The Omen Archive

Data prior to Campaign 3 Episode 82 provided by the team at CritRoleStats. Please see Potions Consumed - Marquet - Google Sheets for their version of this data.

Episode Timestamp Administered by Administered to Potion Effect
C3E005 The Threat Between the Walls 03:30:18 Ashton Ashton Regular Healing Ashton heals 5 points
C3E005 The Threat Between the Walls 03:33:12 Orym Imogen Regular Healing Imogen heals 8 points, is conscious
C3E014 In Too Deep 02:48:37 Ashton Ashton Regular Healing Ashton heals 9 points
C3E014 In Too Deep 02:56:17 Chetney Guard Regular Healing Guard heals, is resistant to poison
C3E020 Breaking and Entering... 03:08:25 Chetney Chetney Greater Healing Chetney heals 16 points
C3E030 Reunion & Revelation 01:40:38 Ashton FCG Regular Healing FCG heals 9 points, is conscious
C3E030 Reunion & Revelation 01:41:38 Chetney Imogen Regular Healing Imogen heals 7 points, is conscious
C3E033 Blood and Dust 02:09:19 Orym Ashton Regular Healing Ashton heals 4 points, is conscious
C3E036 A Desperate Call 03:28:48 FCG FCG Regular Healing FCG heals 10 points
C3E037 From the Boughs 02:00:02 Chetney Chetney Greater Healing Chetney heals 17 points
C3E037 From the Boughs 02:01:00 Chetney Chetney Possibility Chetney has two fragments of possibility
C3E037 From the Boughs 02:01:06 Imogen Imogen Possibility Imogen has two fragments of possibility
C3E037 From the Boughs 03:27:08 Ashton Ashton Possibility Ashton has two fragments of possibility
C3E037 From the Boughs 03:44:26 Imogen Imogen Regular Healing Imogen heals 9 points
C3E037 From the Boughs 04:04:56 Imogen Imogen Regular Healing Imogen heals 10 points
C3E047 The Fey Key 03:50:46 Laudna Laudna Greater Healing Laudna heals at least 12 points
C3E051 The Apogee Solstice 00:20:43 Fearne Fearne Possibility Fearne has two fragments of possibility
C3E063 A Haunted Past 01:29:12 Deni$e Hevestro Regular Healing Hevestro heals 9 points, is conscious
C3E063 A Haunted Past 02:40:32 Orym Prism Greater Healing Prism heals 15 points, is conscious
C3E067 Bloody Flowers 03:23:47 Imogen Imogen Superior Healing Imogen heals 26 points
C3E072 Phantasmal Parley 01:24:49 FCG FCG Regular Healing FCG heals 7 points
C3E077 The Promise and the Price 04:01:45 Ashton Ashton Regular Healing None (potion evaporated)
C3E080 A Test of Trust 03:00:48 Fearne Fearne Heroism 10 Temp HP, Bless spell
C3E084 Red Rural Revelations 03:22:44 FCG Old Bormodo man Regular Healing Old man heals 13 points and is back to full
C3E091 True Heroism 00:15:11 Imogen Evoroa Regular Healing Evoroa heals 6 hit points
C3E091 True Heroism 02:51:14 Chetney Imogen Greater Healing Imogen heals 12 points
C3E091 True Heroism 03:50:41 Ashton Ashton Greater Healing Ashton heals 14 points
C3E091 True Heroism 04:07:30 Orym Orym Greater Healing Orym heals an unknown amount
C3E091 True Heroism 04:35:35 Chetney Orym Greater Healing Orym heals an unknown amount
C3E091 True Heroism 04:35:45 Imogen Ashton Greater Healing Imogen heals an unknown amount
C3E094 Where The Red Fearne Glows 01:30:25 Orym Fearne Greater Healing Fearne heals 17 points
C3E098 The Nox Engine 01:02:19 Braius Braius Healing Braius heals for 4 points
C3E098 The Nox Engine 03:00:02 Orym Orym Speed Haste spell
C3E102 Reconciliation 03:21:57 Ashton Orym Healing Orym heals for 6 points