The Omen Archive

previous episode C3E109 A Test of Fate
next episode C3E111 The Nein Hells

Thumbnail for episode 110. Sam and Robbie Daymond pose back-to-back. Sam stares forward seriously while Robbie’s mouth is open in a goofy smile. Sam is dressed in a black suit jacket and pants over a white collared shirt. Robbie wears a silky black short-sleeve button-up and watch. They stand against a colorful backdrop with splashes of turquoises and greens over white.


4h 4m 17s

Gameplay Start 00:08:01

Break Start 01:50:31

Break End 02:04:44

All Taverns Located in Titans’ Butts

  • Shanks’ Cantina

Stanley Cup

A tall cup covered in leathery monstrous skin. On the side is the text “4 A GOOD TIME CALL FEARNE’S MOM” in white. Sam sits behind the cup, staring forward pensively with his hand near his mouth.

HEY, there might be some SPOILERS under the thing:

Created by Flando Maltrizian, Master of Time(stamps)
Timestamp Description
00:00:25 The worst cat ad to date
00:05:15 Laura’s merch corner
00:06:10 Intro cinematic
00:10:40 Recap Ends
00:11:30 Naked Laudna
00:16:00 Italy isn’t canon, but Italian food is
00:17:40 We haven’t established how rich Braius is
00:23:40 Imogen is an unreliable narrator
00:26:15 Going over the Matron’s whole plan
00:27:55 Communal mask
00:30:45 Imogen’s mom doesn’t have a counter
00:37:30 Xandis Keybane (Braius is Dorian’s page)
00:43:50 Travis still doesn’t know boat terminology
00:45:25 Tavern in the Titan’s rectum
00:47:00 Key party (squire and squiee)
00:48:00 He should probably not have survived
00:54:25 Saying goodbye to Chetney every night
00:56:15 More tavern names
00:59:35 Communicating with Coriolis
01:03:35 Allura on saying goodbye
01:13:30 Who goes down the most
01:14:30 Chetney is courting investors
01:20:00 Team Titans GO! (What is Rome?)
01:21:55 Dorian makes Chet his sugar daddy
01:24:35 Team shopping (Cidrick’s)
01:30:35 Cidrick takes a turn
01:34:30 Testing the purity
01:36:45 How shady can one person be?
01:37:45 Do you spice?
01:40:55 I’m Cidrick, and that’s a promise
01:41:35 Liam’s minigolf story
01:43:40 By Popular Demand
02:02:45 Art Montage
02:04:40 BREAK ENDS (Team Titan)
02:05:45 Jerking on the side
02:08:05 Where’s the tavern?
02:11:05 In the titan you kill first, ask questions later
02:12:10 Titan Town
02:26:50 Ashton sticks his hand inside
02:30:00 Ashton communes with the Titan
02:36:00 ROCK AND STONE!!
02:48:40 Snap back to reality
02:51:30 Visions give you magic items
02:52:25 Kaos Krew
02:53:50 Shank
02:55:30 Laudna gets a call from the old ball-and-chain
02:56:40 You can’t fight the Malort, you have to embrace it
02:59:40 Sam’s cup (run down the leg)
03:02:10 Musical sex
03:05:35 Skysybil Mirimm
03:10:45 Four crazy days for Braius
03:13:35 Short rest in a can
03:17:55 Saying go get’em to Allura
03:19:10 Leeta
03:22:05 Fearne can’t transport via plants yet
03:27:35 Don’t have much
03:28:50 Ropy got strung up
03:32:35 Orym and his sisters
03:35:20 Wait, this goes to the moon?
03:36:55 Orym calls his mom to say goodbye
03:38:20 Imogen calls her dad as well
03:41:05 Braius is worried about not being trusted
03:45:10 Braius’s plan (the others will fall)
03:48:55 100-hour anniversary
03:49:25 Saying goodbye to Zhudanna
03:51:25 Hard to remember things from the beginning of the campaign
03:52:25 Ashton and Dorian
04:00:05 Greeting M9 as a posse
04:01:40 M9 reads BH for filth
04:04:30 Double the characters, double the fun
04:05:50 Episode Ends
Full time Gameplay time Game 1st half Game 2nd half Mid break 1st start 1st end 2nd start 2nd end
4h 4m 17s 3h 42m 3s 1h 42m 30s 1h 59m 33s 14m 13s 00:08:01 01:50:31 02:04:44 04:04:17

Guests were Robbie Daymond.

