aid of the Tempest 04:32:48 FCG Spiritual Weapon against Zombie 1
C3E067 Bloody Flowers 00:38:51 FCG Survival Check with advantage
C3E067 Bloody Flowers 00:54:35 FCG Stealth Check with PWaT
C3E070 Embattled in Bassuras 01:49:58 FCG Dexterity Save
C3E070 Embattled in Bassuras 03:24:26 FCG Stealth Check with PWaT
C3E071 Mist and Whimsy 01:24:36 FCG Sleight of Hand Check with advantage
C3E073 Kindling the Spirits 00:17:37 FCG rolled for Scrying unnecessarily
C3E074 Roots Between Worlds 02:48:18 FCG Perception Check with advantage
C3E076 A Gathering of Heroes 02:45:55 FCG Insight Check
C3E079 To Hurt Is to Heal 03:11:07 FCG Dexterity Save
C3E080 A Test of Trust 03:34:24 FCG Strength Save
C3E082 Rush for the Bloody Bridge 03:16:17 FCG Initiative
C3E087 Arrival at Kreviris 03:45:09 FCG Insight Check on Jidoh
C3E091 True Heroism 00:34:25 Fresh Cut Grass Dexterity save

PC natural 1s

Total: 29

Episode Timestamp Character Description
C3E002 Trial by Firelight 03:46:34 Fresh Cut Grass Stealth Check with disadvantage
C3E003 The Trail and the Toll 02:37:33 Fresh Cut Grass Constitution Save
C3E004 On the Trail of a Killer 01:54:28 Fresh Cut Grass Perception Check
C3E008 A Woodworker’s Quandary 01:45:47 Fresh Cut Grass History Check
C3E015 The Tunnels Below 01:21:09 FCG Persuasion Check
C3E015 The Tunnels Below 03:42:59 FCG Dexterity Save
C3E019 Omens Above 02:25:58 FCG Perception Check
C3E020 Breaking and Entering... 02:30:16 FCG Wisdom Save
C3E024 The Hellcatch Valley 00:48:55 FCG Persuasion Check
C3E033 Blood and Dust 02:05:07 FCG Initiative
C3E037 From the Boughs 01:21:05 FCG Handsaw against Ivy
C3E038 A Dark Balance 00:30:53 FCG Intimidation Check or Wisdom Check
C3E044 Bawdy Basement Belligerence 00:48:05 FCG Deception Check
C3E046 Night at the Ligament Manor 00:55:20 FCG Survival or Perception Check
C3E046 Night at the Ligament Manor 03:27:05 FCG Stealth Check
C3E047 The Fey Key 00:20:18 FCG Stealth Check
C3E049 The Aurora Grows 04:05:02 FCG Wisdom Check
C3E056 By Goat or By Boat 03:20:47 FCG Perception Check
C3E057 The Sorrow of Molaesmyr 02:12:35 FCG Survival Check
C3E058 Escape From The Past 00:42:45 FCG Spiritual Weapon against Hatemonger
C3E067 Bloody Flowers 02:28:08 FCG Scramble the Dead (disregarded)
C3E068 For The Tempest 00:20:37 FCG Graz'tchar against Chetney
C3E069 Nice 03:19:30 FCG Persuasion Check with advantage (disregarded)
C3E070 Embattled in Bassuras 02:19:51 FCG Bolt Thrower against Caster with advantage (disregarded)
C3E070 Embattled in Bassuras 02:19:51 FCG Bolt Thrower against Caster with advantage
C3E073 Kindling the Spirits 00:21:25 FCG Perception Check
C3E084 Red Rural Revelations 02:17:02 FCG Stealth Check with disadvantage
C3E085 Intense Interrogations 02:23:07 FCG Strength Save
C3E091 True Heroism 00:25:19 Fresh Cut Grass Stealth check

Total: 32

Episode Timestamp Character Description
C3E003 The Trail and the Toll 02:28:23 FCG Shade Creeper, Grappling Hook
