The Omen Archive

previous episode C3E068 For The Tempest
next episode C3E070 Embattled in Bassuras

Data prior to Campaign 3 Episode 82 provided by the team at CritRoleStats. Please see Bells Hells Campaign Stats — CritRoleStats for their version of this data.

Thumbnail for episode 69. Ashley, Taliesin, Laura, Travis, Matt, Marisha, Sam, and Liam pose against a colorful backdrop.

Full time Gameplay time Game 1st half Game 2nd half Mid break 1st start 1st end 2nd start 2nd end
3h 57m 40s 3h 33m 44s 1h 54m 27s 1h 39m 17s 12m 47s 00:09:39 02:04:06 02:16:53 03:56:10

Name First mention First appearance Race (if given) Description (if given)
Ulli (Confirmed by Matt) C3E069 Nice at 00:56:15 C3E069 Nice at 00:56:15 Halfling Gentleman with massive gray goatee that completely obscures his mouth, hair pushed back in this fright wig type of style, tinted goggles, sleeveless leather tunic, medieval flight suit vibe (he/him)
Air Ashari Skysailer C3E069 Nice at 01:01:42 C3E069 Nice at 01:01:42 Elf Woman in human equivalent of mid-20s, short brown hair that’s almost cut to a buzz cut except for the top where it’s slicked back, goggles (she/her)
Airy Eyrie Employee 1 C3E069 Nice at 01:38:09 C3E069 Nice at 01:38:09 Genasi (Air) Gentleman in late 50s, bit of a receding hairline, short salt and pepper hair on the sides, thicker glasses at the end of his nose, bright smile with big gap in his front teeth (he/him)
Airy Eyrie Employee 2 C3E069 Nice at 01:37:47 C3E069 Nice at 01:37:47
Yios Hostel Patron 1 C3E069 Nice at 03:10:37 C3E069 Nice at 03:10:37 Young adult
Yios Hostel Patron 2 C3E069 Nice at 03:10:37 C3E069 Nice at 03:10:37 Young adult
Gargo's master C3E069 Nice at 03:44:23 (she/her)
Stanley (Confirmed by Matt) C3E069 Nice at 03:51:52 C3E069 Nice at 03:51:52 Orc Gentleman, Yios guard, big (he/him)

Timestamp Description
01:42:31 Ashton can try to make some booze. Not right now in the bar, later.
01:42:52 FCG has been slow-baking some brownies. Unfortunately, so has Chetney.
01:54:40 FCG wonders if Ashton is anti-god because they are Team Titan.
02:26:24 Has Fearne ever seen Big D? Chetney assures them she has.
03:18:29 Dancer tries to process everything FCG and Imogen present her.
03:19:44 In a different timeline, Chetney attacks Keyleth/Laudna.

NOTE: Numbers represent damage as dealt, taking into account resistances and other effects, and may differ from the damage as rolled.

Character Damage dealt
Ashton 0
Fearne 16
Imogen 8
Laudna 0
Orym 0
Chetney 0

NOTE: Numbers represent damage as taken, taking into account resistances and other effects, and may differ from the damage as rolled.

Character Damage taken
Ashton 22
Fearne 22
FCG 36
Imogen 22
Laudna 22
Orym 22
Chetney 40

Character Healing performed
Ashton 0
Fearne 0
FCG 64
Imogen 0
Laudna 0
Orym 0
Chetney 0

Character Spell Base level Cast at Notes
Imogen Fly 3 3
Laudna Prestidigitation Cantrip Cantrip
Imogen Prestidigitation Cantrip Cantrip
Laudna Infestation Cantrip Cantrip
Imogen Prestidigitation Cantrip Cantrip
Laudna Wither and Bloom 2 2
Imogen Prestidigitation Cantrip Cantrip
Laudna Mending Cantrip Cantrip
Imogen Prestidigitation Cantrip Cantrip
Chetney Rite of the Flame - -
Orym Sending 3 - Via stone, Caleb
Imogen Mage Hand Cantrip Cantrip
Fresh Cut Grass Teleport 7 - Via Staff of Dark Odyssey
Fresh Cut Grass Mass Healing Word 3 3
Fresh Cut Grass Locate Creature 4 4
Fresh Cut Grass Lesser Restoration 2 2
Imogen Catapult 1 1
Fearne Scorching Ray 2 2
Imogen Shocking Grasp Cantrip Cantrip
Fearne Speak with Animals 1 1
Fresh Cut Grass Identify 1 - Via Lens
Orym Grasping Vine 4 - Via Seedling
Fresh Cut Grass Channel Divinity: Turn Undead - -
Fearne Guidance Cantrip Cantrip
Laudna Unsettling Presence - -

PC natural 20s

Total: 1

Timestamp Character Description
01:20:23 Laudna Strength Check

PC natural 1s

Total: 1

Timestamp Character Description
03:19:30 FCG Persuasion Check with advantage (disregarded)

DM natural 20s

Total: 1

Timestamp Character Description
03:37:50 Gargo/S***head Dexterity Save

Total: 1

Timestamp Character Description
03:48:25 FCG Gargo/S***head, Destroy Undead

Timestamp Payer Where obtained Receipient How obtained Gained item(s)/money Paid item(s)/money Notes
00:26:09 Fanny Z Ashton Retrieved New Outfit
00:29:30 FCG Fearne Gifted Cigarette Cigarette
01:03:13 Laudna Zephrah Laudna Purchased Skysail Ride, goggles 20gp
01:03:13 Chetney Zephrah Chetney Purchased Skysail Ride, goggles 20gp
01:33:55 Torth Orym Retrieved New Outfit
01:38:47 Orym Airy Eyrie Party Purchased Drinks 1pp
01:40:19 Ashton FCG Gifted Silver coins Silver coins
02:18:21 Laudna FCG Gifted Drugs (small bag) Drugs (small bag)
02:18:47 FCG Fearne Gifted Cigarette Cigarette
02:26:58 Alma Party Gifted Biscuits
02:40:38 FCG FCG Baked Biscuits Ingredients
02:40:38 FCG Keyleth Gifted Biscuits
02:40:44 Party Keyleth Gifted Muffins
02:50:18 Keyleth Party Gifted Blue Perennem Flower Poultice
03:50:54 Gargo FCG Looted Gargo feathers

Timestamp Kiss
00:54:04 Fearne kisses Orym’s hand
02:01:16 Laudna kisses Imogen

Timestamp Description Mention type Notes
01:54:19 Laudna reaches out to Delilah in Zephrah; Imogen and Laudna talk about Delilah and call out to the Moonweaver Mention
02:03:44 "No matter who you pray to, no matter who you reach for, you are, and will always be, mine." Appearance (voice only)
03:45:03 What if Shithead's necromancer was Delilah? Out of character

Timestamp Description Mention type Notes
01:48:49 The party discusses the gods and Orym, Fearne, and Chetney mention their collective vision at the Matron temple Mention
01:59:04 Laudna says she has a feeling that the Matron doesn't look kindly on someone like her Mention
02:00:19 Travis says he thinks the cleric who was there after Eshteross died (Weva Vudol) was of the Duskmaven Out of character