Total: 11

Name First mention First appearance Race (if given) Description (if given)
Ka'Mort, Empress of Earth (Confirmed in ExU Calamity) C3E071 Mist and Whimsy at 03:57:49 C3E110 In the Shadow of War at 02:42:45 Titan Appears to Ashton in C3E110 as a green burning gem of an eye
Cidrick C3E110 In the Shadow of War at 01:26:28 C3E110 In the Shadow of War at 01:26:57 Owner of Cidricks' Shines and Keepsakes in Vasselheim. Has gray hair and a gray curved mustache and a little Van Dyke goatee. (He/him)
Five neighborhood kids around the Vasselheim Titan C3E110 In the Shadow of War at 02:05:44 C3E110 In the Shadow of War at 02:05:44
Sixth neighborhood kid C3E110 In the Shadow of War at 02:07:28 C3E110 In the Shadow of War at 02:07:28 Half-elf No more than 13. Has scraggly black hair that mostly covers his face. (He/him)
Guy carrying groceries C3E110 In the Shadow of War at 02:09:53 C3E110 In the Shadow of War at 02:09:53 Collaterally scared when Laudna frightens the neighborhood kids; drops his groceries (He/him)
Older gentleman in Titan staircase C3E110 In the Shadow of War at 02:10:49 C3E110 In the Shadow of War at 02:10:49 Smells strongly of alcohol, holding a dark brown jug, asleep on his side (He/him)
Woman in Titan neighborhood C3E110 In the Shadow of War at 02:12:16 C3E110 In the Shadow of War at 02:12:16 In her 50s or 60s, knitting a scarf or a small shirt (She/her)
Shanks C3E110 In the Shadow of War at 02:08:14 C3E110 In the Shadow of War at 02:53:37 Guy with an oily skullet, thick bottle glasses and a long chin beard that knots into itself. First Mention is in the context of Shanks' Cantina. (He/him)
Group of four Kryn soldiers C3E110 In the Shadow of War at 03:03:58 C3E110 In the Shadow of War at 03:03:58 Drow Fully armored in rich, dark blue/purple chitinous armor with plates that intersect in insect-like ways, horned helmets that obscure their faces except for intelligent-looking eyes, wearing cloaks that fall from shoulder pauldrons
Skysibil Mirimm C3E110 In the Shadow of War at 03:05:23 C3E110 In the Shadow of War at 03:05:23 Goblin Older female goblin wearing beautiful, intricate ceremonial robes of purple and silver and gray, wearing a ceremonial shoulder mantle that curves up into multiple (4-5) points, and adorned with intricate silver and platinum jewelry containing sigils and symbols. Her robe has heavy sleeves. She has long grey hair with streaks of white, pale skin, and warm eyes. (She/her)
Two armored generals C3E110 In the Shadow of War at 03:16:17 C3E110 In the Shadow of War at 03:16:17 Talking to Allura

Total: 3

Timestamp Whisper
01:28:02 Matt to Sam about whether Cidrick is actually sold out of gems
01:36:03 Matt to Laura about whether Cirdick was actually a tutor
02:08:37 Matt to Ashley about whether there is in fact a tavern called the Shanks' Cantina in the titan's asshole

Total: 3

Timestamp Occasion Type
02:31:47 Remembering the Titans Unknown
02:33:08 Remembering the Titans Unknown
02:34:21 Remembering the Titans Unknown

NOTE: Numbers represent damage as dealt, taking into account resistances and other effects, and may differ from the damage as rolled.

Total: 0

Character Damage dealt
Ashton 0
Fearne 0
Imogen 0
Laudna 0
Orym 0
Dorian 0
Chetney 0
Braius 0
Beau 0
Caduceus 0
Caleb 0
Fjord 0
Jester 0
Veth 0
Yasha 0

NOTE: Numbers represent damage as taken, taking into account resistances and other effects, and may differ from the damage as rolled.