C3E005 The Threat Between the Walls 03:06:20 Fresh Cut Grass Shade Creeper, Sacred Flame
C3E005 The Threat Between the Walls 03:22:47 Fresh Cut Grass Shade Creeper, Grappling Cannon
C3E005 The Threat Between the Walls 03:41:04 Fresh Cut Grass Shade Creeper, Grappling Cannon
C3E011 Chasing Nightmares 00:58:29 FCG Chair 2, Unarmed Strike
C3E015 The Tunnels Below 03:42:34 FCG Shade Creeper, Saw Blade
C3E015 The Tunnels Below 03:43:35 FCG Shade Creeper, Spiritual Weapon
C3E015 The Tunnels Below 04:08:41 FCG Shade Creeper, Spiritual Weapon
C3E016 The Shade Mother 01:51:55 FCG Shade Creeper, Rock Collapse
C3E018 A Hungry Jungle 01:23:55 FCG Plant, Buzz Saw
C3E037 From the Boughs 03:09:46 FCG Skeleton 5, Turn Undead
C3E037 From the Boughs 03:09:46 FCG Skeleton 2, Turn Undead
C3E037 From the Boughs 03:09:46 FCG Skeleton 4, Turn Undead
C3E037 From the Boughs 03:09:46 FCG Skeleton 3, Turn Undead
C3E057 The Sorrow of Molaesmyr 01:27:31 FCG Ghost 2, Spirit Guardians
C3E057 The Sorrow of Molaesmyr 01:28:32 FCG Ghost 1, Spirit Guardians
C3E057 The Sorrow of Molaesmyr 01:33:32 FCG Ghost 3, Saw Blade
C3E069 Nice 03:48:25 FCG Gargo/S***head, Destroy Undead
C3E074 Roots Between Worlds 01:18:14 FCG Shadow Being, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead
C3E074 Roots Between Worlds 01:18:14 FCG Shadow Being, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead
C3E074 Roots Between Worlds 01:18:14 FCG Shadow Being, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead
C3E074 Roots Between Worlds 01:18:14 FCG Shadow Being, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead
C3E074 Roots Between Worlds 01:18:14 FCG Shadow Being, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead
C3E074 Roots Between Worlds 01:18:14 FCG Shadow Being, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead
C3E074 Roots Between Worlds 01:18:14 FCG Shadow Being, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead
C3E074 Roots Between Worlds 01:18:14 FCG Shadow Being, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead
C3E074 Roots Between Worlds 01:18:14 FCG Shadow Being, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead
C3E074 Roots Between Worlds 01:18:14 FCG Shadow Being, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead
C3E074 Roots Between Worlds 01:18:14 FCG Shadow Being, Channel Divinity: Turn Undead
C3E083 Ruidus 03:25:48 Fresh Cut Grass/Fearne Reiloran Juggernaut, suffocated in Bag of Holding
C3E087 Arrival at Kreviris 03:27:43 FCG Scramble the dead on Avadon
C3E091 True Heroism 04:30:59 Fresh Cut Grass Otohan Thull, self-detonated using a Guiding Bolt to their arcane core

Total: 3

Episode Timestamp Character Description
C3E018 A Hungry Jungle 01:23:55 FCG Plant
C3E087 Arrival at Kreviris 03:27:43 FCG Scramble the dead on Avadon
C3E091 True Heroism 04:31:01 Fresh Cut Grass Otohan Thull, self-detonated using a Guiding Bolt to their arcane core

Episode Timestamp Payer Where obtained Receipient How obtained Gained item(s)/money Paid item(s)/money Notes
C3E001 The Draw of Destiny 01:08:25 Ishir - FCG Gifted 2cp
C3E001 The Draw of Destiny 01:09:02 FCG - - Consumed 2cp
C3E001 The Draw of Destiny 03:03:52 Bertrand Spire by Fire FCG Gifted Room
C3E001 The Draw of Destiny 03:35:06 FCG - Spire by Fire Patron Gifted Room
C3E002 Trial by Firelight 01:55:17 Lord Eshteross - Fresh Cut Grass Earned 50gp
C3E002 Trial by Firelight 01:55:23 Fresh Cut Grass - Ashton Gifted 50gp 50gp
C3E003 The Trail and the Toll 01:09:53 - Prudaj Textiles FCG Looted Handful of copper (unknown amount)
C3E003 The Trail and the Toll 03:20:10 Lord Eshteross - FCG Earned 200gp
C3E003 The Trail and the Toll 03:39:05 FCG - Ashton Gifted 200gp 200gp
C3E004 On the Trail of a Killer 01:07:49 Ashton - FCG Gifted Breakfast sandwich Breakfast sandwich
C3E004 On the Trail of a Killer 01:28:12 FCG - Orym Loaned Coin of Delving Coin of Delving
C3E005 The Threat Between the Walls 01:11:57 Imogen - FCG Gifted Potion of Regular Healing Potion of Regular Healing
C3E006 Growing Bonds and Teasing Threads 00:18:36 Ashton - FCG Gifted Copper (unknown quantity) Copper (unknown quantity)
C3E006 Growing Bonds and Teasing Threads 01:48:08 Yash - FCG Gifted Coffee
C3E007 Behind the Curtain 03:23:11 - Dreamscape Theater Alley FCG Looted Coin, Metallic accessories, Bone fragments
C3E007 Behind the Curtain 03:23:33 FCG - Laudna Gifted Bone fragments Bone fragments
C3E008 A Woodworker’s Quandary 02:33:08 Ashton Core Spire Gondola FCG Purchased Gondola ride 1sp
C3E009 Thicker Grows the Meal and Plot 01:20:58 - Soot and Swill FCG Earned Copper Spinning performance
C3E010 Ghosts, Dates, and Darker Fates 00:46:18 FCG Core Spire Gondola FCG Purchased Gondola ride 1sp
C3E010 Ghosts, Dates, and Darker Fates 00:53:36 Chetney - FCG Gifted 1pp 1pp
C3E011 Chasing Nightmares 02:24:03 Ashton Core Spire Gondola FCG Purchased Gondola ride 1sp
C3E011 Chasing Nightmares 03:48:50 Ashton Core Spire Gondola FCG Purchased Gondola ride 1sp
C3E012 Make It Fashion 00:44:30 Laudna Core Spire Gondola FCG Purchased Gondola ride 1sp
C3E012 Make It Fashion 00:44:30 Laudna Aerie Spire Gondola FCG Purchased Gondola ride 1sp
C3E012 Make It Fashion 01:20:12 Chetney - FCG Crafted Wooden feet Wooden feet
C3E012 Make It Fashion 01:29:05 Laudna Lucent Spire Gondola FCG Purchased Gondola ride 1sp
C3E012 Make It Fashion 02:01:42 Ashton - FCG Gifted Copper wire, cork, glass eye, clay figurines
C3E012 Make It Fashion 03:38:27 FCG - FCG Crafted Glasses
C3E013 A Dance of Deception 00:31:15 Chetney - FCG Stored Chisel (mid-size) Chisel (mid-size)
C3E016 The Shade Mother 03:26:06 Imogen - FCG Gifted Caltrops Caltrops
C3E016 The Shade Mother 03:26:20 FCG - - Consumed Caltrops
C3E017 Heart-to-Heartmoor 01:03:46 Jiana Hexum - FCG Earned Diamond (worth 300 gold)
C3E017 Heart-to-Heartmoor 01:53:58 Laudna - FCG Gifted Graveyard dirt Graveyard dirt