Total: 0

Character Damage taken
Ashton 0
Fearne 0
Imogen 0
Laudna 0
Orym 0
Dorian 0
Chetney 0
Braius 0
Beau 0
Caduceus 0
Caleb 0
Fjord 0
Jester 0
Veth 0
Yasha 0

Total: 0

Character Healing performed
Ashton 0
Fearne 0
Imogen 0
Laudna 0
Orym 0
Dorian 0
Chetney 0
Braius 0
Beau 0
Caduceus 0
Caleb 0
Fjord 0
Jester 0
Veth 0
Yasha 0

Total: 22

Character Spell Base level Cast at Notes
Imogen Prestidigitation Cantrip Cantrip
Imogen Prestidigitation Cantrip Cantrip
Imogen Prestidigitation Cantrip Cantrip
Imogen Prestidigitation Cantrip Cantrip
Imogen Prestidigitation Cantrip Cantrip
Imogen Prestidigitation Cantrip Cantrip
Imogen Prestidigitation Cantrip Cantrip
Imogen Sending 3 3
Imogen Sending 3 3
Imogen Prestidigitation Cantrip Cantrip
Imogen Sending 3 3
Dorian Find Greater Steed 4 4
Braius Speak With Animals 1 1
Dorian Charm Person 1 1
Imogen Mage Hand Cantrip Cantrip
Imogen Mage Hand Cantrip Cantrip
Imogen Detect Thoughts 2 - Via Open Mind
Laudna Spider Climb 2 2
Fearne Druidcraft Cantrip Cantrip
Fearne Identify 1 1
Imogen Sending 3 3
Imogen Sending 3 3

Total: 17

Timestamp Payer Where obtained Recipient How obtained Gained item(s)/money Paid item(s)/money Notes
00:17:38 Braius 1gp Tithe for Raven's Crest
00:27:54 Laudna Braius Loaned Matron of Ravens' Mask
01:12:47 Party Gifted Potion of Greater Healing From Allura
01:12:47 Party Gifted Potion of Healing From Allura
01:13:14 Party Gifted Potion of Superior Healing From Allura
01:15:47 Chetney Gifted 400pp 35sp From Allura
01:31:20 Party Purchased 900g of diamond dust 1200gp
01:40:12 Chetney Purchased half box of fusaka 200gp
02:24:28 Laudna Retrieved crystals from the Titan's corpse
02:58:34 Ashton Purchased two bottles of Shank's 5sp
02:58:37 Laudna Gifted Prism's Hair
03:00:50 Chetney Created toysx2
03:08:43 Party Gifted Potion of Possibilityx2 From Kryn Dynasty
03:08:43 Party Gifted Sphere of Dunamantic Restoration From Kryn Dynasty
03:29:39 Laudna Retrieved length of rope It's Ropey!
03:40:27 Ashton Party Consumed two bottles of Shank's
03:52:06 Ashton Dorian good liquor
Timestamp Description Mention type Notes
00:16:26 Since everything happened with Delilah, Laudna doesn't feel a pull towards powerful items in the same way she used to Mention
02:18:51 Laudna knows what the Titan was used for (because of Delilah) Mention (not by name)
Timestamp Description Mention type Notes
00:15:26 Dorian used the benefits from absorbing an item with the Quintessance Array during the conflict in the Matron's realm Above table
00:26:09 The Hells haven't talked about their encounter with the Matron yet. Dorian liked her better than he liked the Arch Heart, and the Hells wonder if she could've seen more about their fates. In world
00:27:28 Braius wants to keep the Matron's mask for now, to use it to pray. (It's the Hells' communal mask now) In world
00:28:18 The Matron is the only god that Ashton ever really respected In world
00:49:11 Imogen thinks that the Arch Heart and the Matron are the only two gods who will have an unexpected opinion on what should happen next In world
00:50:00 Braius isn't necessarily going to pray to the Matron while holding her mask, maybe to the Platinum Dragon In world
00:50:15 Dorian touched a thread in the Matron's realm and had a vision of Opal In world
01:07:36 The party got all their hit points and spell slots back after their scrap with the Matron because it was essentially a vision Above table
03:15:26 The cast debates casting Identify on the Matron's mask In world

Total: 2

Timestamp Speaker Said to Notes
00:47:52 Fearne Xandis
00:47:54 Xandis Fearne