C3E021 Fight at the Museum… 01:11:15 Chetney - FCG Stored Wind Folly, Magnets
C3E021 Fight at the Museum… 02:37:11 FCG - Evon Hytroga Returned Wind Folly
C3E021 Fight at the Museum… 02:37:20 FCG - Laudna Returned Magnets Magnets
C3E021 Fight at the Museum… 03:34:26 Laudna - FCG Gifted Ball bearing Ball bearing
C3E021 Fight at the Museum… 03:34:26 FCG - - Consumed Ball bearing
C3E022 Promise and Potential 01:22:55 Ashton Lucent Spire Gondola FCG Purchased Gondola ride 1sp
C3E022 Promise and Potential 03:42:59 Ashton - FCG Gifted Powdered Silver (100 gold worth) Powdered Silver (100 gold worth)
C3E022 Promise and Potential 03:56:12 Milo Krook - FCG Gifted Propeller
C3E024 The Hellcatch Valley 00:59:36 Laudna - FCG Gifted 7cp 7cp
C3E024 The Hellcatch Valley 00:59:36 FCG - - Consumed 7cp
C3E025 A Taste of Tal'Dorei 01:42:00 Laudna - FCG Gifted Pencil Pencil
C3E028 The Deathwish Run 03:46:06 Fearne - Fresh Cut Grass Gifted Bowl of coins Bowl of coins
C3E031 Breaking Point 01:33:35 Party - Fresh Cut Grass Distributed Diamonds (3, worth 300 gold) Diamonds (3, worth 300 gold)
C3E032 A Stage Set 00:38:01 Fresh Cut Grass - Orym Gifted Buzzsaw arm Buzzsaw arm
C3E032 A Stage Set 01:09:46 Dancer - Fresh Cut Grass Gifted Buzzsaw arm
C3E032 A Stage Set 02:10:18 Imahara Joe - Fresh Cut Grass Gifted Token (Changebringer)
C3E034 What Dreams May Come 00:35:26 FCG - - Expended Diamond (worth 300 gold) Revivify (Fearne)
C3E034 What Dreams May Come 01:00:32 FCG - Fearne Loaned Coin (Changebringer) Coin (Changebringer)
C3E034 What Dreams May Come 02:28:35 Party - FCG Distributed Potion of Possibility Potion of Possibility
C3E034 What Dreams May Come 02:49:00 FCG - Chetney Gifted Toolbox (wooden) Toolbox (wooden)
C3E034 What Dreams May Come 03:22:48 Chetney - FCG Gifted Emotions clock Emotions clock
C3E035 Pyrrhic Return 02:26:15 Chetney Aerie Spire Gondola FCG Purchased Gondola ride 1sp
C3E035 Pyrrhic Return 02:27:54 Fearne - FCG Retrieved Coin (Changebringer) Coin (Changebringer)
C3E035 Pyrrhic Return 02:54:58 Laudna - FCG Borrowed Pearl of Power Pearl of Power
C3E035 Pyrrhic Return 03:09:54 Party - FCG Consumed Lead box, Residuum Lead box, Residuum
C3E035 Pyrrhic Return 03:10:47 Party - FCG Distributed Potion of Possibility Potion of Possibility
C3E035 Pyrrhic Return 04:22:17 Ashton Core Spire Gondola FCG Purchased Gondola Ride 1sp
C3E038 A Dark Balance 03:30:40 FCG - Horizon Temple Gifted Powdered silver
C3E038 A Dark Balance 03:36:53 Laudna Aerie Spire Gondola FCG Purchased Gondola ride 1sp
C3E039 The Momentum of Murder 02:11:46 Ashton Smolder Spire Gondola FCG Purchased Gondola ride 1sp
C3E039 The Momentum of Murder 02:11:46 Ashton Aerie Spire Gondola FCG Purchased Gondola ride 1sp
C3E039 The Momentum of Murder 02:34:42 FCG Jrusar FCG Purchased Diamonds (worth 300 gold) 300gp
C3E039 The Momentum of Murder 02:43:35 Imogen - FCG Gifted Commemorative coin Commemorative coin
C3E041 Call of the Wild 00:48:50 Fearne - FCG Gifted Mushroom Mushroom
C3E041 Call of the Wild 00:48:54 FCG - - Consumed Mushroom
C3E041 Call of the Wild 02:05:56 FCG - Laudna Returned Immovable Rod Immovable Rod
C3E042 The City of Flowing Light 00:22:07 FCG - Laudna Gifted Rabbit heart Rabbit heart
C3E042 The City of Flowing Light 01:49:04 Ashton - FCG Gifted Metal chips (cup) Metal chips (cup)
C3E042 The City of Flowing Light 02:15:00 FCG - Lakecap Skyport and Lounge Wagered 50gp
C3E042 The City of Flowing Light 02:15:00 Chetney - FCG Gifted 25gp 25gp
C3E042 The City of Flowing Light 02:17:00 FCG - - Expended 25gp Divination spell components
C3E043 Axiom Shaken 02:03:30 Ebenold Kai - FCG Stolen Kitchen equipment
C3E045 Ominous Lectures 00:23:47 FCG - - Expended Rope (25 feet)
C3E045 Ominous Lectures 01:17:30 Vitro Isham - FCG Constructed Oven capabilities
C3E048 An Exit Most Fraught 01:02:21 FCG - Terrosh Purchased Passage out of the Fey Realm Ginger snaps
C3E048 An Exit Most Fraught 01:26:26 Ashton - FCG Gifted Crate of Italian food ingredients Crate of Italian food ingredients
C3E050 Red Moon Rising 01:07:05 FCG - FCG Baked Cherry danishes (3) Baking ingredients
C3E050 Red Moon Rising 01:07:05 FCG Imogen Gifted Cherry danish Cherry danish
C3E050 Red Moon Rising 01:07:05 FCG - Laudna Gifted Cherry danish Cherry danish
C3E050 Red Moon Rising 01:07:05 FCG - Orym Gifted Cherry danish Cherry danish
C3E051 The Apogee Solstice 00:27:03 FCG - Xandis Gifted - Potion of Possibility
C3E052 Far From The Others 01:38:35 Deanna FCG loaned Pink wrap Pink wrap
C3E052 Far From The Others 02:25:27 FCG FCG Baked Bundt cakes (4, mango) Baking supplies
C3E052 Far From The Others 02:25:27 FCG Imogen Gifted Bundt cake (mango) Bundt cake (mango)
C3E052 Far From The Others 02:25:27 FCG Deanna Gifted Bundt cake (mango) Bundt cake (mango)
C3E052 Far From The Others 02:25:27 FCG Chetney Gifted Bundt cake (mango) Bundt cake (mango)
C3E052 Far From The Others 02:25:27 FCG Fearne Gifted Bundt cake (mango) Bundt cake (mango)
C3E053 Ripples 01:48:54 FCG - FCG Baked Cinnamon Raisin Bagels (4) Baking ingredients
C3E053 Ripples 01:48:54 FCG - Chetney Gifted Cinnamon Raisin Bagel Cinnamon Raisin Bagel
C3E053 Ripples 01:48:54 FCG - Imogen Gifted Cinnamon Raisin Bagel Cinnamon Raisin Bagel
C3E053 Ripples 01:48:54 FCG - Fearne Gifted Cinnamon Raisin Bagel Cinnamon Raisin Bagel
C3E053 Ripples 01:48:54 FCG - Deanna Gifted Cinnamon Raisin Bagel Cinnamon Raisin Bagel
C3E054 Treacherous Toys 01:01:49 FRIDA - FCG Gifted Precious metal scraps, Ruby pieces Precious metal scraps, Ruby pieces
C3E054 Treacherous Toys 01:02:27 FCG - - Consumed Precious metal scraps, Ruby pieces
C3E054 Treacherous Toys 01:13:39 Deanna - FCG Stored Breakfast Breakfast
C3E054 Treacherous Toys 01:38:52 FCG - Oltgar Dradegon Gifted Breakfast
C3E055 Hope Within History 01:51:33 Party FCG Gifted Half of a tea kettle
C3E055 Hope Within History 01:50:33 Jaquoby Macyl FCG Gifted Cable (foot and a half), Cable (4 feet)
C3E055 Hope Within History 02:38:14 Catlyn's Clothier FCG Purchased New outfit, black negligee
C3E055 Hope Within History 03:23:23 Chetney FCG Distributed 100gp 100gp
C3E055 Hope Within History 03:23:23 FCG FCG Purchased Incense, ivory strips, diamond dust (100 gold worth) 100gp
C3E056 By Goat or By Boat 03:39:41 FCG - FCG Baked Muffins (4, Goat blood)
C3E056 By Goat or By Boat 03:39:41 FCG - Chetney Gifted Muffin (Goat blood)
C3E056 By Goat or By Boat 03:39:41 FCG - Deanna Gifted Muffin (Goat blood)
C3E056 By Goat or By Boat 03:39:41 FCG - Fearne Gifted Muffin (Goat blood)
C3E056 By Goat or By Boat 03:39:41 FCG - Imogen Gifted Muffin (Goat blood)
C3E056 By Goat or By Boat 03:41:28 FRIDA - FCG Gifted Sapphire
C3E056 By Goat or By Boat 03:41:44 FCG - - Consumed Sapphire
C3E057 The Sorrow of Molaesmyr 03:07:51 Chetney FCG Gifted Ring Ring
C3E058 Escape From The Past 01:18:12 - Gildhollow Tower FCG Looted Satchel
C3E058 Escape From The Past 02:03:10 - Gildhollow Tower FCG Looted Ludinus' Notes
C3E058 Escape From The Past 02:13:49 FRIDA - FCG Gifted Sweatshirt Sweatshirt
C3E065 A Path of Vengeance 03:08:27 FCG - FCG Baked Hot cocoa cookies, Bullseye muffins, Royal Ingredients
C3E065 A Path of Vengeance 03:08:27 FCG - Laudna Gifted Hot cocoa cookies, Bullseye muffins, Royal Hot cocoa cookies, Bullseye muffins, Royal
C3E069 Nice 00:29:30 FCG Fearne Gifted Cigarette Cigarette
C3E069 Nice 01:40:19 Ashton FCG Gifted Silver coins Silver coins
C3E069 Nice 02:18:21 Laudna FCG Gifted Drugs (small bag) Drugs (small bag)
C3E069 Nice 02:18:47 FCG Fearne Gifted Cigarette Cigarette
C3E069 Nice 02:40:38 FCG FCG Baked Biscuits Ingredients
C3E069 Nice 02:40:38 FCG Keyleth Gifted Biscuits
C3E069 Nice 03:50:54 Gargo FCG Looted Gargo feathers
C3E071 Mist and Whimsy 01:20:11 Chetney FCG Stolen Meat
C3E071 Mist and Whimsy 01:24:28 Chetney FCG Stolen Meat
C3E071 Mist and Whimsy 01:24:47 FCG Me Gifted Meat
C3E071 Mist and Whimsy 01:28:04 Me FCG Gifted Teal poop
C3E071 Mist and Whimsy 04:02:30 FCG FCG Baked Tea cookies Ingredients
C3E071 Mist and Whimsy 04:02:30 FCG Jirana Gifted Tea cookies
C3E073 Kindling the Spirits 02:10:08 FCG - FCG Baked Brownies (4, laced with All-Minds-Burn drugs) Ingredients
C3E074 Roots Between Worlds 01:03:41 Chetney FCG Gifted Rainbow trout Rainbow trout
C3E074 Roots Between Worlds 01:04:10 FCG FCG Baked Fish jerky Rainbow trout
C3E074 Roots Between Worlds 02:41:06 Chetney FCG Gifted Chetney statue Chetney statue
C3E077 The Promise and the Price 02:27:47 Laudna FCG Gifted Wok (copper) Wok (copper)
C3E077 The Promise and the Price 03:15:58 FCG FCG Baked Pastries (50), Apple Pie Ingredients
C3E077 The Promise and the Price 03:15:58 FCG Discarded Pastries
C3E077 The Promise and the Price 03:32:32 Percy de Rolo FCG Gifted Baking pan (gem-encrusted)
C3E078 Fractures 01:04:31 Imogen FCG Loaned Bag of Holding Bag of Holding
C3E080 A Test of Trust 02:48:48 Imogen - FCG Gifted Ivory Branch Ivory Branch
C3E080 A Test of Trust 02:56:04 FCG - Fearne Loaned Harness Harness
C3E081 The Eve of the Red Moon 01:09:50 FCG FCG Expended Heroes' Feast Jeweled baking dish
C3E081 The Eve of the Red Moon 02:09:05 Morrigan FCG Gifted Soul sphere
C3E081 The Eve of the Red Moon 02:10:10 FCG Consumed Soul sphere
C3E082 Rush for the Bloody Bridge 00:12:32 FCG Chetney Gifted Scroll of Greater Restoration Scroll of Greater Restoration
C3E082 Rush for the Bloody Bridge 00:14:32 FCG Chetney Gifted Arcane Disruption Device Arcane Disruption Device
C3E082 Rush for the Bloody Bridge 02:36:22 Chetney FCG Loaned Bag of Holding Bag of Holding
C3E082 Rush for the Bloody Bridge 02:36:42 FCG Fearne Loaned Bag of Holding Bag of Holding
C3E082 Rush for the Bloody Bridge 03:01:54 FCG Imogen Gifted Bomb (3d6) (x2) Bomb (3d6) (x2)
C3E082 Rush for the Bloody Bridge 03:07:06 FCG Expended (Cast Greater Restoration) 100g of diamond dust
C3E083 Ruidus 03:28:41 Reiloran Juggernaut FCG Looted Reiloran Juggernaut shoulder spike
C3E083 Ruidus 03:29:14 FCG Baked Apple Fritter (4) Ingredients
C3E083 Ruidus 03:29:14 FCG Laudna Gifted Apple Fritter Apple Fritter
C3E083 Ruidus 03:29:14 FCG Fearne Gifted Apple Fritter Apple Fritter
C3E083 Ruidus 03:29:14 FCG Imogen Gifted Apple Fritter Apple Fritter
C3E083 Ruidus 03:29:14 FCG Orym Gifted Apple Fritter Apple Fritter
C3E084 Red Rural Revelations 01:08:29 FCG Barthie/Chu Gifted Pastry
C3E084 Red Rural Revelations 03:22:25 FCG Old man (villager) Expended Healing potion
C3E086 Doorways to Darker Depths 00:15:35 FCG Eaten 2HP 2 Goodberries (eaten)
C3E087 Arrival at Kreviris 01:47:36 FCG Used Rary's Telepathic Bond Two eggshells
C3E088 Seeking Sedition 01:19:26 FCG Taken Slither teeth
C3E088 Seeking Sedition 01:33:15 FCG Loaned Buzzsaw blade
C3E088 Seeking Sedition 01:49:29 Zhesh FCG Bought/traded Oval-shaped "mood ring" for chest slot
C3E088 Seeking Sedition 01:50:53 Zhesh FCG Returned Improved Ruidian glass buzzsaw blade
C3E091 True Heroism 04:36:06 Fresh Cut Grass Ashton Retrieved Coin of the Changebringer

Episode Timestamp Administered by Administered to Potion Effect
C3E030 Reunion & Revelation 01:40:38 Ashton FCG Regular Healing FCG heals 9 points, is conscious
C3E036 A Desperate Call 03:28:48 FCG FCG Regular Healing FCG heals 10 points
C3E072 Phantasmal Parley 01:24:49 FCG FCG Regular Healing FCG heals 7 points
C3E084 Red Rural Revelations 03:22:44 FCG Old Bormodo man Regular Healing Old man heals 13 points and is back to full

Episode Timestamp Kiss
C3E055 Hope Within History 01:46:41 FRIDA kisses FCG on the cheek, which FCG makes “more lippy”
C3E056 By Goat or By Boat 01:19:00 FRIDA kisses FCG
C3E056 By Goat or By Boat 02:38:58 FCG kisses FRIDA
C3E064 Reunited 00:39:44 FRIDA kisses FCG to get him to calm down
C3E064 Reunited 04:06:30 FRIDA and FCG kiss goodbye
C3E091 True Heroism 04:38:10 Imogen kisses her fingers and touches the ground for FCG